It was a relatively peaceful day at the Dimensional Defensive's mini-dimension HQ. Not many members were present, though.. Only four.
1 , who was ALWAYS there, 19, 23 and 33. Why did they call themselves by numbers? Because they had the same name, Darken.
1, the one who started it all, was in the surveillance room, checking for any signs of disturbance. His black, full-body suit with green, vein-like lines on it, shone in the dark. Two green orbs with no pupils or anything watched all the readings and screens. One of his hands was constantly playing with the three thick, blunt horns on his helmet. He had got his fair share of laughs for those... but he still thought they were cool. His black cape, which he liked a bit too much, was attached the suit. Always ready for action.
The other three were playing cards in the mess hall. They played a game full of nonsense and bickering... Go fish.
19, the only undead at the table, grinned under his simple, grey plastic mask. His green eyes flashed, which they did often. The samurai-like helmet he always had was close-by, his modified assault rifle with it. The torn jeans and bit bloody, green shirt were unchanged.
23, a dark-blue werewolf, sat at the table, too. His suit of black armour looked menacing, his black warhammer even more so. Yet the wolf was still losing, with no books and all.
Last, but not least, was 33. The half-demon looked at the cards in his claws. Because of said claws, he had to hold them a bit awkwardly. His red scale-covered body was in peace, except for the spike-adorned tail, which moved from left to right repeatedly. Half of his scale-free, human-like face was hidden behind his trademark red scarf. On his head, two horns curled to the back. His green eyes were relaxed. He would be second, after all. Better than third.
The zombie cackled and asked the lycan:
“Got an ace?”
“DAMN YOU! *growl*”
23 threw two cards to 19.
“And that, my friends, is the last book. I have eight, demon-boy has six and you, wolfie, have a big fat ZERO!”
A terrible howl could be heard throughout the HQ.
“Some things never change. Heheheeh.”
1 was getting bored. He took the whole 'dimensional guardian' seriously, but it could get so tiring... so boring. That was better than getting attacked by the Council, but still...
He noticed something strange. One of the readings, concerning dimensional stability, was off. WAY off. What could have caused...?
“Intruder alert! Intruder alert!” shouted a robotic voice.
1 looked at all the monitors, looking for the intruder. On one, he saw a man with blond hair and beard.
“Sector Z! NOW!”
He stood up and rushed to the location, as well. That guy didn't seem like someone from the Council... but, who was he, then?
“Where am I?”
Hayden looked around. A large hallway with lights blinking here and there. He also saw a couple of cameras. It seemed like something from a Sci-fi movie.
“Hold it right there!”
He turned to see a red, monster-like creature. He was prepared to run. Looking at the thing, he heard feral-like music... drums and strange pipes. The thing's smell... was like something burning.
“Not likely!”
He turned only to see another creature. The stench of rotting flesh was overthrown by a smell of exotic lands... longing for adventure.. Its face was hidden behind a mask. The music he heard was faint, slow. As if to symbolise its heartbeat.
“Where do ya think you're goin'?”
Hayden reached for his gun... he didn't like doing that, but it seemed he had no choice right now.
He quickly aimed and shot at the red creature.
With lightning speed, it created some kind of flaming barrier, which melted the bullet.
“Bad move!”
“Yeah! *growl*”
A... werewolf?! What the heck was going on here? Feral music again, but the scent was like a night-time breeze.
“What is this?!”
The zombie spoke:
“Calm down! We just wanna know why you're here!”
A voice came be heard from nowhere in particular.
“Indeed. Stand down, you lot!”
“Yes, sir!” the three shouted.
Hayden stood there, looking for the source of the voice. Suddenly, in front of him, a black, caped figure appeared. He heard... a calming, silent violin. The fragrance was like an endless field of plants: relaxing.
“We mean no harm. Who are you?”
Should he speak to them? Well, this one seemed... friendly.
