“What’s up Eliza? Ready to go home and give Emmett the satisfaction of winning?” Jasper sound with a tone. Eliza sat up and tackled him. “I ain’t up for this crap of yours right now Jas. So shut your mouth before I shut it up permanently.” Eliza said with fury in her voice. Alice didn’t stop her, knowing how troubled Eliza was at the moment. Eliza stood up and began breaking trees near her. She really was trying not to think of Harry at the moment. She fell back and watched the clouds pass by. As she closed her eyes, Harry’s face and scent passed her mind. “DAMN THAT POTTER BOY!!!” she screamed aloud which made Alice and Jasper cover their ears. Eliza’s voice was so sharp even for them.
Alice and Jasper looked at each other wondering which of them would be the unlucky vampire to tell Eliza that Carlisle wants them for a few days. Eliza walked back towards them and new that they were about to tell her something. When she was a few meters close to them, she read Alice’s mind. Her eyes widened and “WHAT?! Both of you are going home?!” she burst into a rage. “We’ll only be gone for a couple of days. We’ll come back as soon as we can. We promise.” Jasper quickly calmed her down. “You better! Don’t make me go home and get the two of you back.” Eliza said and ran back to Hogwarts.
The next day, Emmett, Edward, Rosalie, Bella, and Renesmee came to pick up Alice and Jasper. By coincidence, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were on their way to class when they saw the Cullens. Renesmee smiled and ran to Harry to give him a hug. Harry carried Renesmee and smiled at her. “Good to see you again, my pretty little friend.” He said as he gently tickled her. “It’s nice to see you again, Harry. Please take care of my Aunt Eliza. Aunt Alice and Uncle Jasper needs to go home for a few days. So Aunt Eliza might get lonely.” Edward came and took Renesmee. He smiled at Harry and his friends. Hermione suddenly felt hot all over. “I apologize for what my daughter told you. [Looking at Renesmee] I don’t think your Aunt Eliza would be happy that you’re having someone watch out for her. Have a good class kids.” He walked back to the others. “You be thankful that you’re holding Renesmee.” Eliza said as she turned back to Alice. “You better get back here as fast as you can.” Eliza said as she gave Alice a hug. “Still struggling, I see.” Emmett called from the driver’s side. “Shut up, Emmett!” Eliza yelled sharply. This surprised Emmett and the others. Immediately, Eliza gave Bella, Rosalie, Renesmee, and Edward a hug and went back in. she didn’t want to see them go.
Two days passed and still all the guys have been dreaming of Eliza. Harry tried his best, talking to Eliza when ever he see’s her sitting alone by the courtyard. He sat next to her and she looked up from a book. His scent got a bit stronger now. ”You really should stay away from me. It’s better if we’re not friends. Trust me.” She told him with a concern voice. He turned to look at her with a look of inquiry. “Why? You should mingle more, you know.” He said. Eliza stood up and left. For a whole week, she pretended that he didn’t exist. Not avoid, but just didn’t think that he was there. But that same week, she could smell his scent, getting stronger and gripping her mind and senses tighter. During dinner, Harry peeked up at her one more time, and regretted it. She was glaring down at him again, her black eyes full of revulsion. As Harry flinched away from her, shrinking against his chair, the phrase if looks could kill suddenly ran through his mind. Eliza was left alone on her table, Jasper and Alice were still at home. “Hogwarts is literally my personal hell on Earth.” She told herself.
For an instant, Harry felt a thrill of genuine fear, raising the hair on his arms. The look only lasted a second, but it chilled him more than the freezing atmosphere. Hermione leaned closer to Harry, “I’ve never seen Eliza this mad before. Did you do anything to her?” she asked him. “I’m not sure. All I said was that she should mingle more. This ridiculous, and egotistical, to think that I could affect anyone this strongly. It’s impossible. And yet I can’t stop worrying that it might be true.” He said as he took a bite out of his mashed potatoes. The next day, Harry was sitting near the courtyard with Ron and Neville. Eliza walked by towards the forest. Harry, Ron, and Neville watch her disappear behind the tress.
