Chapter 1- The Stranger
New York City, the big apple. A place where everyone wants to be, except for me. A pale sixteen year old girl, with long dark brown hair and natural red streaks. An outsider, shunned out by everyone. Maybe I'm going a bit too far. I used to be normal with family, friends, and yes homework. But everything had changed on that one significant day. I was quietly reading in my school's library when suddenly I felt a burning rage of fury. The next thing I knew, the library was on fire. Burning smoke, fiery flames come out of nowhere. It had come to my relization, I had burned down the library.
The hateful librarian had said, that he saw me start the fire. That man has had it out for me since. And what happens of course, the stupid district believes him and I get expelled. Adults never believe us kids, no matter what. So I guess after that I had lost my friends, they didn't want to hang out with a "rebel". Family was lost also, parents fighting on who's fault it was. It was just too much for me to handle, so I ran away. Searches had gone out for me, but to their dismay I was never found. And I liked it that way. No adult telling me what to do,or what not to do. Just living on my own. No friends, no family, hardly an education, and no future.
They will never find me. Who would ever look in a abandoned church on the outskirts of town? Nobody, good. I always knew I was different, and now I knew why. For some apparent reason, I could manipulate fire. Don't know how or why, I just could. It was as easy as breathing, it is part of me. And get this I learned another freaky thing about me; my pretty hazel eyes turn bright red at the strike of midnight. Weird right. Another reason why I don't want to be seen.
As I sit on top of the old rooftop of the church, I think. Nothing in particular, just thoughts of my own. It was a gloomy night, fog surrounding me. I couldn't see at all. But as I squint into the bleak darkness, I see a light. Maybe it was my mind playing tricks on me, and maybe not. I snapped my fingers, fire popped out my fingertips. I hold my flaming hand towards the fog to see clearly. I was right, there was a light coming from a car approaching the front of the church. Quickly I snapped off the fire. I held my breath trying to blend in with the night, not moving.
The car stopped and a man stepped out. Light blonde hair gelled back, he had to be in his 30s at least or maybe younger. His eyes adjusted with the fog and he looked up, straight at me. Please don't let him see me, I said silently in my head, don't make me go back there. I tightened my eyes shut, to make the horrible image go away. "Hello, Kara." My eyes flew open. The man was standing right there in front of me. But how did he come up here? First he was on the ground now on the roof. "Aren't you going to say hello back?" I drew my knees to my chest, silent. "Alright, don't talk." The man sat down next to me and looked up, and said quietly. "I know what you are, what you can do. Don't try hide it. Your a very powerful girl, Kara." I laughed bitterly. "Yeah, I know what I am too. A freak."
"No you are not. Your just... special." he said, struggling to find the right word. I sighed, this man was not going to leave me alone. "What would you know?" I stood up, brushing myself off. "What do you want?" I said bluntly. I rather not play dumb mind games with a complete stranger. " To come with me." he said calmly. My eyes grew wide, I knew it. This man must be an investigator for my parents. He would probably force me to go back, and make me endure hell. Crap, I had to get out of here fast. "Rather not. You know, can't follow strangers and all." I said angrily, walking closer to the edge. Figuring out how fast I can make it down before he catches me. "What if I told you that I was a friend." He asked me, keeping his dark brown eyes on me. " I have no friends." I jumped off the roof. But I didn't hit the ground, instead I was floating midair. Looking up I saw the stranger holding his hands towards me.
I gasped, he had stopped my fall. He lowered me down onto the ground but made my body still. I couldn't move! Gently he floated down next to me. Who was this man? If he was not an investigator, then what? So many questions popped into my mind, but I couldn't open my mouth. He answered one of them for me though. "I can absorp other people's abilities, like Telekinesis." Well great, I met another freak just like me, whoopee. Sarcasm people, get used to it your going to hear it a lot here. "Well that's great. Can you let me go now!?" I said frusturated. "Will you run away?" he asked. "Why can't I?" I replied fuming. "Just listen to what I have to say and then decide." Mr. Stranger said. Notice I didn't say his name, for some reason he knows my name and where I lived. But I knew jack squat about him. "Fine!" I snapped. The man lowered his arms and took a deep breath. He will probably say a speech that he had practiced in his mirror for three hours; just watch. "I'm the headmaster of Freight Academy." He said with with a pasted on smile, yep I was right practiced speech. He continued on with his ever so amazing speech. "Freight Academy is designed for kids such as yourself." Kid!? I thought furiously. "We would very much appreciate it if you would attend." He let me go with with his power. I crossed my arms. "So... it's not like I'm forced to go?" I asked uncertained.
"Of course. I'm not going to force you, if you don't want to go." Mr. Stranger gave me an unconvincing smile. I wasn't buying it one bit. So I just played along, you know you do that when your bored. Nothing exciting has happened to me in weeks. "Ok," I said slowly. "What is the reason of my going?" This guy better sell it, or I'm not even going to pretend I care. "To enhance your powers and your mind." Wow that's it Mr. Big Speech Guy? Ok I'm going. "Thanks but no thanks." I said before he could say anything else. I started walking away. Crap, now I'm gonna have to look for a whole new hiding place, all thanks to Mr.Stranger over there. I knew I would hate him. "How much food do you have left?" Mr.Stranger asked. Without turning I questioned him back. "Is that any buisness of yours?"
"I was just wondering... you know the academy has lots of good food and showers." That jerk! I didn't smell that bad and I had good food here too. If you count can food and cereal good. He just had to say one more thing... "We also have very soft beds..." Mr. Stranger added. Dang it! What am I supposed to do now? Scowling, I turned to him with a grim expression. I can't believe I'm going to say this. Crossing my arms, I turned my head to the side. I wasn't going to look at him if I'm going to say this, at least leave me with some dignity. I clenched my fists and teeth and muttered. "Fine, I'll go to your stupid academy."
Freight Academy
A girl named Kara runs away from home, to escape her horrifying past. She has the ability to manipulate fire. A man finds her and tells her about his academy. And that is where her story takes off. Where she finds disaster, hate, betrayal, love, and a mysterious boy who also has a dark past but still encaptures her heart.
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