“Spill it Malfoy,” came the agitated voice of Harry Potter. He glared at his lover. He knew he was hiding something from him. Well he was hiding something from Draco too, but at least he planned on telling him.
“Forget it Potter,” Draco sneered. Damned if he was spilling his guts first, love of his life or no. Not that he’d ever told Harry that, but he was sure the other boy already knew. He always knew how Draco felt.
“Good then.”
“You know I’ll find out anyway.” And he would. Draco may be good at fooling other people, but not him.
Draco smirked. “And? Is that supposed to scare me?”
“No. Just giving you fair warning that’s all.”
“Whatever Potter,” Draco returned with a smile.
Harry slid closer to Draco. It was early afternoon on a Sunday and they were sitting outside by the lake as they usually did. It was a sight that had become almost commonplace to the students and staff at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry. The summer before this, his seventh year, Draco had denounced the life of his family and had in turn been disinherited by his father. His mother, always one to protect her dragon, had set up a vault for him upon his birth, unknown to her husband, for just such an eventuality. While Draco was no longer as fabulously rich as before, he wasn’t poor either. Not that it mattered with Harry as his boyfriend. He and Snape had taken care of everything for him, usually behind his back, as he couldn’t abide being thought a charity case. The fact that at first he hadn’t been able to touch his money because it was unsafe for him to leave Hogwarts had only made his pride even more unbearable than usual. Now however, with his father in hiding and the Dark Lord once again temporarily vanquished, he could come and go as he pleased.
Ronald Weasley watched the two from his perch on the Astronomy Tower. They looked so good together. At first, when they had gotten together a year ago, Ron had hated the idea, as all he could see was the Death Eater’s son image that Malfoy had been painted with for six years. Slowly however, he had realized that in truth he wasn’t angry, he was jealous. But he wasn’t just jealous of Draco because he had stolen his best mate. He was jealous because he wanted Harry the same way Draco did. But it was more than that even. He was jealous of Harry too. Because Harry had the beautiful blonde boy in his bed and his heart, right where Ron used to be. Well, in Harry’s heart at least since he’d never been in his bed. Not that way anyway. And he wanted Draco in his bed and heart as well. So he was jealous of both of them. Because they had each other and he wanted them. And he was equally sure that neither even thought about him that way. As he watched, the two leaned towards each other and kissed. He imagined he could see the pink tongues flicking at each other, swiping lower lips the way he wanted to, sucking on each other the way he dreamt about sucking on other parts of them. He felt himself getting hard just thinking about it. Watching them only made it worse.
As the two boys closed their arms around each other, the kiss getting more and more passionate, Ron found himself once again picturing being in the middle of the two of them. Draco’s blond beauty on one side and Harry’s dark good looks on the other, one kissing his ear while the other nipped at his neck and chest. His hand slipped down to his groin and with a sigh, he released his constrained erection into the open air. Lost in his fantasy, his eyes fixed on the two boys kissing each other desperately, he curled his fingers around himself and stroked firmly. Harder and faster he went until he was coming all over his hands, knees shaking as he rode out his orgasm. As his eyes began to focus after that nerve wrenching orgasm, he realized the two boys were headed back towards the castle. He sighed and wondered if they would be heading for Draco’s room or for Harry’s. It didn’t matter where they went really, he wouldn’t be there now would he? He grabbed his wand and muttered a quick cleaning spell before tucking himself back into his uniform trousers. Slowly, and a little sadly, he headed down the stairs towards Gryffindor Tower.
Double Potions with the Slytherins was the first class on the schedule for the next day. Ron didn’t know how he was going to make it. Walking down the hall towards the dungeons, he couldn’t help but wonder what had happened with Harry and Draco the night before. Both boys were Prefects, so they had their own rooms. Sometimes Ron stayed with Harry, but that had become less and less frequent the longer he and Draco stayed together. Hermoine and Neville were dating, so Ron didn’t even have her to hang about with any more. His best mates were happy and in love and he was left odd man out. There had been that thing with the Hufflepuff boy, but that hadn’t lasted long. Now as he walked behind Harry and Draco on the way to Snape’s classroom, he couldn’t help but smell the crisp clean scent that was Harry and the spicy expensive cologne that was Draco. He inhaled deeply and sighed. Unfortunately, Harry heard him.
