• I had to hurry… the sun would rise soon and it was dangerous to be in open clouds like this at that time. Why oh, why had I done that? I ask myself as I fly solo through the darkness, it got me banished… I mentally slap myself, get it together! You did it because you were guarding her… I was so absorbed in my thoughts that I didn’t notice the shadow that had appeared behind me. It smirked before it melted into the surrounding misty clouds.
    Suhtzki stopped for a rest on a fluffy white cloud. He sat and took a deep breath of the fresh air, before coughing in some car exhaust. All this wing work is making me tired, I sigh as I take out my sword and start cleaning it on a piece of the clouds cottony, soft texture. I shine the silver of the blade and the beautifully carved details on it. I scrub out all the dirt and grime, and then look at my reflection on the blade. A darker patch of shadow catches my eye as it’s reflected on my sword blade but it soon disappears. I peer into the early morning mist but not before I’m surrounded by dark looking angels emitting a greenish glow.
    Darn it! The Erasers found me! Erasers are a vampiric race of shape-shifters who feed on beings Life-blood, humans call it adrenaline. It’s only activated when feelings run high but it is constantly pumping through your veins.
    The one who seemed to be the leader of the group came forward as I lifted off the cloud. “Well what do we have here?” the Eraser asks in a sinister voice, “Why it looks like a little angel strayed from home. We could help you get back.” He flashes his short fangs and they gleam in the early morning light. “Why would I go with you!” I spit at him, “if you did take me back I’d be drained of my Life-blood and they wouldn’t take me anyway!” I growl.
    “Why not?” he mocks me, “I thought angels were perfect beings.” He spins in a circle and flutters his eyelids like a stereotypical girl. I pull my sword off the cloud and stand in the ready position, “I won’t let you touch me!” I threaten.
    “Is that so!” crows the Eraser as the gang makes a smaller and smaller circle around me, “Is that so!” he hoots as the first Erasers approach me.
    “Look here! Look here! This small angel thinks he can fend off the best Eraser gang of the skies!” He’s convulsed in laughter and falls on a cloud, wings folded. It instantly turns gray and starts spouting water droplets. An Eraser gets too close, SWISH! FWAPP! He loses a hand. Dark blackish blood seeps out of the stump where his hand used to be and he screams in agony.