• ::::CHAPTER 01:::: (200 miles away.)--Sir, im 20 min. away from the target,what are any further orders?-- Asked the terrorist pilot. "nothing so far corperal. proceed with operation."--Yessir-- the pilot replied.----(20 miles away in the city.) *huff* *huff* Edge was panting. he had been running from the men for hours. "I'll need a weapon to defend myself, if those guys catch me." he muttered to himself. He saw a pipe that had been dcarded and picked it up. "This will do for now. Its the best I've got." he rested for a moment, then continued running----(10 miles away.)-Sir, i have 2 min. until i reach the target, any requests?-- "no corperal, i still have no requests. Do not report until you have exterminated the target." --Yessir-- The pilot replied.----(30 seconds till terrorist reaches target. "so it begins huh?" said the cloacked figure the bird like creature."lets move before we are in the danger zone." (around the same time.) "There he is, get 'im!" shouted multiple voices. <crap.> thought Edge. <I'm cornered. guess i'll have to fight my way through these guys.> (some men back him into a wall.) "We don't like ya disrespectin' our boss, kid." Said a big man, obviously the leader of the small mob. "So we're gonna have ta teach ya a lesson you'll never forget." "any last wo-" He was enterrupted by the defence system loud speaker.*Attention all citizens, tthere is a enemy jet armed with a nuklear bomb.initiating code black. everyone please go orderly to the nearest nukelear bomb shelter." "Lets get outta here." the man said a little to late. BOOM. the whole city shook. Edge was blinded by a white light. before he blacked out, he saw the man and his buddies that chased him desentigrate, and he wonered -Am I going to die that way?- Then darkness took him away from the grotesque scene. (End of Chapter 1)