• I ran down the steps f the spiraling staircase inside the ice castle, I don’t know why, but I did. Suddenly 5 or 6 guards appeared at the end of the staircase.
    “Halt your majesty! The note you left in your room is invalid,” They told me. “Please go back!”
    How dare they tell me what to do! I was the prince here! I just sent a whirlwind of ice towards them and froze their armor, freezing it to the ground. I then heard the other guards come running and yelling down the staircase. That’s a bad sign. I ran past the frozen guards and towards the prison cells outside of the castle.
    Right before I went outside my younger sister, Hironi, materialized out of nowhere, grabbing my arm.
    “Demone, can I ask you something?” she asked beaming up at me. The guards were far behind me, so I decided to stop, rest, and figure out what she wanted.
    “What is it?” I asked breathlessly. I didn’t realize how fast I was running, let alone how far!
    “Do you have a suggestion on how to defeat Demonic?” she asked.
    “Uh…heh, heh. No, not really” I answered. She wanted to be the next demon queen, the only thing was that Demonic and I, the eldest two, were still deciding on which of us would take the throne, leaving her out. The only way for her to be the next in line was for her to defeat us both in battle, which she still has yet to do. I then heard the guards and yanked my arm out of her grip.
    “Hey!” she yelled as I ran away.
    “NO! Now GIVE it UP already!!” I yelled over my shoulder. Hironi just stood there fuming and shooting daggers into my back with her eyes. I swear she grew horns!!!
    As I approached the prison gates I saw my twin, Demonic, exiting them. As he left he brushed some of his pitch-black hair over his right eye. When he saw me he extended his arm and hit me in the stomach, making me stop.
    “What are you doing here?” he asked. Unlike me Demonic was the calm, cool, cold, and collected twin, almost heartless.
    “I could ask you the same thing,” I parried.
    “I asked first.”
    “I came to see our grandfather, you?”
    “I also saw him, and I should tell you that it would be best if you just turned around and headed back.” Was he telling me what to do?! He doesn’t have that right!!!
    “Make me!!” I yelled then tried to stomp past him. He just grabbed my arm.
    “Don’t,” he said. I sent a powerful blast of ice, snow, frost, and wind at him. When he let me go to block my attack I ran through the prison gates…