“I am Hayden. I am a Summer Knight, servant of the Faery king. And you?”
“Interesting. We all have one name, Darken. Therefore, refer to us by numbers. I am 1, the first. Our rotting friend here is 19, the lycan is 23 and the scaly half-demon is 33.”
The three said their greetings together.
“Pleased to meet you.”
“Same here. But, what are you doing here? How did you get here?”
He thought about the events, that brought him here. It had been a normal walk in a park. Then, from nowhere, that strange vortex appeared and sucked him in. He told them.
“A vortex? *growl* What could that mean, 1? *growl*”
“I think it has something to do with the imbalance I detected just before Hayden appeared. I still don't know what caused it, however.”
“And... what exactly are you? As in, what kind of group?”
“Heheheh. I may have an answer to that. Follow me.”
1 beckoned him to follow and he did.
The other three just stood there. 33 spoke:
“Hmmm... crossovers are weird.”
“Definitely. *growl*”
“Wanna play Go fish gain? I'll bet my finger!”
“You can keep that *growl* rotting... thing.”
The two entered a large oval room with many rows of seats. At least two hundred seats in total. They moved to the room's centre, where there was a large round table.
“You wish to hear of us?”
“Good! Take a seat!”
Hayden sat in the first row. 1 clicked a few buttons and the lecture could start. A 3D image was projected above the table. In it, was a large golden orb.
“To get to our little organization, I must tell you about how everything started! All of existence started with the Dimensional Core. It created everything. From the smallest bacteria, to the mighty gods themselves! From small pebbles, to entire dimensions!”
More orbs appeared. At first, all were green. Then, most changed their colour to either red or white.
“At first, all dimensions were neutral. But most soon took on certain traits and became either dimensions of Chaos, dimensions of Order or Neutral dimensions. “
The red orbs were highlighted. Hayden thought it was quite interesting.
“In the dimensions of Chaos, there came the rule of the strong,. The weak were used as slaves or as... food. The inhabitants of these places were mostly cunning, treacherous and powerful beasts. They used the elements of darkness, flame, wind and the neutral element, energy.”
The white orbs were highlighted this time.
“The dimensions of Order were ruled by the wise. The weak were helped by the stronger. Their inhabitants were friendly, beautiful and wise. They used the elements of light, water, earth and energy.”
The green orbs this time. Those seemed a bit... redundant.
“The few Neutral dimensions left were ruled by both. Elements of Chaos and Order constantly fight in these places, trying to banish the other force. Their battle is everlasting. They use no elements or use all of them.”
Everything was shown now.
“At first, the universe was in balance. But that would not last. Even the gods themselves pledged their allegiance to Order, Chaos or remained neutral. And from the gods of Chaos, one would cause destruction.”
A humanoid figure clad in blood-red armour appeared. Spikes protruded from his shoulders, knees and back. Golden runes were carved into the armour. In the middle of his chest was an azure gem, same as his eyes. A kinda menacing tune started playing in his head... but the scent was elusive... must have been because of the fact it was a hologram.
“It was the god Agorash. He was, well, bored with all the peace. He gave his energy to the Primal Chaos, creating an imbalance... and all Hell broke loose. It was a war of untold scale, where dimension attacked dimension. Magic fought technology, light fought darkness. Uncountable trillions of beings fell, even gods. But the Neutral gods united against this problem and sealed every single dimension from the rest, making travel between them almost impossible. They then sealed Agorash into a small cell-dimension. Agorash, however, almost got out, quite recently, I might add. Thankfully, we stopped him.”
“I see. So, who are you?”
“Ah, yes. We are the Dimensional Defensive or DD for short. We are the keepers of the precious balance of reality. We make sure nothing like the great war never happens again. We have enemies, the most prominent of which is the Dark Council, an armada of darkness led by five figures. I was the first to stand against them, but I was severely outnumbered. I needed help and a Neutral god by the name of Caluto told me there might be more warriors like me. And so, I left my home-dimension and went searching. I found another warrior, a paladin with a vampiric friend and we grew into a small army from that.”
