• I was surprised when Harry and Hermione shared a kiss BUT I was super surprised when Luna and Harry shared a kiss later in the year. Yes that is right Harry Potter kissed the loony Luna Lovegood. Okay she isn't really that loony but you get the point.

    It was in the room of requirment around christmas. It was actually really simalair to Harry and Cho's snog fifth year but Luna wasn't crying.Okay she was but still. Harry was sitting in a chair studying when Luna sat on the arm of the chair

    Luna nodded at the book " What'cha doing ? "

    " Studying "

    " Oh do you need any help ? "

    " Actually yes . Can you quiz me. "

    " Ya sure "

    Luna helped Harry study until it was dark. The room was dark except for the light coming off the moon. Luna helped Harry clean up his books and watched as he started to walk to the door. He turned around and said " Aren't you going to go back to Ravenclaw tower ? "

    " No I'm gonna spend the night here "

    " WHy ? "

    " Because I don't want to deal with the other Ravenclaw girls. "

    " And why is that Luna "

    " BEcause they are mean to me " Luna begins to cry silently " They all call me Loony Lovegood "

    Harry walked back over to Luna and said " Well that isn't very nice of them. "

    At that moment the cloud that was covering half the moon moved. The moonlight hit Luna's face is such a way that made her look beautiful. Don't get me wrong I think she's pretty normally but she looked beautiful. Harry leaned in and whispered something into her ear. To this very day I still don't know what he said. But the next thing I know they are kissing. I don't know who started it I just know that they kissed for quite a while . Harry sat next to Luna and let her cry herself to sleep. Harry wrapped him arms around her and fell asleep himself. And that is how they stayed until morning