• A few days after reading that note from Shaun (The 'emo' boy) Rina began to change. She never smiled. She refused to talk to her friends at lunch. She never ate or did her homework, she didn't even sleep anymore. The clothes she wore became darker and eventually her parents made her go see a counselor. On the very first visit the counselor asked her why she was so sad. Her response was:

    "I finally see, why a person should cry. They should cry for love they may never feel. And for the hate that has become all to real. I am sad because, now all I can see is him. Because of him all I know is gone. Because everyday I see him at school my mind goes blank and everyone else just disappears. I'm blind because he loves me. I'm blind because I think I love him back."

    After that day at the counselors Rina became even more miserable. After 2 weeks Rina didn't even bother sitting with her friends at lunch anymore. She sat alone. One day she just couldn't take it anymore and broke down crying at lunch. She heard someone sit next to her and looked up to see Shaun. She wiped her tears away and sighed.

    "What do you want?" She asked

    He smiled. "I want to tell you that I was wrong. I'm not blind because of you. Because of you my days are brighter and every color seems to glow. When I see you music seems so much more beautiful and life seems to be worth living. The real reason for me to cry is seeing you like this. Rina, Your don't make me blind, you make me see."