• There was fog on the windows. The car was silent, and didn't seem to be moving.I turned my head away from it looking at the man driving.
    "s**t." he said. He looked at me. His gorgeous deep blue eyes were fixed onto mine. Though, I knew better than to be taken in by them.
    "Kai... Would you?" he asked, his eyes showing vulnerability, yet still such strength. He knew I wouldn't disobey him.
    I reached for the handle, hesitating briefly, then pushing the door open. It was nearly frozen shut. But I didn't really care. I stepped out, feeling the cold breeze brush my face.
    It was a cold night, one that wouldn't snow nor rain, but would freeze any normal person. The kind of night I loved.
    I looked back into the car. He wouldn't come outside with me. I didn't understand why. He just hated it when it was like this for some reason. I could never figure out why.
    Sighing, I walked around to the front of the car. I lifted the hood, looking at the engine. It was fine, apart from being frozen. And the only way it would start again would be if he came around and fixed it for us.
    "Toiro, get your a** out here!" I yelled, though I knew he wouldn't come out. He may have been older,but I swear to God he was afraid of this kind of night.
    He peeked his head out the door. His naturally blonde hair showed the black streaks quite nicely in the moon light. His eyes were changing to purple red in colour.
    "No. Get back in Kairai." He said, waiting for me to move. He could see I wasn't going to move. "Fine. Freeze to death. Not my problem."
    I sighed and walked around. Getting in the car, I noticed the scent of blood was in the air. I looked at Toiro. It was from his lips. Those damn piercings he'd gotten a while back were doing this to him.
    But still... I Lent in closer. He avoided my gaze. "We should get some sleep." His voice was soft, yet serious. He pulled off his jacket and wrapped it around me.
    I Lent on his shoulder, waiting for him to take the jacket back. He knew I'd be fine. I always slept better-when it was colder and I had no blankets.
    Toiro kissed my forehead. He put his hand under my chin, and pushed my head up to face his, gently. He looked into my eyes and blushed. He Lent in, kissing me softly on the lips.
    He broke the kiss, pulling away quickly as if I'd done something wrong. He went to sleep without saying goodnight. Even wrapped in his arms, I couldn't fall asleep. We had done something bad. And, all I could think of was what would happen now.