A story of silver,
Pass it On
Part I
By: SilverRyu
A riveting story about human ignorance told in a creative play format. A story that deals with a growing problem we even face today – AIDS.
Narrator: 2016, the world in a near apocalypse. Humanity is being ravaged by a disease that was once thought as a marker of sin, a eyesore to its beholder, as a pure insult. Now is the fear creeping to every man's heart wondering if they are next to fall into the incident. HIV a once STD now predator is adapting and evolving at a rate three times the level of human evolution, it's only weeks now until it becomes airborne and destroys the human race advances are being made and stupid decisions are being answered. I ask you, will the Human race die of Ignorance, or of evolutionary failure or both?
*The scene opens into a small trailer house of 1983, within the house is a crying father clutching a letter sitting beside the kitchen table inside the living room a grandmother dressed in black rocks silently in her chair knitting a black scarf. The son of the father enters, a boy of eight years named John Smith*
John: *smiling unaware of whats going on* Hello Grandma! We learned about fractions today! Tomorrow we might learn how to add and subtract them!
Grandmother: *raises her head slowly towards her grandson and smiles a thin smile* Oh really?...
John: Yeah ‘twas fun!... Pa, what's wrong with you?
Father:*raises his head from the table revealing his puffy bloodshot eyes, speaks in a loud whisper* Oh nothing...
John: Oh well then, *picking up his belongings and heading for the door* I'm heading for Uncle Tom's
Father: *becomes very serious all of a sudden, speaks in a scarce determined whisper* You ain’t going to no Uncle tom’s!
Grandmother: *Begins to knit faster*
John: Huh! Why not!? *begins to whine* but I didn't do anything-
Father: *stands up suddenly, very angry* You're just not!
John: This ain't fair!-
Grandmother: *The knitting needle snaps* Tell him...
Father: Son,... Tom died
John: *Stands there in shock* Not... not it again...?
Father: Yes it was it...
John: *falls to the ground onto his knees begin to grab his hair with frustration* No! No!... Why! Why!
Grandmother: *begins to cry* It's all my fault! If I hadn't dated that man-
Father: No it's not... it's all fate.
Grandmother: But who will be next?...
John: *still in complete hysteria begins to count all the victims almost silently to himself* Mom... Grandpa...Aunt Lisa... Sister... Now Uncle Tom!?
Father: *says with a thin smile* Let's hope its not me...
John: Dad... I don't want to die...
Father: Don't worry you don't have it... At least now they gave it a name - HIV
Narrator: In the summer of 1990 Father of John also known as Mr. Smith died of a HIV related disease
Scene 1
* In the white house 33 years into the future of 1983, In 2016. President Smith is giving an TV address to the nation just being inaugurated two weeks ago.*
Commercial Director: Okay Prez going on air in 3... 2... 1...
President John Smith: Hello this is President John Smith, I have come to tell you my plan for action as President of the United States. And my goal is to protect the welfare of the People. And to do that we have to take on one of our toughest natural adversaries yet and that is AIDS. With a plan so unique that no other country has started to use it many other countries can't believe we are doing it. You have all received your agreement form entitling the health your family members to the protection of your government. We plan on attacking HIV right at it's heart totally erasing it from America. So that you who still fear receiving it won't have to worry anymore. For those with loved ones with the unfavorable disease do not worry they will be going into quarantine as our award winning scientists race to search for a cure for them. As of one week from now operation 'The Cure' will go into effect. Good evening and have a blessed night.
Director: Good! Good! Okay!
Pres. Smith: You've got everything?
Director: Yes! of course we did! You can always count on my men!
*President exits from the staging room and enters a CIA base under the white house*
Pres. Smith: Operative Sheila tell me the status report on 'The cure'
Operative Sheila: The 'Quarantine' segment is almost complete we are ready for departure Altamont, Illinois for a test run of the operation.
Pres. Smith: Excellent...
Sheila: I shall deploy when fit sir.
Pres. Smith: Thank you, you do great works madam.
Sheila: Thank you...
Scene 2
*In a hospital in Altamont, Illinois. Inside the room of Patient Mark Johnson, being attend by 21 year old Nurse Ava.*
Nurse Ava: *Flicks the needle inside Johnson's IV bag* Okay there ya' go Mr. Johnson
Johnson: Thank you Ava, you’re a wonderful nurse
Ava: Don't sweat it! *lets out a small cough*
Johnson: *clutches his bed sheet tightly* Sorry... It's all my fault how can you put up with me-
Ava: It's only a cough!