“You alright there Ron?”
Inwardly he groaned. I’ll never be all right, not without one or both of you. “Fine Harry. Just tired is all.”
“Not sleeping then?”
Damn, caught. “Erm, no, not really. But I suspect I’ll be fine soon Harry,” he added quickly, wishing he were better at lying to his best friend.
“Hmmm,” Harry began. “Maybe you should come by this evening…”
“Oi Harry, that’d be great!” interrupted Ron. Taking a quick glance at Draco’s impassive face he continued awkwardly, “Um, that is, if you haven’t any plans.”
“Not really. Just to hang about with Draco, but he won’t mind, will you love?”
Ron flinched at that last word. Draco noticed.
Fixing sharp eyes on Ron, Draco responded, “No I don’t mind. It would probably do you good to spend some time with Weasley here. Been a while hasn’t it?”
Ron could barely breathe. Was Draco really going to give him time with Harry?
Harry looked at Draco carefully before replying. The blonde was up to something. Suddenly, he knew that whatever his lover was hiding from him had to do with Ron. Could it be…? No. I would know wouldn’t I?
Watching both of them, Ron with his eyes shining and fixed on Draco, Draco with a calculating look in his gray eyes which were fixed on Ron, he decided that yes, it very well could be that he and Draco shared the same secret.
Finally he answered, “Yes it has. Ron, bring some things with you after dinner tonight why don’t you? It’s been a while since we’ve hung about together, and I’m sure Seamus and them won’t mind.”
Ron could hardly contain his excitement. He was going to get to spend the night sleeping in Harry’s bed. Of course, that’s all they would be doing, but still…
“Great Harry. I’ll see you then. Thanks Malfoy,” he added.
“Don’t thank me yet Weasley,” the blonde said before slipping inside the Potions classroom. Ron couldn’t help but wonder what he meant by that, but had no time to ask him as Snape swept into the classroom in his usual billow of robes.
When Ron entered Harry’s room that night, it was clear what he and Draco had been doing. Lips red and swollen, clothing askew, hair disheveled, eyes still slightly gazed and the smell of sex in the air. Once again he found himself getting hard at the images this evoked. He closed his eyes briefly and Draco’s eyes flicked over his body, taking in his beginning arousal and pointing it out to Harry silently. They had talked, mostly because Harry had made him, and both confessed to the other their desire for the red headed boy. They had agreed that whichever Ron chose, the other would leave to allow them privacy. They loved each other and had no plans to leave each other, but saw no reason not to play with others who were willing. They had even played with Zabini once, although he had just wanted to wank while watching the two boys suck each other off. Of course, they had gotten more out of the other Slytherin, but that was neither here nor there.
When Ron opened his eyes it was to the sight of two sets of eyes, one gray the other green, trained intensely on his crotch. He felt himself getting harder. Sure they were both disgusted with him, he flushed in mortification.
“I…I’ll,” he cleared his throat before starting again. “I’ll just go then shall I. I mean, we can visit another time Harry,” he said, turning towards the door he had just come in from, so embarrassed he didn’t hear the quickly whispered locking spell. He tugged at the door, momentarily confused when it wouldn’t open before realizing what had happened. Oh no, he groaned softly under his breath. Draco would never let him live this down.
It took him several minutes to pull himself together enough to turn around and ask, “What’s going on?”
The two on the bed looked at each other briefly before standing and walking around the bed towards Ron. He couldn’t help but notice that they were both aroused, a fact that made him flagging hard on return with a vengeance. Figures I was interrupting something. No wonder they’re still hard. It’s not like those are for me or anything, he thought bitterly.
“Well Ron…” started Harry.
Malfoy smoothly interrupted his green-eyed lover. “I know you want Harry, Weasley,” he bluntly stated. He watched Weasley flush, mouth working as he sought to deny the accusation.
“Don’t bother denying it Weasel,” he bit out. “I’m not stupid.”
Ron closed his eyes, flushing with shame. And here he thought he had been better at hiding it. Oh god he’s going to kill me. He’s going to kill me and Harry is going to help. He opened his eyes again to see a satisfied smirk on Draco’s lips and a wide grin covering Harry’s face. Now he was really confused.
“You’re not mad?” he asked tentatively.