“How many members do you currently have?”
“Hm... let's see... I think 124 is the last guy.”
“Wow. That's a lot.”
“Indeed. Now, we need to get you back home. I take it you're from a Neutral dimension?”
“Based on what you just said, I'd say, yes.”
“Good. Not that many to search. Especially since every Darken is from a Neutral dimension.”
“So, you already know 124 Neutral dimensions?”
“Nope. We know lots more. And there are thousands more to go!”
“Better than the millions of Chaos or Order dimensions, no? Let's get started!” he picked up a microphone, “get your arses over here! We need to help a knight in distress!”
The other three were there in seconds. This would most certainly be an interesting trip.
From the rubble of a small fortress, a ray of dark energy shot. A figure flew out soon after.
A master schemer and leader of the Dark Council. He had no legs or they were simply hidden in dark-purple mist. His similarly coloured robe had blue runes on the back. From under his shifting mask, two blue orbs shone. *Mind*.
A large brute smashed its way through the rocks. Three times the size of a man, with the power of many such creatures. Four long, thin spikes protruded from his back. His dark-purple hide was almost pierce-proof. The lizard-like head watched its surroundings with glowing blue eyes. *Strength*.
A figure in black armour appeared next to them. He wore a long purple cloak and inside his hood, there was darkness. A large green scythe was on his back. *Death*.
An entity with four, spider-like legs walked towards them. His two, sickly-green double-daggers were at his sides. The dark-blue suit looked flexible. His blue helmet was simple, his orbs blood-red. *Treason*.
And the last who came from the rubble was a warrior. Dark-purple armour with red runes on it and a helmet with a single, long horn. In his left hand was a mighty tower shield, on his back a menacing warhammer which shone with dark energy. In his helmet, a single, dark-blue eye shone. *Hate*.
The true Dark Council.
Mind looked at the remains around them.
“Well, this was certainly unexpected. Granted, I expected the experiment to fail, but I did not await such minor consequences.”
“I agree, brother. We should relocate to another of our fortresses and think of something else. Then show the defensive our might.”
“Indeed, Strength. And I shall do the thinking.”
“Why don't we check on them a bit, eh? More fun that way!”
“Not a bad plan, Treason. Let's do just that!”
Mind made some gestures with his hands. A hole in the fabric of reality appeared before them. It showed the DD fools... along with a newcomer.
“Who is that?”
“I do not know, Death. But he has sparked my interest. A scheme it is! Get some of our warriors, on the double!”
Death left. Lots of fun would be had that day.
“I suppose this isn't it...”
Hayden looked at the war-torn landscape, where explosions appeared every other second. Looked like the remains of New York.
“Definitely not!
“Okay, guys, let's go!”
One again opened a dimensional portal and they entered. Again, they were in the void between dimensions, where almost nothing lived. Almost. Hayden could hear whispers inside his head, calling him.
“Where to now, numero uno?”
“I don't know, my rotting friend. Hmmm. Wha?!”
“What's wrong?” asked the Summer Knight.
“I feel... dark energy.”
A flash of purple light... and they were elsewhere.
A large dark plain. And in front of them... a dark force.
Many humanoids clad in dark-purple armour. They wielded all kinds of weapons, from shortswords to maces. Hayden heard the same menacing music as with Agorash... just not as intense. Their sents were varried, but all carried hints of death... of evil.
A single entity flew above the crowd.
“We meet again, fools!”
1 shouted back:
“And we'll kick your arse again, too! Don't you ever learn, Mind?”
“Oh, I have. But math tells, that you shall lose today!”
1 secretly clicked a button on a small gadget. Hayden noticed... what was he up to?
“Don't think that gun will help ya... know how to use a sword?”
“Of course!”
“Good for you! Catch!”
