The beach was still warm, despite the time. Evening was quickly approaching, when Alex walked over to Eve, one of the twins who were friends with Tassen. He had met this violet haired girl no more than a few months ago, but she was a tough girl. He himself was a tough boy, one year her senior, who grew up in a large family.
He reached his hand out to her and asked , "Hey Eve? Wanna go watch the boats race?" He winked at her as he said this.
Eve, as a sweet girl by Alex's standard, responded with uncertainty, "uh.... maybe?"
"I know just the spot too," Alex stated, as he pointed his dark hand to a peninsula of rocks jutting from the beachfront. "We can climb on top of the rocks and walk on out! Then we get this perfect view of the sun as it sets and the boats come into port...."
As he talks, Alex spots a simple flower growing. "Oh? What do we have here," Alex asks no one in particular as he leans over and picks the flower gently. "For you my sweet." He reaches over and places the flower in her hair, behind her ear. As he pulls his hand away, he notices how cute she is beneath her tough display.
Receiving the flower, Eve blushes, "Thanks..."
"What's the matter Eve?" Alex asks, upon seeing her face turn red. He smiles a silly grin. Her blushing was a good sign, it means he did something right... right?
"Oh... nothing. Let's go." Eve stated, not looking at Alex's eyes.
Alex then grabs Eve's hand and starts to walk in the direction of the rocks. As he walks by, he sees Adam and gives a quick wink to him. He has stated when they first met that he wanted to see Eve, as Adam was describing her to him. That was two months ago, back when the two of them snuck out of Tesunie's house when Adam was suppose to be studying.
Making idol talk as they approach the stones, Alex looks ahead to the stones he remembered so fondly from when he was a kid. "Isn't the sunset beautiful at the ocean? I use to live inland for a few years... and I missed these sunsets." He was reminiscing, as he thought back to the years he lived on a country farm hours away from Cateran. He missed this town, as it was his home. He grew up here
Responding to Alex's reminiscent thoughts, Eve says, "So? Are you going to be staying here?" She was so sweet the way she asked.
Continuing on with his conversation, Alex mentions some more about himself, "I moved away for a while, but now my family has decided to move back. Ya can't keep us away apparently." He sticks his thumb at his chest as he makes that last statement.
They are now close enough to the still jagged dark rocks of the precipice. Alex takes but a moment to try and remember the path up as it had been some years since he had last climbed these rocks. After but that moment, he climbs onto the first big rock, "Need a hand?" He offers his hand down to her. As she takes his hand, he looks at how his dark skin contrasts well with her pretty light and delicate looking skin. He looks like a stone, carved and strong, where as she looked like a soft flower petal, gentle and soft.
When she reaches the top of the rock, Alex holds her close for a moment, taking in her eyes and hair again. "Has anyone told you before that your hair is just the perfect shade of lilac?" He holds her for a moment longer, his hand still in her's, with his face still relatively close to her's.
Seeming to be embarrassed, Eve stumbles over her words, caught off guard by his response. "No.... not really. I think I scare most people my own age..."
"I don't know why. Your so gentle and cute." Alex finally lets go of her hand and starts to head off to the next rock. "We are going to have to move if we are gonna make it for the show..." He trails off as he steps up a short distance to the next stone, but comes across a small problem.
"Uh oh. Likes like the tide took a section of the rock out..." Alex nervously sets his hand on the back of his neck as he thinks and looks around for another way up. "I guess things can change in a few years time..."
Finally, he spots a new route to the top of the rocks. It wasn't going to lead them out to the very peak, where nothing but water would be in their view, but they could see the sun as it sets at least. "What you say about climbing that short span there? We should still be able ta see the sun set over the sea from there." He points his finger over in the general area to the other side, where a cluster of rocks reached into the sky. It wasn't very high, but should still be high enough.
Apparently Eve was already looking out to sea or something, for Alex only heard her voice as she apologized, "Coming coming. Sorry." He looks back at her, but couldn't see what had captured her attention for the few moments...
