• Carmen

    I ran over to my mother.What was wrong with her?Why was this happening?Why?Why?Why!?I didn't want to move.I had a life here.It was also my life. Don't I get a say in what happens.I don't want to move to California.I liked New York City!

    "I'm not moving!"I screamed with all my rage in it.

    "We are and that's that!I don't want to hear another word of it!"she yelled at me.

    I stomped upstairs in my room and flopped onto my bed.I felt the tears that fell down my cheeks.I heard tha noises I was making.I never get a say in anything.

    I'm 16 and just started school for the year.I have friends.I don't want to leave all of this behind.The busy streets.The tourist.The Taxis.I'll miss it.

    I hugged my cat,Tiger,and my dog,Jared.I wanted to hold onto them and never move.Then I let them both run out of my arms to the door.They both looked at me like they knew I was upset.They both walked over and sat by my bed.

    I grabbed the remote.I decided to watch a rerun of Naruto.I love the show.It's just so cool.All of my friends like.But not as much as me and Jake did. Then I picked up my phone and called him.

    "Hello?"he said.

    "Jake!Hi..... redface "I blushed.

    "What's up?"he asked.

    "I'm moving."I said.

    "What!When?"he asked.

    "This weekend."I answer my voice cracking on the last word.

    "Have you told Kelly or Lisa?"he asked.

    "No."I said.

    "You want me tell them?"he asked.

    "Yes." redface I answered.

    He so nice.I thought.


    Why did she have to move?Why?!I pulled out my cellpone and dialed Lisa's number.

    "Hello."Lisa said.

    "Hey."I answered.

    "What's wrong?"she asked concerned.

    "Carmen is moving."I said.

    "WHAT!"she shouted.

    "I said that too."I said.

    "Does Kelly know?"Lisa asked.

    "No."I said then thought,"You tell her."

    "Okay."she said and hung up.

    "I'm going to miss her."I said to myself.


    I called Kelly and told her.She was freaking out.

    "Why!?"she yelled.

    "I don't know."Lisa said.

    "We have to do something."Kelly said.

    "What?"I asked,"Break the plane?"

    "Is that possible?"Kelly asked.

    "Listen Kelly I got to go."I said.

    "Bye."she said and hung up.


    I moped for the rest of the day.Tomorrw we're going to tell Camren good bye.I didn't want to.I've known her forever.I can't do it.

    "I'll just have to."I muttered.


    I stood infront of my three friends.I was fighting back tears.I had to be strong.
    I would come back one day.Hopefully.

    "I'll miss you."I said.

    "Same here."Lisa said.

    "Ditto."Jake agreed.

    "Me too."Kelly said.

    "Well,"I started,"I guess this is good bye."

    "No!"Jake said.

    Me,Kelly,and Lisa looked at him confused.He smiled a sly smile.

    "Friedns never say good bye."he said,"We'll just say......um......See you later."

    We all laughed and hugged one last hug and I turned around and walked over to my mother.We boarded the plane.I watched as everything I loved was left behind.


    I walked off the plane into New York.It had been four years since I left.I was now back and ready start where Ileft off.I wanted to see my friends again.

    I pulled aout my blackberry and dialed Jake's number.

    "Hello?"he answered.

    "Hello Jake."I said.

    "Camren!"he yelled.

    I heard voices in the background.

    "It's Camren!"I heard Lisa yell.

    "No way!"I also heard Kelly.

    "Meet me at the coffe place."I said,"I want to catch up."

    "Sure."Jake said.

    I sat at the table.Then I saw the three.My face lit up.They looked around.I waved. They looked and smiled big.They walked over.

    We got caught up into a conversation.Kelly and Lisa had both met someone.I noticed Jake kept looking at me.Then Lisa and Kelly had to leave.I turned my head to Jake.

    "You were right."I said.

    "About what?"he asked.

    "Friends never say good bye."I said.