The DD warrior concentrated. Suddenly, a bolts of green energy gathered above Hayden and they formed a blade. A longsword with strange green runes on it. He caught it and was amazed by how light it was.
“Don't let its weight fool you! It can cut through rock as if through butter!”
“Thank you!”
“Ready, guys?”
“Hell yeah! The flames of Hell shall consume them!”
“Hah! Fear the child of the moon! *HOWL*”
“Let's make some corpses! Yahaaaah!”
The four charged straight at the dark horde, Hayden close behind. Some of the Dark warriors actually backed up a bit.
The four did their job, as always.
1 warped around the dark forces, delivering death with swift and precise energy attacks.
19 released barrage after barrage from his assault rifle, forcing foes to go behind shields or just die.
23 simply smashed his way through the enemy forces. No tactics guaranteed.
33 used lightning-fast slashes and swipes, combined with Hellish flames. None stood in his way.
And Hayden... was being mocked.
“Hey, look boys! A human! Long time since I've tasted some humie flesh!”
“Same here, Gagrush! Let's take him out and have a feast!”
“Disgusting creatures!”
He manoeuvred with his new blade. Spears, swords, hammers... all these came his way. And he dodged them with precision. He slashed and slashed again, but did not aim for vitals. Hands and other body parts fell off, but none died. Black liquid oozed from their wounds.
He suddenly felt some force lift him. And he was staring at an ever-changing mask.
“Let me go!”
Mind stared straight into his eyes. The music in his mind... was not music. Just hundreds random sounds played over each-other. Complete chaos. His head hurt a bit. The smells were uncontrollable, as well.
“Not likely. You are an interesting figure, you know. Why did you not kill my warriors?”
“Everything deserves a second chance. And it is not my job to judge if they are worthy of death.”
“Hahahahah! You are quite amusing! They are beings of pure darkness, literally forged to bring death and destruction to every dimension. They have no other purpose!”
“Well, then. You are a slaver.”
“Indeed. And I just love it! Let's see how much you can take!”
That certainly didn't sound good. Where were the others?
They all had their hands full with the other Council members.
The first of the many was fighting Treason. The dark one just created clones of himself and unleashed poisonous bolts at him. First weaken, then kill. And those daggers were nasty. Their blades clashed again and again, two energy swords with two unholy daggers. They were matched.
19 was primarily concerned with dodging Hate's warhammer and trying to land some blows of his own. But his attacks just didn't have the power to pierce the dark one's armour. The hammer struck him in the back... and his chest and head were separated from the rest of his body.
The two arms and legs slowly crawled back to their master and reattached themselves. Thank god for zombie powah! The dodging then resumed.
The werewolf and Strength were having yet another power struggle, just like many times before. And both seemed to have the same amount of power.
The hybrid blocked yet another one of Death's slashes. The dark one also sent rays filled with the power of the Netherworld. And incredibly loud wails. 33 had to keep his distance for now.
And none of them could help Hayden.
“What are you...!?”
“Just stay still!”
Mind raised one hand. A dark ball of energy appeared and he crept closer. The closer the orb was, the colder he felt. When it was but a few inches away, he could swear, his blood was about to freeze.
“Do not worry! This will only hurt for a second... literally! Heheheheh!”
“Not an inch further, Mind!!”
A massive wave of heat hit Hayden's body when a flaming blade struck Mind's back. The force holding him disappeared and he fell to the ground. He looked up... and was impressed.
In front of him stood a warrior fully clad in golden armour. An enchanted flaming longsword was in his right hand and a shield made from a strange blue crystal in the other. His eyes were green... which was expected. The music he heard was full of medieval instruments, which sounded as if they were in a hero's honour. The scent was a... flaming metal? The man spoke:
“Hey! I'm number 2, came to your rescue!”
“Pleased to... meet you? Nice rhyme, by the way.”
“Thank you!”
“Damn you!”