Alex didn't have time to figure it all out however, as he knew they didn't have much time left if they where to watch the 'show' as he put it. He steps up to the next rock, and offered his hand again. "No reason to be sorry sweet. I should apologize. I should have looked here before I invited you up." He was sure she must have been distracted by the large gap now evident in the stones before them.
"It's fine. I'm tougher than I look." Eve stated as she reached up and took his hand yet again for the assist up to the top of the stone formation.
This time however, Alex lifted her up by reaching down and grabbing her other hand. He didn't stop just there though, but pulled her close, and made it look like she was about ready to fall into him. "Easy there." He said as he leaned in closer to her. Despite only being eleven years of age, Alex took a liking to the girls. He went and quickly brushes her cheek with but the briefest of a touching of his lips.
With the kiss, she turned bright red. It was a kiss she never saw coming, but was gentle and sweet, just like how she was.
While Eve was in her blushing stunned state, Alex gently guided her to a spot to sit on the rocks and watch the sun set. "Just a few more steps." He stops then, and nods his head. "We're here. Look!" He points to the sky as it slowly starts to change color, the sun setting behind the evening clouds. Boat lights could be seen moving on the horizon, only adding in their small amounts of color to the glory of the burning red sky. "We're just in time!" He said in awe as he sat down on the rocks, his legs spread out in front of him, headless of the sharp rocks on his skin. His hands where behind him, holding him up in a sitting position while laying down at the same time.
Eve eventually sat down next to Alex, sitting with her knees up and her feet flat to the stone. Her hands where also behind her in a similar fashion as Alex's beside her. "This is nice Alex..." She says in a hushed tone, like her voice might cause the scene before her to vanish.
Moving his hand to point at the sky, Alex motions as he speaks, "Watch as the colors spread across the sky..." He watches the sky in the corner of his eyes, but is focused on her face as he gages her reaction. As he places his hand down, he places it on top of Eve's, and leans his shoulder till it touches her's. He liked how his cocoa, chocolate colored skin blended against her soft tans and light peach colors. He liked the feel of her skin as it touched his own bare shoulder.
"Has anyone eva told ya that your brother is a good guy? I'm..." Alex was catching himself filling with emotion, and his accent was slipping through. "I'm... very glad... to call you two..." He didn't know if he was saying this right, but it felt good to let her know, "Friends."
She leans against his shoulder, thought tentatively, like someone else was in her thoughts. Like she was thinking of something else. "It's nice knowing that too, Alex." She blushes a little. This was something that Alex didn't expect. Maybe Tassen wasn't doing his job as a man? He always seemed to block or not notice her passes at him. Alex wasn't going to let this sweet thing be rejected by his friend, and Tassen neva made any moves towards her, so she was fair game still. "So...." Eve trailed off in the last of her talk.
Reaching his hand away from her's in the moment of awkwardness, Alex rubs the back of his neck nervously. He never managed to make it this far with a girl. Just like with her, kids his own age seemed afraid of his passes. They seemed to take it as a sign of evil or something. He had his sisters, but that was different. They are family. "Ahhh..." As he thinks, he leans his arm over her shoulders, and cups her farther shoulder with his hand, leaning her into him.
"What is your... are... how to put this..." Alex posses the question to himself. He suspects her feelings for Tassen, though he hasn't been around the two for very long. Gathering what courage he could, he finally musters the will to ask his question. "Would you... go on a date with me? Just the two of us?" Despite the color of his dark skin, Alex could feel the blush come on full, and was sure a little red was showing as he asked his question. It wasn't what he was going to ask, as he was going to ask what her relationship with Tassen was, but it was out in the open now. He couldn't take it back. He was sure she would reject him, but he held a small piece of hope. He now felt the tips of his ears burn with the excitement and nervousness.
Unexpectedly, she didn't shoot him down as she responded to his offer, "I dunno... I doubt my parents would be okay with it..." There was hope yet! He could feel her hesitate. But was she making something up, or was she being honest with him?