“I vividly remembered the flat black color of her eyes the last time she glared at me — the color was striking against the background of her pale skin and her auburn hair. Today, her eyes are a completely different color: a strange ocher, darker than butterscotch, but with the same golden tone.” He told them. “Seems like someone’s been watching her thoroughly that all the other guys have been.” Neville teased Harry who turned red when Ron joined in the teasing. “But seriously, she is a bit scary at times.” Ron said as he closed his book and stood up. Harry sighed as he stared at the spot that Eliza had vanished, “I’m not interesting. And she is. Interesting… and brilliant… and mysterious… and perfect… and beautiful… and possibly able to do more things that I can only dream of.” He said as they walked back to the castle. “You should gather you’re brain and just talk to her.”
The next day, during library time, Harry saw her sitting alone near the back. He walked over and sat in front of her. “Hi, you wouldn’t mind if I sit here, do you?” he asked her with a smile. She didn’t look up, knowing it was him. She was trying to push away the urge to strangle him. “You know what, if you don’t have anyone to talk with-“He didn’t finished. “You were supposed to be pretending I don’t exist, not irritating me to death.” she told him with a cold approach. “You’ve got a bit of a temper, don’t you?” he said, trying to be funny. “Are you trying to be funny?” she asked him with a cold look. Harry noticed that her eyes were black – coal black. “I… I… Uh…” he stuttered. She was still looking at him but her mind was reading Hermione’s mind, which was a few tables away from them. Eliza smiled mischievously, “Your girlfriend seems to think I’m being unpleasant to you — she’s debating whether or not to come break up our fight.” She told Harry. Eliza stood up and left him filling bewildered.
Hermione rushed to his side. “Are you ok, Harry?” she was concerned after seeing Harry looking dumbfounded in front of Eliza. “I can’t allow her to have this level of influence over you. This is pathetic. More than pathetic, this is unhealthy.” She told him as she helped him leave the library. They ran into Ron near the Great Hall. “What happened to Harry? He looks like his gonna faint.” Ron commented as he took Harry from Hermione. “He sat in front of Eliza and suddenly talked to her. She said some stuff which caused him to loose his vocabulary.” She explained to Ron. “Hmmm… That’s a bit familiar. I remember acting that same way with that French girl, Fleur Dela Cuer. [Sigh] memories.” Ron said as he placed Harry down by the sofa of their common room. Fred, George, Seamus, and Neville came closer to them. “What happened to him?” asked George. “Yeah, he looks like his going to be sick.” Finished Fred. “Let me guess, Harry tried to talk to Eliza, didn’t he?” Neville said. “How did you know?” asked Ron. “Same thing happened to Malfoy yesterday. He thought that he could charm her.” Seamus told them. All that heard laughed. “That git does deserve that.” Hermione said, still giggling. Harry slowly came back to reality.
It was a cloudy Wednesday afternoon, during library time; Harry saw Eliza come in and sat alone as always. Hermione watched Harry as he watched Eliza. He dare to look at her and that same time Eliza was looking at him too. Harry looked away and turned to look at Hermione,” I was sure, though, in the instant our eyes met, that she didn’t look harsh or unfriendly as she had the last time I’d seen her. She looked merely curious again, unsatisfied in some way.” Hermione didn’t understand what Harry meant. Eliza sighed to herself. “What the heck.” She stood up and walked over to where Harry was. She sat in front of him. He looked at her, both surprised and prepared for whatever she was about to throw at him. “Are you gonna speak to me or say something very smart and leave?” he told her as she sat in front of him and smiled. “I said it would be better if we weren’t friends, not that I didn’t want to be.” She told him with a smile. He closed his book and turned to look at her. “It would be more… prudent for you not to be my friend. But I’m tired of trying to stay away from you, Mr. Potter.” She said. “Call me Harry, ok.” He told her with a smile. “I’ve decided as long as I was going to hell, I might as well do it thoroughly.” she told him with confidence. He looked at her, not knowing whether to smile or to frown.
He didn’t exactly understood what she meant by ‘hell’ but he wasn’t in the mode of thinking deep. He was too happy to even think about what she really meant by what she said. Both stood up and left the library together. Hermione didn’t say anything when Harry was about to leave. She figured that she didn’t want to ruin his happy moment. Eliza showed Harry her secret spot in the forest. Both fell on their backs and watched the clouds roll by. “What are you thinking right now, Harry?” she asked him and smiled as he turned to look at her.” It’s hard to believe that someone so beautiful could be real. I’m afraid that you might disappear in a sudden puff of smoke, and I would wake up.” He told her. He smiled at her then turned to look at the clouds once again. Silently, Eliza was very irritated that she still couldn’t read Harry’s thoughts. Behind the smiles, she was trying so hard to push away all thoughts of how to kill Harry.
