• I awoke to a throbbing pain that seemed to last forever. If I was dead then maybe I had been sent to hell to endure this pain. My own personal purgatory for the deeds that had made my mother leave me on the steps of the church. A proper punishment for unpaid parental dues perhaps.

    But alas that was not to be the end of my lonely existence as the blinding light that had made everything seem pure light and pain focused… I was in the small infirmary within the abbey walls. Maybe what had happened to me was merely a dream that I had conjured after passing out. Moving to sit up quickly put that idea out of my head as the pain shot through me, pinning me to the back of my bed. The blankets had been pulled up to my chin and as I removed them I received my finally confirmation that everything was set in reality.

    Four vicious, deep slashes crossed from my left shoulder to my right hip. Blood lines seeping through the dressing attesting to the shear damage that the beast had delivered in a single blow. This was more then I could handle as I leaned my head back onto the pillow as the pain began to drown me in a world of black once more, nearby scuffling telling me that I was no longer alone in the room.

    “I am glad to see you up Brother.” The round, kindly Brother Jameson stated happily as he slide me up to sit and held a glass to my lips.

    The liquid was of some terrible herbal concoction that sustained our health inside these walls. Knowing Brother Jameson’s liquid sludge was a far better option than the ever increasing throb across my chest I quickly downed it. As Brother Jameson brought the cup back down I found myself looking straight at Father Timothy standing at the foot of my infirmary bed.

    “Hello dear child.” He stated, a sad smile placed upon his face. “I’m afraid there is much we need to discuss… Brother Jameson.” As Father nodded at Brother Jameson the round monk patted my arm as he quickly gathered his foul smelling cup and scurried from the room, making sure to close the ever present giant oak doors behind him.

    Walking around the bed Father sat down in a chair pulled up beside me from the window. A fact that I took to mean they had kept vigil over me, which lead me to think about how long I had really been unconscious. “What day is it Father?”

    “It is Thursday child.” Thursday. That meant four days since I had gone out for a jog from Nightmare on Elm Street. The shocked look on my face must have moved Father to take my hand because the next thing I knew he was squeezing it.

    “My child, what you have gone through has been trying. But it was set in your path as a sign to prepare for the future. As warriors of God we must fight for his children here on earth… Do you understand what I am trying to tell you?” he asked, leaning forward as if this were a meeting directly sanctioned by God for our ears alone.

    “I think so Father. You mean that we must use our strengths to protect those around us who are in need, right Father?”

    “Yes child, but much more than just that.” He replied with a kind smile. “Do you know what you saw? What you were attacked by?”

    The obvious confusion on my face was all the motivation Father needed to deliver his divine message of purpose. “You were attacked by a servant of Satan my child. God has blessed you with the sight need to see through their illusion to what they truly are. A gift few have and fewer know how to handle, for once you are able to see them they to are able to see. That is why you were attacked my son. And that is why when you are better we have much to prepare for… But no need to worry about that now, rest. All will be set only by God’s time.” Father Timothy concluded as he slowly stood up and turned toward the door.


    “Yes child?”

    “Did God mean for me to do something with this new sight?”

    “Fight, my son. Fight the demons the rest of us aren’t able to perceive.” With that Father left through those same apposing doors that Brother Jameson had so timidly closed. Closed them to leave me drift on higher thoughts then those meant of this world.