Johnson: *stares at Ava meekly, coughs* You know what I am. I'm-
Ava: You’re a victim, and nothing else.
Johnson: *smiles meekly*
Ava: *smiles back and walks out of the room*
Johnson: *coughs, Pulls out notepad titles it 'My Will' begins to write*
*Psychiatrist Jane meets Ava in the hallway*
Psychiatrist: So Ava do you think Mr. Johnson is need of Psychiatric help?
Ava: No, of course not! He's just a little depressed...
Psychiatrist: You know how things are from depression to suicide-
Ava: He would never do that!
Psychiatrist: Let me go in. Don't try your luck Nurse, if he dies it's all going on you. Besides we are all playing with devil anyways.
Ava: Well, I'll try my luck. You’re not going to strap down my patient. *walks away*
Psychiatrist: *rolls eyes*
*Psychiatrist enters Mr. Johnson's room*
Psychiatrist: How are you Mr. Johnson?
Johnson: *looks at Psychiatrist warily* Fine... *hides notepad*
Psychiatrist: What was that?
Johnson: Nothing...*coughs*
Psychiatrist: *gives a frustrated sigh* Okay... Mr. Johnson how was your life before your incident
Johnson: Perfect, *cough* I had my grandchildren always coming to my house, my daughter was still healthy and *cough* everything...
Psychiatrist: I see... According to this you've been infected for three weeks now how is it like?
Johnson: ...Horrible... Absolutely horrible... Everyday you wonder if you’re going to die. Not like when you are not infected, *cough* when your infected the reality that you may die any minute hits you like a boulder...*cough*
Psychiatrist: Mark, Do you want to die?
Johnson:...Yes, wait! No.... *cough* I want it all to be over *cough* I want to have peace I don't want to fear everyday.... But, *cough* I want to see my grandchildren again I want to be in my daughter's world again...
Psychiatrist: Okay Mr. Johnson, I am going to hold up three cards covered in ink what do you see in them?
Johnson: A cage
Psychiatrist: *holds up next card*
Johnson: A lock with chains *coughs*
Psychiatrist:*holds up last card*
Johnson: *begins to cry* A bird flying into it's nest filled with chicks... *cough, cough*
Psychiatrist: *types into a small touch screen device on lap* ... Okay then, I shall report this to the HIV specialist, we believe that you may have a infection in the brain. With you being borderline AIDS it can develop into something worse-
Johnson: Retardation...*cough*
Psychiatrist: Exactly, with this being said we cannot expect you to survive very long, but it seems the HIV virus has taken a liking to you for you to have lived so long... Oh well then!*makes her way to the door* Have a great evening!
Scene 3
*In Altamont 2 days later in Ava's small apartment*
Ava: Hello? I called to call in sick again... *cough*
Psychiatrist: Oh please! Spare us the fake cough, and while your at why don't you just call in sick for the rest of the week. And, How the heck did you get a pay phone in your apartment!? Is that legal?
Ava: *rolls eyes, smiles* Talk to ya later Jane. *coughs and hangs up phone*
*the phone rings*
Ava: Huh? *answers phone* Oh! Hey Jordan...
Jordan: Ava! How are you doing?
Ava: Fine...*coughs*
Jordan: Ooh, that's a nasty cough.
Ava: I know...
Jordan: Hey Ava, I'll be coming around to visit you two days from now.
Ava: So, you're back!?
Jordan: Yep and better than ever...
Ava: *smiles* Okay see you then!
*scene moves into hospital inside Johnson's room with the Psychiatrist*
Johnson: Damn it! Why!... Can't I remember anything...
Psychiatrist: The infection is developing faster than we thought, we are going to have to put you on heavy antibiotics soon... *grabs Johnson's hand* Don't worry you can do this! *moves to door* The new nurse will be in soon to check on you *leaves room*
Johnson:*pulls out note writes 'To Anna'* I'm going to die soon...Anna I love you...
*scene moves to the next door room of a patient being cared for by the New Nurse*
Patient: You’re such a nice nurse.
New Nurse: Oh thank you, *begins to flick a needle filled with an ominous green liquid*
Patient: No one ever got this close to me, because of... you know...
