• "Awww! Donnie's blushing!" Krispy and Alex say in unison. I cringe and give them a tight smile that tells them to back the ******** off or else... It works because they begin to talk about class and other stuff that I really don't care much for. I am now free to ignore their content asses for the moment.
    Last night had been a disaster but at least my mom didn't get hurt. It turns out that she had been doing dishes and had dropped one. Surprisingly my father didn't beat the crap out of her, instead he helped pick up the broken glass. I think he only acts like a b*****d because he thinks that having a gay son is a disgrace. In fact when I'm not around he has actually been known to be polite and caring of other people.
    Time for a change of subject; I don't want to think of my father anymore...
    I soon begin to recall my dream from last night. I remember standing on a path and seeing nothing but black no matter which way I turn. "Is anybody out there?" I asked in my dream. Then I see a speck of light approaching me. It's not very big but when there's only ten feet separating me from the light, the light begins to take the shape of a person... with wings? I'm confused but I'm also desperate to see again so I walk towards the fairy-like person.
    When there is three feet between me and the light-illuminating figure I gasp; Christofer Drew is standing before me with shimmering black wings protruding from his back. He looks amazing- like a dark angel, so beautiful and serene. He smiles at me and I smile back as he closes the space in between us with a graceful fluttering of his wings. He then wraps his arms around me, his hair brushing my cheek. He pulls away and kisses my cheek, his breath and lips so nice and cool against my skin. "Mmm... You have such pretty eyes. Did you know that?" he whispers softly against my cheek. He is refering to my smokey-green eyes. "No... but thank you." I murmur, holding him tighter to me. After some of standing together like this he pulls away.
    "I must go now, hon." he says, running his hand playfully through my hair. "Wha-" I begin to say but then where he had been half a second ago was empty and lacked his comforting presense. I fall to my knees and whisper hopelessly "Christofer? Drew? Where did you go?" I want to wake up and find that it was all real and that I had just fallen asleep in his arms but I just can't wake up. I'm alone in the dark again...
    "Yo, Donnie." Alex snaps his fingers and I immeidiately come back to reality. "What?" I ask dumbfounded. Krispy looks at me with a sly smile and says "Let him be, Alex. Can't you see he was lost in thoughts about his crush." They both erupt into a fit of giggles. "Ha, ha. Seriously what did I miss?" I ask humorlessly. "Well you kind of dozed off and now the bell rang." Krispy points out. "No way! I can't have fallen asleep." I mutter. "Are you feeling okay?" Alex asks concern in his voice. "Uh-huh. Sure." I say, thinking about what had happened last night with my dad. "You don't look like it?" Alex continues. "I'm fine." Even though I'm not. Since last night I hadn't been able to do much, even walking was a bit of a pain. He continues to give me a worried look. I hide my wince as I get up off the ground.
    So now it's off to English with me, one of my classes with Christofer. I sigh.
    When I walk into the class I am surprised to see Christofer sitting in his asigned seat next to me. Damn, he looked kind of hot today- his hair is a bit of a mess and his hazel eyes look like gold in the light pouring from the window. "Good afternoon, Donnie." he says cheerfully. "Uh... Hello, Christofer." I say, sitting next to him. "So how was your morning?" he asks, smiling at me. "It was decent. You?" I grow suspicious of him as he continues to smile. "Oh, it was unbearably dull and uneventful." He smiles crookedly. "Why weren't you here in the morning?" I ask, still guarded. "My brother thought I was getting sick but I managed to convince him to let me come now." That's right his older brother was a doctor here in town. "The real reason is because my afternoon classes are my favorite." He winks at me. I am suddenly embarrassed about the feelings he stirs up in me. I can feel my face getting hot so I look away and thankfully the bell rings and our English teacher, Mr. Escandon, is eager to start the lesson early today. "Good afternoon, class. Today we will be covering indefinate pronouns." Wow. That's so much damn fun! I look down and see a folded piece of paper with my name written on it.
    I open it slowly. The note reads:
    -That's going to be interesting, huh? (all sarcasm intended)
    I look over and see him staring at the teacher. I decide to write back.
    -Yeah. Of coarse.
    He smiles when he reads this and writes a follow up reply.
    -What are you doing after school today?
    -Nothing... why?
    -I was wondering if you wanted to come by my place after school and just hang out. Bet I can beat you at Halo 3 X)
    -Why are you being so nice all of a sudden?
    -I suppose I'm starting to feel bad for being such a b***h to you and for no good reason...
    -But it's been going on since fifth grade and we're almost seniors, why stop now?
    -Hmm... You ask some good questions but sadly I shall have to anwer them later. So are you coming to my house or not?
    -Okay but only if you tell me the truth.
    -Of coarse.
    -Thanks :]
    -Shh! Pay attention... jk =]
    -Lol ^.^
    That is the end of our little note conversation. Mr. Escandon was still talking and I didn't really feel like paying attention so I decided to stare out the window...