• I enter this hostile land equipped with a gun into a land, a land of death but what can I do I'm just one man what can I do what difference will it make, whether I make a difference I have to fight like every person I fight with or fight against, we have our reasons some fight for the protection of their families while others fight for there nations freedom , while there are many reasons the main reason is the fact we fight for what we believe is right, and we won't stop we can't stop, many soldiers think it's easy till they fight in the frontlines then they realize their life is actually in danger, but we don't give up we weren't in this just so we can give up.

    We enter the area we look around cautiously with weapons loaded and ready for any resistance we get, we walk on the side to avoid hidden bombs or other traps on the road set out for us, but still we watch where we step just in case there are hidden traps on the sides, then we here the sounds of screaming and a barrage of bullets come our way taking out some of my comrads some who were good friends, we find any cover we can and return fire, I get hit by machine gun rounds, fatally wounded I fall on the ground some soldiers try helping me but it's futile, I just look at the sky as I lay on the ground, then I smile then close my eyes then silence no guns no explosions no screaming just silence