• Back Cover Writing. (If there would be any))

    From the moment I saw her, I knew she was meant for me. My friends said, "Connor, she's never going to fall for you." But she did. We went out, and saw movies, dinner, and just played Guitar Hero. But One thing I'd never think was spending time at the emergency room.

    Chapter One.

    One morning, as I was getting ready for school, I had this, what you would say, premonition. I felt it was going to be a lousy day. I walked, as always, instead of the damn bus. Too much talking for my taste. I stopped at the school store before homeroom started, but there was a line. She was a few feet in front of me. I stared at her for a little to long. She noticed, and giggled. I was a bit taller, but not too much. She blushed, and paid for a notebook. We had the same homeroom, I'd noticed. I followed, but not to close to be called a stalker. I took my seat a few rows beside her. She flashed me a smile, then took no notice of me for the rest of the day. I became frustrated.

    The next day, she told me her name. "Hi, Connor? I'm Jayea." She said in a bright tone. Her red blond hair was curly in a ponytail, her Caribbean blue eyes were sparkling behind her reading glasses. "Hey Jayea." I pronounced, my words slurring again. She laughed. That's when a completely random thought popped into my head. "Want to go out?" I asked, seeming desperate. She eyed me carefully, then smiled. "Absolutely. I've kinda been waiting for you to ask me that." She blushed, lowering her head, and skimming her foot on the tiled floor. This time I laughed. "No need to be embarrassed. So..My house at four? I'll drive you home." I offered. She nodded. "See you later Connor." She called from down the hall. I sighed, happy and contented. Some freshman whispered from behind me. I glared them down. They scurried like rats seeing light for the first time. Then another thought popped into my head. Four o'clock? That's 5 hours away! I frowned, and skulked off to math.