• "I'll just be gone for an hour or so."

    I guess it was probably my fault, I'd let him go out to the bar. See, it was his birthday, forty-one years old.
    Depression had set in on him.
    "I'll never finish my album."
    "I just wanted to be famous, but now I'm too old."
    He had asked if it was okay for him to go out for a couple drinks, and if I'd watch my little sister.
    So I said, "Sure, Daddy. Meadow and I will be fine."

    He was gone for much longer than an hour. He had left at five and was home at one.
    I had just fallen asleep, when he yelled for my to wake up.
    He was drunk.
    "Where's your sister?"
    "In your room, Daddy."

    I went upstairs to my room, but only spelt for two hours.

    My phone rang, what choice did I have but to answer it...?
    "Bella, is there anyway you can get your sister and go into the driveway to meet me?" it was Emily, twenty-five years old, and my dad's girlfriend.
    I told her yes, I'd try.
    And I did try, but Meadow woke up when I picked her up, and started fussing.
    I called Emily back, told her what happened.
    "Okay. Get in my bedroom, lock the door, I'll be in a minute."

    Bang. Bang. Bang.
    Daddy broke the door down. I was scared of him for the first time in my life.
    Emily yelled at him to get out.
    Next thing I knew, Meadow, Emily and I had snuck out the bedroom window, and were in her car.
    We went to a Super 8 Motel, and stayed there for the night.

    "Emily, Daddy will be okay, right?"
    "Yes, Bella. He's just a little shaken up because someone threated to kill him tonight."