New Nurse: Don't worry I believe even infected people are still people! *begins to puncture IV drip with needle*
Patient: Hey what's that?
New Nurse: Have you heard of the Quarantine? Well they are taking the People of Altamont first! So you guys are going to be the first ones to get cured. Don't worry this thing will only put you to sleep... *tilts needle down and injects the liquid, and talks in a mere whisper* ...eternally
Patient: *Begins to shake feverishly, rolling all across the bed, and then it came to a stop his eyes rolled into his head*
*A handheld radio in the New Nurse's coat pocket vibrates, the New Nurse answers it*
(Unknown): So Sheila, how's the fourth one
Operative Sheila as New Nurse: Dead as a rock, with these results the operation will go smoothly...
(Unknown) Let's hope so...
*New Nurse makes her way to Mr. Johnson's room*
Sheila as Nurse: Hello Mr. Johnson
Johnson: *looks at Sheila warily* hello...
Sheila: *quickly reviews some of the psychiatrist's notes, smiles* We have concluded that we should start your antibiotics soon... Mr. Johnson do you want to die?
Johnson: No...
Sheila: *moves closer towards Johnson* Are you sure? Don't you have any reason to want it to end?
Johnson: No, I'm not going to let some small disease stop me from enjoying life!
Sheila: Small disease eh? *flicks a syringe with the green fluid* don’t worry it will all be over your going to the quarantine
Johnson: *gives a seriously disappointed expression* no, no... I need to see my kids. I have places to be before I die!
Sheila: Don't worry! You won't die! *begins to panic*
Johnson: No! HIV doesn't just go away! Doesn't matter whatever your scientist do!
Sheila: Mr. Johnson constrain yourself! *punctures IV drip with needle*
*the haggard looking patient enters the room looking tired and near death, screaming to the best of his abilities*
Johnson: What the hell? *turns abruptly knocking off the IV drip pouring the green fluid everywhere* what happened to you!?
Patient: No... don’t let her get you-
Sheila: *a bullet casing falls out of her small handgun still smoking from the quick shot*
Johnson: You killed him! Get away from me! *knocks Sheila away, runs into the hallway*
Psychiatrist: Mr. Johnson! What's wrong!? Come back!
*Sheila enters the hallway holding a new syringe filled with green fluid*
Psychiatrist: Oh my god! What are you doing with a lethal injection!? This is why I never trust nurses! I'm calling the police!
Sheila: Don't worry they know all about it! *quickly stabs the syringe right into the psychiatrist's heart*
Psychiatrist: *falls to the ground shaking feverishly her head bobbing up and down gasping for air, her eyes become pale and roll into themselves she stops breathing, her facial muscles relax giving her a dead expression, Psychiatrist Jane is dead*
Sheila as Nurse: *pulls out walkie talkie and begins to speak into it* We seem to have a Information leak we need something stat before we have a case on our hands.
(Unknown): What do you suggest?
Sheila: Terminate them all.
(Unknown): Affirmative.
Narrator: Windows of the Hospital implode cans filled with toxins fly into the building releasing poison into the air, Sheila is whisked to safety before experiencing a single thing, bombs hidden inside the hospital walls since the hospital was made explode with renewed life, bullets sing throughout the building, the building slowly begins to fold into itself, total apocalypse has ensued the institution. Everything was killed in such a cold blooded manner that even the devil had to turn his eyes away. Then, HIV infected birds fly through the skies the sun brightly shines through the clouds of smog that cover the earth, life moves on.
(Unknown): What about the Infected Octogenarian?
Sheila: Leave him he shall soon die. Why is he running? To escape death? The poor fool... I pity his ignorance.
Narrator: Sheila is carried away from the site of a mass murder spree which would soon be known as a once in a century terrorist attack sadly for the American people there will be many more...
*scene moves into Ava walking through the woods for a breath of fresh air a eerie fog lifts off the ground like a blanket*
Ava: *shivers, wraps herself tightly in blanket, and sighs*
*Mr. Johnson who was behind the building the whole time heard the whole story, ran for his life into the woods bursting through walls of fog and mist. Mr. Johnson bursts into the scene with Ava, looking bewildered.*
Ava: Mr. Johnson! *cough* What’s wrong? Why aren't you in the hospital...?
Mr. Johnson: The Quarantine...
Ava: Oh Mr. Johnson! *cough* Great for you! It must be-
Mr. Johnson: No! The Quarantine... is bad...*lets out a loud racking cough*
Ava: Huh!?
