• It was a windy December afternoon Rose my BFF and I were hanging out like we do most Fridays. But that evening we found it…

    It all started when Rose’s parents were gone to go shopping for her little brother, Thomas. We heard a THUD, THUD, THUD. We looked up from DVD browsing to the glance around the room. “What could it be?” I whispered to Rose. She shrugs her shoulders and her long, beautiful blonde hair turned with her as she turned back to the DVDs. She’s so perfect... smart, pretty and funny and I’m me... “Nothing to worry about Emmy…I think,” She said stiffly, her dark brown eyes flickering across the movies titles. I look back at the DVDs. Rose went to go call her parents to see when they’re getting back. I mean, really how long does it take to shop for a little boy!? The sound just keeps getting louder though…a sound like something is landing.
    I went to the couch and looked out the window to see if there was just a big plane flying over the house. Instead I saw some sort of a machine and an old guy dressed up from old days running circles around it. I stared with disbelief and I admit I was kind of scared. “Rose!!! You need to come here!” I yelled across the room where Rose was trying to reach her parents. Rose hung up the phone and came to the window. “What the…” Rose said. I rubbed my eyes. “What should we do?” I asked Rose but she was making her way to the back door. “Hey! Wait for me!” I yelled loudly to her. I jumped off the couch my own brown haircut bobbing to my running steps. The door opened with a few creaks and Rose stepped out without hearing me. The old man was celebrating by the looks of it. For what?
    By now the sound had stopped. “Are you an alien or something!?” Rose yelled at the old guy. “Bonjour, let me explain, I am Adam De Louse, a great French scientist!” The old guy named Adam said. “French scientist or French fry? You are way skinny!” I joke around. Hey there’s always time for a joke, right? “What is a ‘French fry’?” Adam asked curious. Rose and I just laughed. “Are you stuck in the last century?” I joked again, laughing my head off. “Where did those clothes come from anyway? Your grandpa?” She added. “These were made by my wife thank you very much! And yes, I’m from the late 1600s. This machine is a time machine. I have come to learn about the future environment!” He says well Rose pulled up three chairs for us. I just stare at hand watch hanging from his pocket made from gold it looked like. I have a thief problem, by the way. Anything I see valuable, I steal and sometimes I sell for money. I look longley at the watch. Rose elbowed me in the ribs. “Ow! What was that for!?” I yelled a bit too loud. “Shh…and no stealing anything!” Rose whispered. I just glared at her. I turned back to Adam. “Continue.”
    After 5 minutes of Rose and me talking silently among our selves, we agreed Adam could stay through the week then it would be Christmas break then he would have to take us back to his time for a week. “How’d did you learn English? I mean it’s hard to learn another langue,” Rose asked curious she’s taking Spanish and she gets really confused (I have to help her because I know French, Dutch, Spanish, Japanese, and English of course). “Well that’s hard to explain young one,” Adam explains, “You need to teach me everything about the future so we can invent these wonderful things earlier.” He sort of grins I guess it was. “Why? It might mess up time you know…” I sort of conclude. “No it won’t! They’re just inventions.” Adam says sure of himself.
    “But then Thomas Edison won’t try more then 600 times to try to invent the light bulb!” Rose exclaims. “And that guy who invented other stuff!” I cried. I may be good at talking, but doesn’t mean I’m good in school. I knew a bit about time travel, that if you mess something up in past or future that something affects the present. Ugh…headache I can’t think like that. I hope everything goes according to plans…