• On Earth, three friends are getting ready to go on a planetary exploration to find a new planet to live on. Their names are Kari, Ender, and Nero. This is the year 0001 SA (Space Age) and interstellar space travel has just been invented. Ender and Nero have been best friends and rivals since they were little. Kari hasn’t been friends with Ender and Nero for as long, but is still a pretty good friend. They are at a training center where the newly formed Interstellar Space Agency (ISA) is holding tryouts to see who is physically and mentally capable of space travel.

    Ender, Kari, and Nero were the next three up. Luckily, they were taking people in three’s. The first test they had to go through was the mentality test. “I hate written tests!” said Nero. “Oh come on, it’s not so bad!” said Kari while smacking Nero on the Back. “What ever happens, I guess.” said Ender. They were taken to a small room with three small desks and the testing instructor waiting inside. “Welcome to Part One of your tryouts. My name is Graff and I’ll be your instructor for the rest of your testing.” said Graff. “Whatever!” said Nero feeling annoyed. “Don’t be so mad Nero. Be more relaxed like Ender here.” Said Kari. “Let’s just get this over with.” said Ender. “They are all questions that need to be answered with sentences and make sure you complete the essay at the end. So, get started.” said Graff.

    Kari and Ender within an hour, but Nero took 30 minutes longer. They all passed with flying colors. “That was easy!” said Nero happily. “It took longer than I expected, but I agree, it was easy.” said Ender. “So, when’s the next test?” said Kari. “In a few minutes, if you’re up to It.” said Graff