"I can always... ask my sister to come and chaperon if that makes them feel better about it." He was fully blushing now. If he hadn't been showing before, he definitely was now. But now, he would have to ask his older sister... or did he? A nervous smile crept into his face as he waited for her response. His heart was beating faster, and he was probably matching the sun set as it slowly turned to night and the colors started to fade.
Nervously, Eve responds, "I... I guess..." She still seems to be holding back, but why? Maybe she was just nervous. He did tend to bring up a strong front. Comes from having to live with three older brothers and one older sister. You learn to state your mind and live without regrets.
She had agreed though, so now was the time to make the plans, before she can back out and reconsider, or before her parents can interrupt the plans. If they are already made, it makes things so much easier. "Then... where... um... " Alex was beating himself on the head for not thinking about this sooner! He didn't even think he would get this far with her... "what would you like to do then? Go out for a movie?" The sky starts to explode into the last of the colors as the sun sets deeper into the horizon.
Elsewhere on the beach, Tassen walks up next to Adam, his blond hair and light skin a complete contrast to Alex, who still sits on the rocks. "Hey, Adam, where did Alex and Eve go? I don't see them anywhere?" Tassen showed concern in his voice. It wasn't unusual for Alex to wonder off, but for Eve to vanish, with Alex? Something was amiss here.
Adam shrugs his shoulders, "I dunno... Why?" He did his usual seemingly uncaring look, which he was quickly becoming a master over.
Tassen considered, "I was just wondering. I know Alex can be a bit... compulsive." Tassen was rubbing the back of his neck in worry. He knew Alex well, after only a few months time. Actually, he knew Alex before he moved away, but reunited with him years later. "I just don't want Eve... wait a moment? Why am I worried about Eve? I should be worrying about Alex." Tassen laughs as he thinks about it a bit, but his light laughter slowly turns into a coughing fit. After the coughs, he looks at Adam, "Sorry. I think I'm coming down with something again."
Adam laughs a bit as he pokes fun at Tassen, "You're worrying yourself sick over my sister?" He has a large smile on his face as he is filled with mirth.
Meanwhile, back on the familiar rock, Alex snuggles closer to Eve, placing his hand on her back. "Where would you like to go? And how about Friday sweets? Is Friday a good day for you?" He fingers her braid with his hand as he travels over to her shoulder. Slowly, he reaches her shoulder and nudges her closer to his bare and dark colored chest.
"Friday is just fine, Alex." Eve was seeming to enjoy the gentle touches of Alex, as he snuggled with her. She was warm in the slowly cooling air, her skin as soft to the touch of his chest as he suspected she would be. However, like anything else, this time would have to end.
"Friday it is then, sweet." Alex gaged the darkening sky, and what time was left of good light. "And now, the part I hate. If we are to get off these rocks, we need to be walking now..." He stands up, and brushes the sand and small pebbles from his chocolate colored skin as a sigh escaped his lips.
"We can't stay a little longer?" Eve seemed very disappointed that she couldn't watch the evening turn truly into night. To be honest, so was Alex.
"I'm afraid not my Sweet. If we do, it will be too dark for us to walk off the rocks without falling down them. Trust me on that, I did it once." He grins a wide grin as he leans over her. "I could show you the scar someday from that..."
Before she could get up on her own, Alex picks Eve up by hooking one of his arms under her knee and the other between the nook of her elbows. "How about I carry you back?" Alex smiled down at her. He wasn't giving her much choice in the matter, as he knew the path, and it was getting dark quickly.
Eve was shocked by suddenly getting lifted, "You wanna... carry me?" She seemed to start to protest, "I'm probably too heavy..."
Instantly, Alex corrected her, by showing off his physique to her, by bouncing her in his arms a couple times. "Not at all. I'm use to it. When ya fight ya olda bros for that last helping of Taters, you get strong quick." He smiles down at her as he carefully walks his way back down to the beach. The light of the sun was slowly dimming, making it difficult to see the path, as it quickly went into shadows as the sun sank lower than the protruding stone.
