• I can't sleep again. It's the third night in a row and It's getting annoying. I know why I'm not sleeping, It's because of a monster. He comes some nights ad others he doesn't. When he does come It's for a short while. He makes a growling noise as he stretches and elongates across the room. It's not a loud noise, It's a quiet, roaring noise. I don't dare breath as I am afraid he might smother me as he passes by. My little sisters lay asleep, totally unaware of the fact there is a monster in our room. He dances across my walls, leaving no trail that he was there, and he finally slips out of the room, leaving me to rest, even though I am frozen with so much fear that I cannot sleep. He comes back sometimes twice a night, but it is rare. His roar is a dull one, but enough for me to quake in terror.