• Suddenly, everything vanished from my sight and I found myself in a coma. I heard the beeping of my heart rater and the sound of protestant customers jabbering in my head. Sounds were like needles to me now. Every sound I heard, it could be either good or bad. They've usually been turning out bad in this point. The sounds of boots and my mom's clumpy heels started to ring in my ears. My mom then came into view and raced toward me with hugs and kisses. "Oh baby are you all right?," she managed to say through her hugs and kisses, "I found you on the floor and checked you out but you didn't have the normal heart rate and you were hyperventilating and crying and you looked like you were just torn to shreds and there was a big trauma about...o I'm so sorry Mary. I love you." "I can't promise that I'm fine...but the sound that heart machine thingy, I sound pretty good. I love you to Mom...and..I-I just can't believe..dead," my voice faded into a whisper and I found myself crying again. "She's in the coma too. Ten doors down. Maybe we can manage to get you over there for a visit," she chuckled then wiped the tears from my eyes. "Okay," I whispered.

    I then saw her walking away from me and toward the doctor. I couldn't really hear anything of what they were saying. Then I saw the doctor walking toward me. "You're gonna get to visit your friend now," the doctor said to me than gave me a friendly smile. I smiled back. It was kind of fun to be in a bed with wheels being pulled pass all the doors. I just closes my eyes and pretended that I was on a magic carpet drifting toward to a magical enchanted place where nothing ever went wrong. Not in a hellish world that I live in. But really, I guess it'd be hell if we didn't get a chance on Earth to live a wonderful (or simply horrible) life. I guess I'm lucky. Lucky that I'm still alive, that I might have a chance to see my best friend again (alive), and to be in a safe place with my family. I felt the cart-like-bed move sharply to the left and heard the sound of a heart rating thing again. I felt so happy to see Stephanie I jolted up and grabbed her bed to pull myself toward her. But she wasn't awake. Her dark natural skin had now turned into a pale white. Her beautiful long black hair was all ruffled up. It didn't look good together.

    to be continued..(i'm going to watch Peter Pan)