Back to the beach, as the sun slowly starts to set, Tassen worries more over Eve, conferring with her twin brother Adam, "No Silly. She can handle herself. I guess Alex can too, is that them?" Tassen points to the rocks as the two start to stand up, but then he starts to sniffle as his nose runs.
Adam looks in the direction that Tassen pointed himself, "I think it is..." He seemed to mutter to himself.
"Why where they up there? Alone?" Tassen stampered, and then sneezed. "Gah! I heat it wheen tat happens." Tassen's voice starts to sound all nasally as a cold quickly sets in on him.
Then, Adam finally makes a remark that doesn't sound like he isn't caring, "I think he's carrying her down..." A small look of surprise appeared on his face. Apparently the glare he was getting was vanishing on this surprise.
"That doesn't sound good... he does know she has legs and knows how to use them? Wait!" Tassen thought quickly. Of course he knows she has legs... but... "She could be hurt!" Before Adam could respond, Tassen was already heading over at a quick walk. He couldn't run without gaging himself with his upcoming cold. His face showed worry and panic over Eve. As soon as he was close enough to be heard, he was shouting, "Is she alright!? Is anything wong." His voice was still becoming congested as he talked.
Adam tried to tell Tassen before he went something important, "I would know if she were... it's weird... " Adam contemplated this as Tassen ran on ahead, but Tassen was quickly out of hearing range, and so didn't hear the remark at all.
Alex responded first to Tassen, "What?" He places Eve gently down feet first on the soft beach sand, so she can stand on her own. "Haven't you seen as gentlemen carry a girl before?" Alex leans in to Eve and gives her another gentle peck on her cheek. "I'll see you Friday then?" He smile's sheepishly down at her, as he stands taller than her by an extra head easy.
Eve smiled shyly back, "Yes Alex. And Tas, I'm fine."
Taseen sneezes again, and then starts to cough some more. "Gah! I thhhhing I'm sic.., " he looks down as he says that, sounding even worse than a moment ago.
Eve looks concerned at Tassen, which makes Alex suspect he was right. What had he done? Well, only one way out, and that would have to wait till Friday.
"Then, Let's go home then Tassen. You'll get worse otherwise." Adam stated casually.
"Well then, I guess I shouldn't have your chaperon waiting. See you Friday." Alex started to push Tassen towards the sea wall stairs as Adam said that, moving him away from Eve and Adam.
"I thing Adam is wite... I need to goo hoome," Tassen agreed as he was getting pushed towards the exit. "Wah? Friday? Wha hap-en Friday...?" Tassen had a confused look on his face as he was summarily escorted by force up the stairs.
Eve just looks on, and agrees, "Yes Alex. Friday."
Alex however, turns to Tassen and simply says, "Nothing Tassen. We need to get you home." He then continues to drag Tassen up the steps of the cement sea wall, waving farewell to Adam and Eve as he leaves from sight between the layers of gray cements that block the stairs on each side. "See you later Eve! See Ya Adam!" He shouts as he vanishes.
Adam looks at Eve, his own twin, "Evie...?" He lets the unspoken question hang in the air, as he stands there as clueless as Tassen on the events that had just unfolded.

- Title: Alex asks Eve on the Beach
- Artist: Tesunie
A piece me and Adamkun (Also referred to as Ade-kun on DA) created through role play. I took the role play basics and added in details, settings and the perspective from Alex's point of view.
Like this? See more here! http://tesunie.deviantart.com/
Reference picture is one of my own arts too. - Date: 05/05/2009
- Tags: alex asks beach
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Comments (3 Comments)
- Harmonious Dischord - 05/25/2009
- Very long. And a little confusing, but overall good. Maybe you should cut out the bit with the brothers. Just keep Eve and Alex. 4/5
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- Xx Kiki xxX - 05/10/2009
- that was long but realy good lolx
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- Rrocko - 05/08/2009
- freaking long dude... O_O
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