• Foxy groaned as she sat up in the middle of the night. Her head hurt. She rolled off the small bunk bed and onto the cool floor. An echo of the dark chant filled her ears as she clawed the wooden floor. She stumbled to her feet, pushing the door open and fell on the table, groaning.
    Codi jumped out of his room, hands up and ready. Foxy pushed herself up into a standing position.
    “Hey,” she grumbled. “I feel like I just drank a whole cart of Saki when I was ten and woke up with a hangover. This is not good. It feels like thousands of off pitch whales are screaming in my head. So….this is how you feel after drinking with me?”
    Codi wrapped his hands around her waist and sat her down on one of the beds. “You fainted last night.”
    “Yeah,” Foxy groaned. “I know. Never did that before; seemed creepy; never wanna do it again. I had no clue what was going on.”
    “So, you feel alright?” Codi asked.
    “Not at all,” Foxy whispered. “And stop talking so loud. What part of off pitch whales don’t you get?”
    “What are you going to do?” Codi asked.
    “Go for a swim,” Foxy whispered with a weak smile. “Wanna join me?...Wait….why am I asking? I can’t walk. You’re carrying me.”
    “You can’t walk,” Codi asked quietly.
    “Actually, I can’t feel my legs,” Foxy whispered. “That’s why I couldn’t walk. Are they still there? I can’t tell… Never mind. Come on, let’s go out to the ocean and squander in the creature infested estuary.”
    Codi laughed, but walked into the kitchen, leaving Foxy in the other room. He pulled out a dark bag and walked back. “Here,” He whispered, “umeboshi, something to stop the throbbing.”
    “Eh-uh-uh,” Foxy shook her head slowly. “I taught you about that.” She bit the plum slowly, squinting and gagging. “I never thought I’d need this again. It’s so salty-UGH!- I think I’ll just stay for the cold splash.” She stood slowly. Codi walked with her to the docks. She sighed, placing her feet in the water.
    “So,” Codi looked up at the starlit sky, “do you plan on just jumping in with your clothes on or-”
    He barely got his sentence out before he felt her slip into the water beside him. He looked over at a neat pile of her clothes. He saw her back as she walked out into the waist high water then she was completely submerged. He tossed off his pants and underwear and jumped in, feeling the cold coil around his thighs.
    “It’s cold,” he whispered.
    “Your face is cold,” Foxy jumped on his back. He stumbled forward, regaining his balance a second later. “Oh, Codi. That’s not fair. We’re on vacation. No spy strength now.”
    Codi smiled. He took in a deep breath and fell backwards. He felt Foxy press her body against his as they hit the water, completely covered with the cold. He turned, grabbing her arms and bringing her around to be in front of him before they both surfaced. They laughed.
    “It’s so cold,” Codi said.
    “I can see that,” Foxy whispered. “In more than one way.”
    Codi stopped. He sunk into the water until his waist was covered. “Uh, yeah. It’s a little thing called-”
    “I know what it’s called,” Foxy laughed, sitting down. “You remember your promise, right?”
    Codi looked at her. “Seriously?”
    “Forever,” Foxy smiled. “You promised to never leave me.”
    “And we were a couple,” Codi started.
    “Are a couple,” Foxy corrected. “We never exactly broke up, remember? We just moved away from each other.”
    Codi smirked. “How many times have you cheated on me than?”
    “Ah,” Foxy snickered, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Are you angry? I’m not going to answer that until you tell me how many times you’ve ‘cheated’ on me. How about it? I’ll tell you, you tell me? Alright?” Codi nodded. “Around two.”
    “Two,” Codi laughed.
    “Two hundred,” Foxy laughed. “I’m kidding, around twenty.”
    “Are you kidding me?” Codi whispered. “I did around fifty.”
    Foxy smiled. “Funny, cause if you ask Shawn, he’ll tell you he never sent me on any mission that involved me being completely under cover. So that brings my cheating scale down by sixteen.”
    “Sixteen?” Codi ran the math quickly. “Four? You?”
    “You do remember that one night at the beach, right?” Foxy asked, pressing her body on his. “Me, you, Serup, Waffil; tell me that wasn’t a good night.”
    “That’s only two people,” Codi said slowly.
    “Well,” Foxy hissed. “There was this guy named Shinpo I met in Japan when I was building up my immunity to alcohol. I was drunk, it was an accident.”
    “Three,” Codi smirked.
