• So this one time i was sitting in my bedroom staring out of my bedroom window thinking about all the stuff that had happened to me earlier today because today had been a really really long day and i was super duper tired stressed , when all of a sudden out of nowhere i see this weird guy dressed in all black sneaking around outside my house looking around the grounds and trying ot find a way in eek , and i was like OMG he's trying ot break into our house eek and all i could really do is start panicking gonk because i was so freaked out because this kind of thing had never really happened to me before because my parents had always had the best security system in the world and NO ONE has better security than my dad cuz he works for the CIA wahmbulance , which was why i was so panicky but then i though, Oh wait i should probably do something about this, andn so i stopped panicking for a while and then calmed myself down and when i had calmed myself down i ran into my parents room and started trying to wake up my mom and dad, but i couldn't do it cuz their both like really really heavy sleepers, so then i started panicking gonk again because i didn't know what to do and stuff, and then out of nowhere i heard this crash coming from the kitchen and i started freaking out again cuz the guy had somehow gotten into the house and i didn't know what to do so i turned back to my parents and started tryng to wake them up again but it still didn't work cuz like i said, they're REALLY heavy sleepers gonk , so i gave up and ran into my parents' walk in closet and found the old nightstick that my dad likes to keep in there and then i tiptoed out into the hallway so i could see if the guy was still downstairs and just as i was starting to think he was gone i started hearing voices and all i could think was Oh crap there's more than one of them cry and this got me all panicky again and so i ran back in my parents room and started poking them with the nightstick to try and wake them up, but it STILL wouldn't work, so then i sat down on the floor and tried to calm down and a few minutes later i was all calm and a little bit braver and so i went back out into the hall and ran down the stairs before i culd stop myself and ran right into the kitchen and before the robbers ninja could even think about what was happening to them i started screaming and beating on them with the nightstick scream scream scream and then they started screaming from the pain crying crying and i started screaming louder cuz they had started screaming and before i knew it they were on the floor all bruised and battered and stuff and i was too tired to keep hitting on them, and then out of nowhere my dad came runnning downstairs in his underwear wondering what had happened and i explained abou the robbers and what i did and dad was all proud of me and stuff and told me to go unmask the robbers ninja cuz he wanted to see who it was that had tried to break into his house, so i went up to the robbers ninja and took off their mask and i couldn't help but gasp, and neither could my dad because under the masks were my two brothers Johnny and Leo dramallama and dad was like What were you doing and Johnny started explaining about how he and Leo had left their keys inside the house and had had to break in crying and i was like OOOOOH redface and dad was like OMG seriously burning_eyes and they were like yeah and so i was like oops, sorry i thought you were robbers and they both just looked at me and groaned in pain and so dad called an ambulance wahmbulance and then they were taken to the hospital to be made better and i went back to bed because that was all i could really think to do cuz i was so tired from beatin on Johnny and Leo with the nightstick. whee

    THE END!!! xp

    Where do i get these ideas? From my head on really bored days!