“Nope.” From Harry. “You see mate, Draco here has a secret. One I discovered we both share. I like the fact that you fancy me. He does too.”
“Huh?” What in Merlin’s name was going on? They both seem so…odd.
Harry stepped closer; close enough for Ron to see the faint flecks of black in his green irises. He was aware that Draco had moved closer as well, on his side, close enough for him to feel the blond boys body heat, close enough for him to touch if he moved slightly. What the hell? He shuddered as he felt a hand slide lightly through his hair. Draco, then as Harry hadn’t moved.
Draco’s voice, husky with…something, bit out at Harry, “Just tell him already.’
Harry smiled. He moved his face toward his friends face, directed his lips to his ear, close enough for Ron to feel the heat of his breath and the disturbance to the air caused by his lips as he whispered “We like the fact that you fancy me, because we both fancy you. The question is, do you fancy both of us, or is it just me?”
Ron thought he would die of shock. The bag with his belongings that had been clutched in his hands slipped unnoticed to the floor. His body tightened even more, his arousal no almost unbearable. They want me! Both of them. The same way I want them. But wait…
“Choose Weasley,” came the seductive tones of the blonde who figured so prominently in the dreams that had him waking sticky and panting. “Choose now.”
There it was…the thought that he had almost lost in the haze of desire. They wanted him to choose. How could he? He was aware that Harry had slipped off his robe and moved over to where Draco was standing.
“Lets give him a minute to think a bit, shall we?” he suggested to his lover as he slowly divested Draco of his robe, knowing that Ron was enjoying the sight before him. He reached up slightly to drop a kiss on Draco’s already swollen lips and slid his arms around his waist, drawing him closer. He could have sworn he heard twin moans at that.
Breaking the kiss, Draco looked at Ron with heavy lidded eyes.
“Harry, I don’t think the Weasel can choose. I think he wants both of us. Look.”
Harry opened his eyes and turned to look at Ron. The redhead still looked pale, but he was definitely aroused beyond belief, as he stood there rubbing slowly at his cloth-covered erection as he watched the boys kiss.
“Is that true Ron? Do you want both of us?” asked Harry slowly, seductively.
A dazed nod was all he could manage, as all ability to speak seemed to have left him.
Draco smirked and moved out of Harry’s arms, moving towards the boy with every intent of kissing him senseless. He reached Ron and placed is hands on the boys chest, pushing him slightly until he had him backed up against the door he had been trying to open. Sliding his hands slowly up Ron’s chest he whispered “I’ve been wanting to do this for ages. And a Malfoy always gets what he wants in the end.”
Ron’s eyes darted to Harry behind Draco. He moaned as he saw the other boy slowly taking off his school uniform. As he watched, he could feel Draco’s hands on his chest, undoing his tie before attacking the buttons of his shirt. His eyes closed as he felt Draco’s cool hands on his warm flesh as at last the shirt came open. Draco leaned forward and took Ron’s mouth in their first kiss, gentle and soothing, but inviting all at once. Ron leaned into the kiss and gasped as he felt hands at the zipper in his trousers, brushing lightly over his erection as they worked both trousers and underpants slowly down his hips. Draco trailed his lips down Ron’s jaw to his chin, then his Adam’s apple before finally seizing on the flesh of his collarbone. He opened his eyes and almost came right then, hips jerking at the sight that met his eyes. Feeling the body beneath him tense, Draco turned to see what had so affected the boy and his breath hitched.
Harry sat on the edge of the bed, one leg up beside him, the other planted on the floor, slowly stroking his thick c**k. Draco could see the glisten of pre-ejaculate at the tip, beckoning his mouth. But he wanted something else. He turned back to Ron and noticed his glazed eyes were fixed on Harry’s hand moving slowly over his p***k.
“Lovely isn’t he?” he murmured in Ron’s ear, leaning his body into the other boy’s. “Makes me want to just ******** him into the floor when he does that.” Ron groaned, his hand slowly closing over his own arousal.
Draco’s words conjured the very images he tossed off to at night.
“Look at that c**k. Do you have any idea how much I love to suck it, love taking him down my throat, feeling that hard p***k twitching at the back of my throat before he orgasms, filling my mouth with his delicious c**.”
