• The beginning: ....and she arose from the dark abyss of eternal sorrow and sprang forth to give birth to a world known only by those who truly have the power to be great. She shed her tears for those mortal beings and made oceans. She sang songs for the children to come. She made bread for the feast that would begin. And she whispered secrets that would only be revealed when the time for this world,would be created. For now,that time is only moments away. All must be patient for his arrival.
    “Samarth!!Get up its almost time for your first day of school!!Were going to be late!!”
    Andreas yells a lot,I sometimes try to forget he’s there. Though he is the only one in this dreary world that could keep me entertained. I thought to myself today what if my life was to end right now at this very moment. And I thought again,Andreas wouldn’t like that very much. I should at least keep him happy for the time being.
    “Sammmmaaartthhh!!For the last time we are going to be late! I suggest you hurry or I’ll leave without you!”
    “Ok ok don’t lose your head I’m getting up now.”As I ran down the stairs I noticed something strange in the corner of the hallway before I got close enough to grab it Andreas started up again…
    “Come onnnn!!” Samarth grabbed my hand threw my backpack at me and we ran across the street almost getting hit by a few cars. We then slowed to a fast paced walk and arrived at the entrance to our new high school. We both stopped and stared at its beauty. It looked exactly like a castle, pure white, clear glass windows with gold trimming. All it needed was a prince and princess out in the beautiful garden to the side taking a stroll in the warm sunlight. This was a fairytale dream to me. But of course I would be awoken from it,With none other than.
    “Come on Samarth.”Andreas said as he pulled me along and we entered the doorway to a place so familiar yet never known by our eyes before. Especially because it used to be an old dusty forgotten mansion until the Yuro family bought and redid it to become a high school that there four granddaughters would have a place to always be there own. One day I was dared to go into the mansion before it was renovated I can’t exactly remember what happened that day but I do remember falling through the floor into the basement and seeing a strange light. It was almost serene in a way. Inviting you in. I knew I wasn’t dead just that I had seen something beautiful like a young girl.It was now that I realized I had seen a girl.My memory from that time was vague and now becoming clearer. She has long beautiful curls and sparkly green eyes. Just like…This girl walking towards me.
    “Hello.” she said as she smiled so softly in my direction. I was almost dumbfounded; the only words I could manage to get out were “Have I met you before?”I know silly of me to say right? But what was I supposed to say. She giggled a bit and replied “No, I’m sorry I’m afraid we’ve never met before. I am Aeril Aya Yuro.”She held her hand out for me to shake and I only stared at her for a second then we shook hands. It didn’t hit me yet and then I blurted out. “Oh right! You’re one of the Yuro sisters.”