Mr. Johnson: The Quarantine, is a fake... they are trying *coughs* to kill people like...*cough* me...
Ava: Why!? The government would never do something like this*cough* it’s by the people
Mr. Johnson: *stares at Ava coldly*
Ava: We have to do something! We have to-
Mr. Johnson: *shuffles toward Ava silently, opens her hand and presses a note into her palm, lets out a whooping cough* My last wish in this cruel world! *coughs, stares into the carbon dioxide laced sky* What I fought for is trying to kill me! What a sick joke! *turns to Ava* live your life with little happiness you can its going to become scarce *lets out a screeching explosive cough, blood begins to fill in Mark Johnson's mouth spilling over, splashing out of his mouth from the coughs, stares at Ava horrified at what he had done*
Ava: Mr. Johnson! Oh god we have to help you! We-
Mr. Johnson: *clutches his mouth still in horror at points directly into Ava's face*
Ava: Huh? *rubs her finger across her pink plush lip, a drop blood rolls down her finger, dyed the horrible purple...* AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! OH MY GOD!? HOW CAN YOU DO THIS TO ME!?
Mr. Johnson: *grabs his chest, eyes his becoming bloodshot with panic and guilt. His body begins quiver in a unnatural fashion, crying* I didn't mean too... please I...
Ava: *falls onto her knees on the ground clutches her red crying face* why...why... I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die...*rocks herself closely enclosing her pain*
Mr. Johnson: *lets out a low moan, Mr. Johnson knew without a doubt at this moment this was supposed to happen it was supposed to spread, every fiber of his being riveted into a single accord to make what energy he had left in his body to let out this one sentence hardly louder than a breeze* Pass it on...
Ava: *stares at Mr. Johnson's dead body as it falls next to her, hurt beyond imagination the last words of her only patient is to pass on the disease that ends all peoples lives, and is going to end her own. She raised her head to the sky and just cried. She wanted to die; she doesn't want to let anyone else experience what she's feeling right now. But she crushed the crusty red note in her hand and knew she had purpose...*
Part II
A story of silver,
Pass it On
Part II
By: SilverRyu
Ava a poor nurse has gotten HIV in the world of 2016, HIV is not the simple STD anymore. HIV is evolving and adapting at a rate three times human evolution. Ava is soon to be caught in a governmental conspiracy based on fear... The world is turning into apocalypse, with only weeks until the disease becomes airborne its a race to find a way to survive, or find a way to dig 6.5 billion graves. Will the human race die of Ignorance, or of evolutionary failure or both?(PS Purple Blood represents having HIV in 2016)
Scene 4
*Scene opens into a government lab inside the CIA headquarters below the white house where two amateur scientists are experimenting with the AIDS virus*
Scientist 1: *stabs micro-tweezers into the beaker, pulls beaker with diluted AIDS viruses unto the Bunsen burner, views under microscope* Hey, Chad!
Scientist 2: What!? *tries to light cigarette in a corner*
Scientist 1: Come look at this!
Scientist 2: Mmm? Well ain't that a sight?
Scientist 1: I've never seen anything like this! It's they are all moving on one accord, one script, one supernatural will!
Scientist 2: Mmm... *looks into microscope* Well ya know how to exaggerate! But ... I've never seen a bunch of self minding viruses so conscious of their mates, so organized...
Scientist 1: But what could that mean...
Scientist 2: Well it means that it's getting more sophisticated than we thought if this 'supernatural will' becomes sentient we may have to worry. What we have to worry about is what is the goal of this 'will' what does thing want with us!?
Scientist 1: *gulps* No virus can just do all of this, there must be supernatural forces at work! If this virus gets anymore sophisticated it could make everyone of its carriers living pawns...
Scientist 2: That’s rubbish talk! Aye, isn't this a simian virus? Eh, get me a coke- *beaker cracks, purple blood spills through the crack unto the ground* Peter I think you heated the beaker a bit too much. What's this? It's coming in a freaking straight line at me! Isn’t that defying physics!? Peter get the president on the line...
Scientist 1: No, it's defying beliefs.
Scientist 2: Get the F-ing president on the line!!
Scientist 1: *dials president* Um Mr. President... We are having problems with the AIDS virus
President Smith: How can you have problems with a single celled simian virus?
Scientist: It's a lot more than that...