Ron’s eyes closed and his hand moved faster on his c**k, Draco’s voice and Harry’s image fueling the heat rapidly burning it’s way through his body. He was so close.
Draco kept whispering, his hands moving at the buttons of his clothing, undoing them as he spoke.
“I’ve always wondered what your c**k would taste like Weasley. Does it takes like sweat after a hard game or like strawberries in spring?” Draco slid down Ron’s body, his hand covering Ron’s and removing the boy’s hand from his c**k. He hissed as he saw it for the first time, long and thick, weeping in need, almost as big as Harry’s but shorter by a few centimeters. And pulsing, veins defined and tip purple in excitement. He couldn’t help it, he leaned forward and closed his lips around that fat c**k and moaned in delight at the feel. Ron tasted like champagne, light but with a bit of a bite, and he sighed around the c**k in his mouth in satisfaction. Ron let out a strangled moan, hands moving to fist in Draco’s hair as Draco’s tongue moved slowly along his shaft.
Harry, watching this erotic show from the bed moaned out loud. He knew how good that mouth felt on his own c**k. Draco had a wicked tongue and a mouth made for c**k. He could well imagine what Ron was feeling now. He watched as Draco swallowed Ron almost to the root, heard the boy’s breath start to come in harsh, short spurts and pumped his fist around his c**k harder and faster as he watched Ron approach orgasm. Ron cried out as he came and Harry fisted himself faster and groaned as he too reached orgasm, hot come spurting from his abused organ on his stomach and on his hand. He watched, still stroking himself lightly, as Draco stood up and gave Ron a deep, passionate kiss before taking his hand and leading him to the bed. Ron, still recovering from the mind blowing feeling of Draco’s hot little mouth wrapped around his c**k, could do nothing but follow. Reaching the bed, all three boys collapsed on it, wrapped in each other’s arms. After a while, Harry reached for his wand and the faint tingle of a cleaning spell caressed the bodies tangled together.
“Draco, that was…” Ron trailed off, unable to find an adjective to describe one of the best blowjobs of his life.
Harry laughed and Draco smirked as the two boys looked at each other over the redhead wrapped between them.
“That was just the beginning Ron,” purred Harry. “I haven’t gotten to taste you yet.”
At Harry’s words, Ron felt his body stirring again with interest. This is too good to be true. I must be dreaming. But the hand sliding slowly down his body quickly negated that thought, as did the tongue tickling the back of his neck. He slid his own hands down the bodies to either side of him, sliding slowly southward until his hands closed over two different organs, but the same in the feel of heat they gave him. He smiled as he felt the response to his touch in the flesh he held in both hands.
Harry reached forward and laid a hand on Ron’s cheek, caressing his face lightly before pulling him into a kiss. Harry’s kiss was different from Draco’s in that Harry went immediately for Ron’s tongue, sucking deeply on it and inhaling the groan that action wrung from Ron. Leisurely, he let go to the tongue in his mouth and drew it into his own with teasing brushes, allowing Ron to explore the recesses of his mouth. Breaking the kiss, he made his way slowly down Ron’s body, pushing him unto his back and Draco rolled away. Ron whimpered at the loss of those two delicious erections and was gratified when Draco leaned down to kiss him as Harry moved ever closer to his reformed arousal. His hips jerked as he felt Harry mouthing his balls, release threatening as the two unknowingly fulfilled another fantasy with their actions. How often have I dreamt of this, Harry sucking me while Draco kissed me? Oh Merlin that feels good!
Harry continued to mouth Ron’s sac, slowly pulling first one testicle, then the other into his mouth and sucking both at the same time, enjoying the muted sounds coming from his best friend and new lover. He released the treasure he had in his mouth and began to lick up the underside of the shaft, wrapping his tongue as far around it as he could and slowly sliding up. With one hand he held Ron’s hip in place and with the other he drew nonsense patterns against his inner thigh. Knelling on the floor and pulling Ron’s body closer to the edge of the bed, he took the head in his mouth, tongue laving back and forth across the dripping slit. Ron gasped and threw his head back, breaking the kiss he shared with Draco, who simply moved on to other appealing parts of Ron’s body as his mouth fastened around a hard little n****e, sucking gently and then with more force as he watched Harry sucking Ron’s c**k, unable to keep his own noises of arousal and desire to himself.
