• It's morning.About nine fifteen.Long night in Beverly Hills for me.Exactly who am I?I have yet to find out.My birth name is Alice ,but my friends call me Mimi.It is July and we are out of school.And when i say we i mean the general population of kids who didn't fail 3 classes within the past 180 days we have to go to school.

    So your probably wondering why my story is being told,why it is at any importance to you?Truth is its not.But for starters most people ask me general questions:what school do you go to ? , whats your name?how old are you?what do your parents do for a living?To answer the following i try my best to not be frank.so we will start with the first question:well i go to beverly hills high school , like in the movies some say.Whats next...oh my name is alice marie taylor and i am 17.my parents , they are social butterflies in the world of fashion , they own a business creating upperclass clothing for the middleclass paycheck.

    To start my life story ,my childhood was horrific , parents were never home and when they were we had a party.I grew up as the rich girl people always mooching off me.thats when i learned not to trust people.the rest of my life thru the years so far is plain bullshit.so we will speed it up to now.Last night to be exact.

    Me and my boyfriend josh go out to party , you know have a good time in the hollywood hills.Let me remind you i am seventeen and i like to have a good time but ever since i was 14 i have been addicted to one thing:weed.Call it what you may,mary jane , lung killer , bk , whatever it is all the same.So back to the party,when we get there everything is great , have a couple drinks , smoke some hookah, talk to friends.But as the sky gets darker ,the party gets crazier.As it hits midnight i start.My drugs are my life.So me and my freind jennafir start to smoke.Ten minutes later we are high as the apollo 13 satellite.After that the night fades to black.