Scientist 2: Cut the Crap!!
Scene 5
*The scene flies into Ava's small apartment, where Ava is clutching herself suffering from strep throat and drinking a cup of apple cider*
Ava:*Cough, Cough* When will I just die...
*there is a knock at the door*
Ava: Huh? Come in!?
*Jordan enters the room*
Jordan: Hey- Whoa Ava! You aren't looking to good...Well I checked your mail on the way here, you got some bills to do...*hands Ava the bills*
Ava:...well...what a surprise*cough ,cough*
Jordan: Have you forgotten I told you, I was coming?
Ava: mmm...* her eyes become very focused and deep in thought* Ow! *Ava cuts herself on the paper a drip of purple blood begins to run*
Jordan: *not noticing the purple blood* Once a klutz, always a klutz. *takes the envelope away from her smearing the blood on his finger, he drops the envelope on a small coffee table, Ava is staring at his finger in pure horror the whole time* Hey...Is that apple cider!?
Ava: dammit! No! Jordan don't!!
Jordan: *quickly grabs the cup before Ava can* Greedy little sister can't share
Ava: *her eyes become rotating pools of horror, remorse, and pain as she watches her brother drink down a curse, she begins to tear.*
Jordan: *notices the blood on his finger glowing the oddest purple,* Huh?...*turns towards Ava and sees the expression on her face, his eyes begin to grow as he begins to connect the dots, the glass cup shatters dropping reddish – purplish blood sprays all over the ground from the cuts* ARRRRAAGGHH!!! *he screams in disbelief at the color of his own blood*
Ava: *begins to sob clutching her temples in frustration and pain*
Jordan: AVA HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME! *he screams grabbing his sister by the arms and rocking her* How could you! *he repeats over and over pure rage and pain* dammit! *he yells and crumples onto a wall in defeat*
Ava: *sobbing crawls over to her brother* I'm sorry, I'm sorry it's not my fault!
Jordan:*slaps her away in rage, and begins to sober up and cry* I should have known, I should have not trusted you! I should have...*tears stream down his face*
*The TV which has been quietly on finally begins to shout out one presidential address as all American TVs are now designed to, The unimportant babble begins to consume the shattered couple's attention*
President: Good Afternoon People, I have come now to tell you the newest news of Quarantine so that you and your family shall soon know that they will be safe against the evils of disease. The Test run of the Quarantine has proved successful will little problems we are ready to move on to the full scale, you have received the fliers telling you about the Quarantine and you can begin to sign your forms to turn over your victims to our offices where the worlds greatest hired scientists shall begin to assess your love ones and bring them to good health...
Jordan: The Quarantine *he says quickly becoming excited and filled with hope* The Quarantine *he turns to his sister filled with hope*
Ava:*her face is stone cold*
Jordan: Didn't you hear? The Quarantine! That's our answer...
Ava: No...
Jordan: What do you mean 'No'?
Ava: No...
Jordan: What you don't want to be cured!?
Ava: Dammit! Jordan...IT'S ALL A LIE!
Jordan: what...?
Ava: You heard me it's all a lie...
Jordan: How would you know!?
Ava: The hospital... Was destroyed...*cough* They said it was a *cough, cough* terrorist attack...*cough* A patient of mine came and told me they tried to kill him-
Jordan: Who's 'They'
Ava: Your stupid cure.
Jordan: *shameful, doomed silence slides through the room*
Ava: He had AIDS he couldn't stand being outside, he quickly died after telling me everything...*cough*
Jordan: How can you believe him on something so serious!? This is our lives we are talking about here!
Ava: Jordan! These were the man's last words! Would leave a lie as your last words...
Jordan:*begins to cry in desperation* so now what
Ava: I want to do one thing for that patient...*she begins to unfold out Johnson's letter, shows us to Jordan*
Jordan: That's in Ohio!
Ava: I know...
Jordan: But, we need help...
Ava: What about Merci?
Jordan: She's on break from her pentagon job... she's with the government she could clear all this up... If only we can all live
Ava:...Jordan...We can. We need to tell everyone!
Jordan: Ava please no...
Ava: No, Jordan we can save the country! We can stop the president!
Jordan: *His bleeding hand began to bleed even more purple colored blood and his body began to go pale* Please Ava, *tears stream down his face* don't you think I have a death wish too?... Merci's house is only a day's drive and *something in Jordan's pocket begins to beep and Jordan reaches for it*
Ava: What's that?
