• "Remember, you can't be seen by any one but your target. This is your first kill if its good then you have a place at this death house. Good luck Dragon claw."
    "I know what to do and will return when the deed is done," the newly apprenticed assassin said as he bowed to his master. Then with the swiftness of a striking snake ran out the door and down the latter. His master had wondered sense the day he begun his training how he moved so quietly in the hiking boots he preferred to shoes.
    Dragon Claw got into position at the edge of the woods across from the mansion that belonged to a mob boss. That was his target for the man had finally managed to kill a relative of someone who wasn’t afraid of him. They hired him to take the man out.
    This will be an easy kill, thought Dragon Claw. For the man was alone, he thought he was untouchable. Ha, he will show the man just how untouchable he was.
    As the man walked out of the house and got into his car Dragon Claw lifted the two revolvers strapped to his hips and started out. He met the man as he was getting out of his car to shut the gate to his house.
    “Hello. Can I help you young man?”
    “Oh yes. Yes you can,” Dragon Claw replied and smiled as he raised his guns. “You have been chosen to be the next man to enter the abyss of eternal darkness,” He finished and pulled the trigger ending the foul mans life. Holstering his guns he pulled the wickedly curved blade from behind his back and cared his signature into the mans SUV.