During biology class, they were to dissect a little guinea pig. Harry was paired with Eliza and the class noticed that Eliza was now smiling and mingling, with Harry. When she opened the pig, Harry turned green and sick.” Wow, you’re green, Harry.” Eliza commented. Immediately, Seamus and Neville grabbed Harry and towed him out the room. After a few seconds, Eliza followed. She found them just by the corner of the stairs. “You scared me for a minute there. I thought Neville and Seamus were dragging your dead body off to bury it in the woods.” Eliza said as she bent down and examined Harry’s face. “Honestly Potter— I’ve seen corpses with better color. I was concerned that I might have to avenge your murder.” Eliza said in a joking manner. She helped him stand up and walked him to the hospital wing. “Can you walk, or do you want me to carry you?” she asked him. He turned to her with a look of shock and horror. “Are you kidding? I weigh heavier than you, and you’re saying that you’ll carry me? That’s crazy! And the fact that I’m the guy, even if you could carry me, that’s still not the right picture to see.” Harry said as they reached the hospital wing. “Forget it then, we’re here already. [In a whisper] ahoboke!” she said as she went to the nurse’s table and reported about the incident. “Ms. Cullen was right about you, Mr. Potter. You look worst than any corpse I have ever seen my entire life.” The nurse quickly gave him a medicine of some sort. “This should make you feel better in no time. Take it easy and just lay down.” The nurse instructed as she left Harry and Eliza.
“Someone once told me that it’s healthy to ditch class once in a while.” She turned to him and smiled. Eliza helped him to McGonagall’s office. “Go sit down and look pale.” She whispered to him. For once, he listened to her. He didn’t know why he did; he just felt that he should, for now.” Excuse me, Professor McGonagall. Harry doesn’t look like he could take another class. Would it be ok if I take him back to our common room and make him rest?” Eliza said and smiled, knowing that the poor Professor couldn’t do anything else but agree to her. “Thank you so much for your concern about his health, Ms. Cullen. It’s all taken care of. You can bring him back now. Have a nice day. Get well, Mr. Potter.” The Professor said. Eliza helped Harry up and out the office. “I don’t know why but I don’t like to lie – so there’d better be a good reason why I’m doing it.” Harry said as he walked away from her when they got back to their common room. No one was there of course because everyone was in there respective class except for them.
“I saved you from another biology class – I don’t owe you an explanation.” She said stepping away from him. His scent got stronger and it held her tighter than before. She turned her back on him and was about to leave the room, “I hope you enjoy disappointment, Mr. Potter.” She said and closed the portrait behind her. Hermione, Ron and Neville saw Eliza walking out their common room and head towards the stairs. They carefully followed her and saw her leaving the castle and jogged towards the forest. The three ran and followed her. Eliza knew that she was being followed by them but didn’t say anything. And before their very eyes, Eliza vanished. She ran fast making them think that she vanished. In the center of the forest, Seth’s group was waiting for her.
“Took you long enough to get here, leech.” Seth said, trying to irritate her as usual. “Watch it, mongrel.” She stood opposite of him, a few yards away. “Let’s get this over with, dog.” She said as she quickly attacked Seth. Hermione, Ron, and Neville found Eliza and were surprised to see Seth’s group with her. “Sshh… we better not make any noise.” Ron whispered to the other two. They watched as Eliza battled Seth. Hermione couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Neville tugged the hem of Ron's robe. "I have this sinking feeling that we should leave right now." Neville said with a trembling voice. Hermione took his word and they immediately left the forest.
- by eun_hay_raijin-sama |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 06/10/2009 |
- Skip

Comments (3 Comments)
- emore_vicky - 06/15/2009
- by the way when Seth imprinted on Eliza...they are supposed to both feel the pull of love not just Seth...Eliza wouldnt be able to fall in love with Harry Potter...srry to much of a twilight fan i know these things
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- emore_vicky - 06/15/2009
- you just used quotes from twilight the whole time i liked the first one better...
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- NotTheSoldier - 06/10/2009
- I'm not trying to be mean, just critical when I say that this is quite a dull read. I didn't like the twilight plot very much and it appears that all you did here was involve twilight in some hogwarts theme. I'm not sorry to think and tell you that a good book like Harry Potter and an annoying one like Twilight should be put together (Don't get pissed and eat me!) You write good but I personally don't like what you wrote about. Oh and btw this really shouldn't be tagged as a slash...
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