Jordan: Why wasn't it working before!? It's a HIV AIDE government issue for all citizens it tells whoever around has HIV and tells how corrupted that person is... Ava how long have you had HIV now?
Ava: Two days,
Jordan: 16% in two days!? ... Ava at this rate you only have five days
Ava: ...five days to get to Ohio... *she says this to herself barely louder than a whisper*...or more
Narrator: Little did they know that the inconspicuous little HIV AIDE began to ring off a little Infrared signal so weak that no other satellite than a strong ultra sensitive government satellite can pick it up their every move was being watched technologically, their deaths being poorly planned, a general waiting at attention to give the killing order. The average human says 5,000 words a day...but it takes less than 3 to kill...
Scene 6
*twelve hours later, on a yard near the presidential office as the president goes out a raging ruckus is going on the air is filled with the sound of gunfire, a truck crazily zooms at the white house under fire*
Soldier: Mr. President! You need to go inside now!
President Smith: God-ly! Man! What is going on out here!
Soldier: Activists! A Information leak! As of most undesired!
Pres. Smith: We haven't they been taken down!?
Soldier: Sir,...As much as it want to be we are not gods as much as we take ourselves to be, Just because we have authority we cannot expect people to follow, especially when authority comes from the recognization of your followers, in this mad country of ours the people have the right overthrow their government, as much as they make their government, if it Is coming to where it seems as if the government is biting the hand that makes it we may have to worry...
*the truck explodes finally flinging a half dead man to the feet of the President himself, the President backs away in fear, as the man coughs out purple blood*
Man: I know your filthy lie! How could you do this to us! You are merely pulling a blanket over our heads *cough* Because of how bring genocide to this nation, AIDS will live to complete the curse you have started
Pres. Smith: No! I am curing this world of monsters! Like you! So that the rest of us can live peace!
Man: How can murder bring- You are insane! You kill and kill expecting peace you are wrong, fool! *cough* at the end of it all everyone will know of your great evil and you will be face to face with your greatest fear!
Soldier: Bring a gun! Silence the ugly bast*rd!
*the man is shot to death purple blood is splattered all over the president*
Soldier: Huh? Are you okay Mr. President?
Pres. Smith: *shivering in pure fear, his face is filled with panic his eyes are big with horror, he rocks himself slowly and says to himself quietly...* ... I don't wanna die...I don't wanna die.......
Scene 7
*in the out country of Michigan near the city of concord, Ava and Jordan just arrive at a house*
Ava: *shivering and coughing* So this is Merci’s house?
Jordan: Yep, It’s pretty cold because of the Great Lakes… Not very big for a government worker, huh?
Ava: *cough* Let’s just get inside…
*Ava and Jordan enter into a small but neat and orderly house with walls colored yellow and security alarms everywhere. They are greeted by the soft noise of TV and the smell of cooking*
Merci: Oh! Hey, Jordan! Ava! Sis! Long time no see!
Ava: *cough, smiles* Hey sis…
Merci: So you guys need something to eat, a drink?
Jordan: *his smile weakens, he turns to Ava then back at his sister* We really don’t have much time...
Merci: So what did you want Jordan
Jordan: Um,…Merci, is the Quarantine real?
Merci:…Of course it is! Why, you have so one you want to sign up? If you do-
Ava: Merci! Please, this is not the time to screw with us…
Merci: *becomes pale and suddenly very nervous, motions them to sit down* Why don’t we have some linner or what do they call that? Dunch? *Goes into the kitchen and flips a switch, the security system goes off. Brings in some soup, and sits down with her sister and brother and turns the TV volume up. She whispers…* …I don’t trust anything, the government watches everything you do you have no privacy as long as you’re in the “America system”-
Jordan:*also whispers* So Merci is it a lie?
Merci: Sorry say it… it’s one the cruelest misuses of the American government that there ever was it’s a pure genuine veil of deceit on every American citizen’s head. It is a lie beyond words the horror to cause people to hope when there is nothing to hope for. To kill the fellow being just out of selfish fear for yourself…There is no Quarantine. The Quarantine is just another form of holocaust for HIV victims. The government is finally decided that it’s tired of taking care of victims and wants them all gone in some sicko idea that if you kill all the people with HIV before it can become airborne, you killed HIV itself…
Jordan: Ava what are we gonna do?...
