• The snow was cold enough to kill a bird after a while, but I continued on, trudging through the snow, looking for any remains of my roommate, Kyle.
    “Kyle!” I called, I’d been yelling for hours without an answer, and now my voice was dry and cracked. In the mountains, anything can happen, so why was I looking for him? I don’t know. All I knew was, when he didn’t come back after two days, I was scared. So here I was, in the middle of nowhere searching for my roommate.
    Kyle was one for pranks so, for all I knew, he’d probably ditched me while I was still asleep. Ahead of me, I could barely make out a red streak on the snow.
    “No,” I whispered to myself. I leaped over a pile of snow and ran toward it. When I got to it I followed it but it leaded to nowhere, it just ended. I searched for a whole day, but there was no sign of him.
    I headed home in my Jeep at the end of the Jeep; I was going to report the disappearance of Kyle to the police.
    A mangled body hit the windshield of my car and I swerved to the side, falling into the mountainside. I jumped out of my car and ran to see if I hit that thing or what.
    But as I got to it I slowed, not only was it burned in various places, but it was Kyle. I screamed and turned to my Jeep. Then, in the sky, I saw a giant bat-like creature. I swooped toward me and picked me off the ground.
    Suddenly, the thing flung me at a sharp rock and blood sprayed from my leg, but it just picked me back up and dragged me to a cave where it through me into a fire, and began to chomp on my leg, ignoring my screams.
    --------------------------------------------the end------------------------------------------------