They both looked upwards to Mind.
“You've always been like a spoiled child. As soon as your plans crumble, you shout.”
“I'll make you eat those words.”
“Not likely!”
The paladin released a barrage of light bolts at the Council member. Mind seemed to hiss in pain.
“The cavalry has arrived!”
“You will still fall, first of the many!”
“Not today! Chrono clone!”
He watched the endless streams of time... and became one with them. Suddenly, there were seven of him.
“Oh, oh...”
“How 'bout a taste of your own poison?!”
Treason could not react in time. Too many attacks from too many directions.
“Darnit! I still can't get past his armour!”
“And you won't, puny corpse!”
“Good thing he has help, eh?”
Hate turned, only to receive a 'few' missile to the face. The dark one stumbled.
“You should have learned!”
19 saw 7. A figure clad in strange dark-blue armour with a multitude of gadgets in it. From handguns to a plasma sword. The biggest part of the guy's arsenal, however, was his motorcycle. It resembled a chopper, but it was heavily modified. With things like rocket launchers, plasma cannons, shield deployers and other such things. 7 liked to tinker from time to time. And he was officially the fastest member of the DD.
“7! Never thought I'd be so glad to see that bike and noggin of yours!”
“The moon prevails today!”
“Fat chance, fool!”
The lycan emmitted a mighty howl. He channelled all the power of the moon he could muster into his hammer, which he was using to block Strength's blows. The weapon glowed and a ray of focused moon energy struck the large brute straight in the draconic face.
“It buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurns!”
“I know! *growl*”
A single mighty blow was enough to send even a beast such as Strength flying.
“Just like back then, eh? When ya tried to release Agorash!”
“Grrrrr.... but it shall not end the same way! Feel the touch of the grave!”
The scythe got dangerously close to his scales. As he wanted to counter-attack...
23 came from behind Death and sent the Council member flying.
The hybrid just stood there, speechless.
“You can thank me later!”
The lycan left.
'Well... that certainly ended differently.” thought 33.
The Dark Council was together, surrounded, outnumbered and outmatched. Not good.
“Damn you all! We shall meet again, you cursed Defensive!”
Mind raised his arms and all five disappeared in a purple light.
Hayden looked at the second 'newcomer'. The music he heard was fast... guitars, drums... probably metal. And his scent... was a bit akin to motor oil.
“Thanks for coming, you two!”
“No problem, numero uno. Was our pleasure to unleash an explosive payload in the Council's face... literally!”
“Indeed! Well, you guys return to base or just go home. I'll lead Hayden home.”
After a few high fives, the others left, thanks to strange, small gadgets.
“Shall we go, Hayden?”
“By all means.”
After another half hour of searching, they reached their final destination.
Hayden looked around. Familiar landscape, familiar sounds and smells... yep, this was home.
“I do not know how to thank you.”
“No thanks necessary, my friend! But before you go...”
1 took out a small round device, with a single button on it.
“What's that?”
“This is a trans-dimensional communicator. It's simpler than the ones we commonly use, because it cannot open holes in the fabrics of space and time, so it does not allow travel between dimensions. However, if you ever need help, call us.”
“I will. Thank you, again!”
The first of the many disappeared in a flash of green light.
Hayden turned towards a city he knew only too well and headed straight for it. He hoped no one had been scared by his disappearance.

- Title: A dimensional guest
- Artist: Tau22
Don't let the begining confuse you! All is explained.
Basically an intro into my Universe and stories. Many things are explained about my boys... please, do read!
However, one character in this piece of fiction is not mine and that the character Hayden.
Hayden (c) Shawnee Heimpel
To give you some insight... Hayden has a strange mental disorder and his senses are kinda mixed. So, he not only sees colours, he hears them and smells them. Among other things...
Everything else (c) ME
- Date: 06/08/2009
- Tags: dimensional guest dimensionaldefensive darken chaos
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