Ava: How’s the White House like?
Merci: You know how it is, grand, spacious, fancy-
Ava: No, I mean, floor plans, its security system, stuff like that!
Merci: What!? If you’re planning any kind of attack you gotta know that I can’t help you with that…
Ava: Merci please…
Merci: I got to think it over… Why don’t we have some linner?
*Ava and Jordan starved begin to down the soup*
Merci: Hey Ava? Have you outgrown that your allergy to mushrooms?
Jordan: Oh dammit! Merci!
Merci: What!? I didn’t know!
Ava: *vomits all over the floor*
Merci: I’ll go get the Pepto-…
Jordan: *Stares at the bloody vomit in horror* sh*t!
Merci: Oh my god…you guys are…*begins to back away* Get away from me! Jordan help me!
Merci: What is it!? Why are you still over there!? I never knew my sister could be such a s-
Jordan: Shut up! Even with this disease aren’t we still your brother and sister!?...Aren’t we!?
Ava: I came here… because I still had hope that we can save everyone from…I believed in you Merci…it seems you gotten deeper into your government work more than ever…You always promised us your government won’t get between us…
Merci: …
Jordan: That’s all you have to say for yourself? You’re-
Merci: You can’t stay here…
Ava: Huh?
Jordan: What!?
Merci: My boss is coming here with troopers to check on me at any random moment if he comes-
*the buzz of century old bell rings hollow throughout the house, echoing the tolls of dread*
Merci: *whispers* Hide!
*Ava and Jordan hide inside a hollow couch, a man with a aura of authority and overestimation walks in with a swagger smiling to himself as if he was listening to a dirty joke, younger more cautious troops enter*
Merci: Welcome Sergeant Trey…
Trey: Merci… Merci… we have seen two unidentified people enter your household, is that so?
Trey: Merci…You know you don’t want to lie to me…*begins to come closer, intimately running his hands through her hair* You know you don’t want to lie to me…
Merci: *backs away from the Sergeant*
Trey: Tch, Search the house with Thermoscopes *turns to Merci* you know how it would be on your record to lie to an official!
Troop: Hey found something!
Merci: Trey? You know how I’ve been talking about that litter of kittens? Well I got them and they are all over the place.
Trey: Oh really? I got a really nifty gadget just for these situations, HIV scan please?
Jordan: RUN! RUN! *Jordan and Ava dash together bursting through the back screen door*
*bullets fly with fury chasing on their, summoned at rapid speeds*
Trey: What are you doing there get them!
*Troops run off in a hurry after Ava and Jordan*
Merci:*begins to make a break for the door*
Trey:*tackles her pinning her down to the ground* Dammit, Merci you know I don’t want to do this *licks his lips drooling, his eyes lustfully drinking in every cell of Merci’s being. He has long lost reason being driven to primitive of thinking by his own hormones*…you know I don’t want to do this…
Merci: *in anger she knees Trey in the crotch*
*Trey flies off her in pain, she bashes her palm into the back of his head fracturing one of her finger bones. Trey slowly rises up; Merci dropkicks him in the back and rips Trey’s gun out of it’s holster in one move. She aims the gun directly at his head*
Trey: * Rises up, directly facing Merci with his hands in the air. And he blows her one, single, kiss*
*The sound of single gunshot flows out of Merci’s house into the neighboring woods mingling with other shots ensuing Ava and Jordan*
Narrator: Ava and Jordan have just now fully fallen into the Conspiracy that will decide the lengths out their lives. Through one disease they will find a true reason to live when all odds are turned against them. They will be fighting a legion of people blinded by ignorance and held together by a void piece of paper called the constitution. The story of self sacrifice…
Part III
TO CONTINUE CLICK HERE: Pass it On Action fanfic
- Title: Pass it On
- Artist: Esosa233
- Description: A very deep story about America making another Holocaust on AIDS victims, (This is the Special GAian Preview enjoy ^.^!) This is also my first story posted on Gaia and first completed story on FicPress. To continue click the link at the bottom then on the page click the blue arrow button at the top of the page left from the author's name. Yes im SilverRyu please leave comments...
- Date: 04/30/2009
- Tags: aids tragedy action horror
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Comments (1 Comments)
- BeaniesFTW - 05/23/2009
- Nice job. Just correct the grammar, and it would be pretty much perfect.
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