    “Hey,” Foxy whispered. “When you’re traveling and can’t get to the nearest strip club you have to pack a little something-somethin for pleasure.”
    Codi gave a small laugh. His hand brushed her thigh, his lips brushed hers. He sat back in the water, completely submerged and surfaced with her legs wrapped around his waist. He growled, she smiled, swiping her nose against his.
    “Sometimes I wonder why I keep leaving you, Codi,” she whispered. “I think about leaving, but then the thought of you comes to mind and I feel like nothing will ever go wrong if I stay.”
    “Maybe you should downsize,” Codi whispered, pressing his lips against her neck. She shivered. “Maybe if you joined the Nationals instead of the Internationals it would be easier. Heck, I remember a time when you couldn’t even have sex without making sure there weren’t any cameras in the room.”
    Foxy laughed. “I remember that. I had a reason.”
    Codi frowned. “But if you’re only national you don’t have to worry about things like that. I’d be there to help you, Foxy.”
    Foxy turned her eyes toward the moon. She unwrapped her legs and slipped into the water. “It’s not that I don’t want to be somewhat safer,” she whispered. “It’s just that my parents are International, I run into them sometimes and the time we spend together is beyond awesome.” She waded toward the docking, walking into the sheltered space. Codi could see her tail skimming the water. “But I do have some days when I like being International. I like the feeling when I finish a mission or when I create a new identity to follow or when I even get to meet the president for a super special mission! I love the feeling of shooting, sky diving, running from danger. It’s beyond me to describe!
    “But you,” She turned around, finding Codi behind her. “You’re almost the same feeling.”
    “Almost,” Codi asked.
    “It’s beyond the thrill of being chased,” Foxy moaned. “It’s almost like all the feelings put into one giant….orgasm of…excitement!” She yipped. “Oh, Codi. Why don’t you just become international with me? You’ll see how fun it can be after a few months of training.”
    Codi sighed. “That’s what my parents said years ago,” he wrapped his arms around her waist, once again pressing his lips to her neck. I still wonder where they are.”
    “Off the coast of California working with the Japanese searching for some potential terrorist,” Foxy said quickly. “They say hi.”
    Codi laughed. He picked her up, spinning around wildly. “So if you think I give you an orgasm of excitement, how about just a regular orgasm?”
    “Oh, I dare you,” Foxy whispered.

    Codi looked out at the sunrise, arms wrapped around Foxys’ shoulders and her face lit up with the light. She huffed, laughing to herself. Her ears were perked up as the water slapped against the dock.
    “I do declare,” she whispered in a thick English accent, “that was great.”
    “Do you think the rest of them are up by now?” Codi asked.
    “Maybe,” Foxy sat up. “We were pretty loud. I guess I just didn’t expect it. It has been three years. Well, maybe we better get back to the cabin. We do have a hike today. And then it’s back to the games at night.”
    Codi thought for a moment while he pulled his pajama pants on. “Oh, thanks a lot, Foxy.”
    She only smiled. “I know. I lost The Game, too. Maybe tonight you can punish me for that.” She pulled on her shirt. “Besides, it’s not like I could help it.”
    Foxy walked up the stairs while Codi jumped up a few steps at a time. He disappeared into the house and started shouting loudly.
    “SHAWN!” He banged on the doors. “SERUP, WAFFIL! WAKE UP!”
    Foxy laughed. She ran into the kitchen. “Shawn-i-qua, dear,” she said loudly. “Time to wake up.”
    Codi sideswiped Foxy, lifting her into the air and spinning. They both laughed.
    “I think they’re lazier than we thought,” He chewed on her ear.
    “I think you’re stupider than we thought.”
    Codi put Foxy down quickly. They both turned. In the doorway were several figures, each holding guns. Their expressions were happy, their black ears perked with excitement.
    “You,” Foxy hissed.
    “Long time no see Xenia,” one stepped forward. The sleek black dog poked his chest out as he approached her. “Or should I call you by your real name, Foxy? It’s good that you remember me. I was kinda wondering why you left. Now I see, you’re a spy. Hell, this whole cabin is filled with spies.”
    One of the followers threw the three spies forward. All were bound and gagged.
    “You little ********!” Foxy barked. “How dare you.”
    “No,” the dog barked. “How dare you! What we do is our business!”
    “Not when it involves human sacrificing and black magic!” Foxy shouted.
    The dog smiled. “Well, you’ll change your mind. Come nightfall, you’ll see what black magic can do. Well, maybe you won’t. You will be dead, after all.”