• "Max, here!" i turned my head and Chris threw me a rod, i cought it and threw it at the shadow. It grabed it and threw it at the wall, it threw a fire ball at me, i flipped out of the way. I ran to the alley, and poked my head out, but brought it back in just in time for a brick to fly past my face.
    I saw a shadow coming fast at me, i put up my fist's, as soon as it made it'self see'able i swung. But it was the wrong thing, Chris snaped back and grabbed my fist and put it behind me, and covered my mouth.
    "MAX shut-up, gosh darn it,"
    "he has gotten alot better at his words" I thought to myself as he scolded me.
    He let me go and turned my face to him, and gave me a passionate kiss.
    All of a sudden Allie turned the corner, holding his arm with sweet all over his face.
    "Man, there every were. I told you that we needed to get her to...Oh hey Max."
    I sarcasticaly waved at him, then turned and looked at Chris's sweat and dirt covered face.
    "Did he come and save me, just because he loves me. *gasp* is that why he kissed me!?!?!? OMG wow."
    "Max...Max...Max...Max! He... hello, ugh never mind. I'm goanna regreat this. But i have todo this."
    He turned and grabed my wrist and pulled me over his shoulder, and caried me all the way out of the base, with me kicking and screaming.
    "Chris, they can see my panties!!!!"
    "Oh really!!! Max, Your more woried about GRINGO, seeing your panties than saving them?"
    I hoped down and brushed my hair from my face, and put my hands on my hips.
    "Yes! Do you have a problem with that?"
    "Man. She's so stuborn, why do you like her so much?"
    "Allie." Chris said as he punched him in the arm.
    I blushed and put my unbrushed and dirty hair into a messy poney tail. Then grabbed both of them by the ears and yanked them down behind the bush's.
    "What the heck did you do that f-"
    I rolled my eye's and sighed as i grabed his face and turned it to see the passing by gaurds.
    "That's why."
    "Oh" He sighed. He turned and gave me that look.
    "Oh no! I can walk and run just fine thank y-, CHHHHHRRRRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSSSSS"
    I yelled at he yanked me over his shoulder.
    After 3 hours of me screaming and yelling i finaly gave up, not because Allie told me to but because i had finaly lost my voice. After another 2 hours i fell asleep and i guse Chris finaly realized it to, because in my slumber i felt him gently pull me into a cradle.