Ron’s shaft thickened his Harry’s mouth and he immediately tugged at Ron’s balls as he let the c**k slide out of his mouth with an audible pop.
“Oh no you don’t. I want you in me when you come,” he whispered to the red head. Ron groaned and almost came from the visual alone, but Harry had his hand clamped tightly at the base of his c**k and his release was short-circuited. Letting go of Ron and moving up to the bed, Harry settled himself on his back and drew his legs up to either side of him and looked at Ron.
“Ron, I want you to open me up, made me ready for you. I want you to ******** me while Draco ******** you.”
Ron moaned, his entire body on fire as he accepted the pot of lubricant that Draco handed him. Dipping his fingers inside, he drug them out and held them up to Harry’s eyes before using one to circle Harry’s entrance. Slowly, he pushed the finger past the tight ring of muscle, as far as he could get it, before just as slowly pulling it out. He barely noticed Draco picking the jar up from where he set it, but he did feel a hand lifting his hips and pushing his legs apart as he kneeled in front of Harry. As he added another finger, he gasped, as Draco had chosen that moment to slip a wet finger of his own inside Ron’s delectable pucker. His fingers moved in and out of Harry, scissoring and stretching the hole and he felt a hot tongue bathing the cleft above his opening. By the time he had gotten four fingers inside Harry, who was squirming and begging beneath him, he was more than ready himself.
“Draco, I want to move.”
Draco reluctantly removed his fingers from the lovely a** in front of him and Ron pulled Harry towards the edge of the bed, much as had been done to him before. Pushing Harry’s legs back up, he took Harry’s c**k in his mouth, sucking hard at the head for a few seconds before positioning himself at Harry’s entrance. As he did so, he saw Draco move behind him, obviously catching on to what he wanted to do. Pushing forward, he began the slow push into Harry’s welcoming body, breath hissing as the tight canal encased him. Spreading his legs, he felt Draco’s hands on his a**, opening him up to be filled. As Draco slid inside him, he held still, willing himself to relax and giving Harry a chance to adjust. He heaved a sigh as he felt the hot c**k completely fill him and jerked involuntarily when Harry squeezed around him. Pushing back against Draco, he slowly pulled out of Harry and pushed back in as Draco pushed harder into him. The feeling of ******** and being ******** was overwhelming and he knew he wouldn’t last long.
“Damn Ron, you’re so ******** tight,” Draco hissed behind him. At those words he clamped down on the c**k in his body, causing Draco to cry out loud at the pleasure that one moved caused.
Soon, all three became lost in the rhythm and the feel of each other, incoherent cries coming from all of them. Harry could hear himself begging for more while Ron told him how hot and tight and sweet his a** was, while Draco whispered how much he was enjoying ******** Weasley’s hot little a**. Soon all talking stopped as each point got closer to coming, Harry grabbing his c**k, jerking it against Ron’s stomach and moaning and screaming how close he was. Harry lost if first and came all over Ron’s stomach, the clenching on his a** on Ron’s body causing Ron to orgasm as well. Draco, determined to hold out, was two strokes behind as the sight and sound of both his lovers coming was simply too much for him.
Sweaty and sated, they collapsed in a heap on the bed, Draco pulling out of Ron as he pulled himself out of Harry. Wrapping their arms around each other, each lost in thought, all that could be heard was ragged breathing slowly evening out to regular even breaths.
“Ron, that was amazing” Harry managed to get out.
“I completely agree with that Weasley. Better than I expected even.”
Ron grinned. “Bloody brilliant if you ask me. Am I glad I stayed.”
Draco smirked. “You couldn’t leave remember?”
Ron groaned. “I knew you wouldn’t let me forget that.”
Harry sat up and grinned down at both men. “Lets get some sleep so we can do this again.”
He started laughing as Ron’s eyes got wider and Draco just gave a satisfied smirk. Pulling on Ron’s arms, both boys drug the redhead into the center of the bed and wrapped himself around him.
Ron sighed in pleasure and contentment. Just what I’ve always wanted, he thought as he drifted off to sleep. The two hottest men in the school, wrapped around me after great sex. He’d have the memories to wank to for months to come. A smile curved his lips as he followed Draco and Harry into sleep
pigs will fly tonight
Random. Only my 2nd fanfic.
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