That b***h, how dare she! The little ******** ingrate needs to learn her lesson.
Chapter 7:
School's back in session. Summer break's been cut in half to accommodate the breaks caused by the murders. Police still don't have any leads. I haven't heard anything, so I can only assume they haven't identified Carrie's body. The fire from the tree had eventually burned itself out. Too bad too, I had been hoping to come back with some marshmallows.
I enter computer apps. class, in for another 90 minute session of out-dated practice on obsolete machines, I swear my graphing calculator has more processing power than these hunks of junk. Were doing desktop publishing now, which means we're going to be making worthless brochures, hip hip hooray, it's a craptastic day.
Finally, class is ******** over, the teacher cut off the Internet again, so I couldn't do anything even remotely entertaining the whole damn time. I rush out as soon as the bell rings, the Air conditioner was busted, meaning it was a sauna in there. I turn the corner, crash into somebody else.
"Watch where you're going c**k-breath!" I shout, nose throbbing from the impact with his forehead.
"Man ******** you, you was the one running like some Forest Gump b***h!" he yells back.
It's Luigi, some a*****e from my bus. He's sort of like Rico, talks a lot of s**t, but only fight if he's got his crew with him.
"Piss off!" I yell, fed up with this whole damn building.
"Man, go ******** yo' self." he says, backing away, like I said, he doesn't fight anyone without 3 other guys to help him. "Your b***h-a** ain't worth my time."
He walks off, but I'm still fuming, I've dealt with enough s**t already, and the day is only half threw.
The bell rings, signaling the start of Sophomore lunch. We're not supposed to leave until the second bell rings when it's lunch, but I left early. Everyone else starts funneling out of class, when I see Tina, backing away from the crowd, trying to avoid bumping into anybody. She abhors human contact.
You know what? I've had a shitty day, and I wanna go home. Seeing Tina just reminded me that I have a way to get out of this s**t-hole.
I rush towards the chemistry lab. I've got a plan, improvised mind you, but if all goes as planned, I should be out of here before lunch is over.
In the storage room next to the chem lab. There's a small window in the door, door's right behind the front desk where Ms. Trases usually bitches at us from. speaking of her, she's sitting at the back of the class by the back window, starting to eat her lunch.
Keeping as much of myself concealed as I can, I peak through the window in the door, watching, waiting, until she springs the trap. She reaches for the blue tinted water bottle she always carries with her, she even chugs from it in the middle of class. She opens the sports bottle style cap, and brings it to her lips. takes a few big gulps, before her eyes widen.
That's my cue, I slam the door open run towards her, bounding on top of desks until I reach her. She sees me, but can't talk, after all, she did just swallow 2 mouthfuls of hydrochloric acid. that's gotta sting. I smack my fist into her face, sends her to the ground. I stomp my foot into her chest, crouch down, and grab the bottle out of her hand.
I rip the top off of it, then turn it upside down, sending the acid down onto Ms. Trases' face. She opens her mouth to scream put some of the acid escapes down her throat, stifling her cry. As the last of the acid flows out of the bottle, her skin turns pink, than red.
I'd like to see what her eyes look now, but she has them closed, face contorted hideously in pain.
removing my foot from her chest, I open up one of the glassware cabinets, pull out a beaker. Turning back to Ms. Trases, I raise the beaker above my head, in a flash I hurl it down onto her face, it shatters as it crashes into her head. She rives in pain with that blow, the acid had made her skin really tender, meaning that had to have hurt like hell.
Well, sucks to be her.
Looking around, I see somebody left their lacrosse stick in here. I walk over, pick it up and head back to where Ms. Trases is trying to crawl away. I smack the lacrosse stick into the back of her head, that stops her. I smash the stick into her face another couple of times, a smile crossing my face.
"Oh I'm sorry. Should I wipe this smirk off my face?" I taunt her. "After all, I wouldn't want to be disrespectful."
I mash the lacrosse stick into her throat, the crunch of her esophagus snaps through the air. I dig the sick in a little further, like a little kid trying to get every last little *POP* out of a sheet of bubble wrap.
I drop the stick
I step out of the room, into the deserted hallway. I'm practically giddy from the thrill. As I turn the corner, I spot Tina walking down the hall with her head slumped. It's still lunch time, so she and I are the only people in the hallway, everyone else is either in class or at lunch.
In a split second an idea springs into my head.
"Help! Help! Some body's been hurt!" I shout, false-fear shaking my voice. Putting a look of anxious fear on my face, I run towards her. "You've gotta help!"
She looks up surprised, her eyes widen as she registers what I said. Without even asking questions she starts forward. The fear that the murders instilled must still be fresh for her.
I race back to the chemistry room, Tina close behind. I run through the door, and straight to the back where Ms. Trases' body sits, lacrosse stick a few feet away.
I crouch next to her body, Tina not far behind. She kneels down, fear reflecting on her face as she takes in the view. Ms. Trases barely resembles her old self. Her face looks like it's Ben smashed into a hot stove top and pushed into a pit of razor blades. Bloody pieces of glass stick out of her mangled face. Her neck looks like a snake that just got run over, lumps of shattered bone scattered about underneath her skin.
Tina reaches forward, perhaps drawn by some morbid fascination, and removes one of the larger pieces of glass. Faking concern, I reach out. Grab her wrist.
"You shouldn't tou-" is all I get out.
She freaks at being touched, lashes out at me, the glass in her hands cuts through my lower arm.
Rage nearly consumes me. I feel a near irresistible urge to choke her, but even in my fury, I remain practical. Instead is stand up, grab a paper towel out of the dispenser a few steps away, wet it in the sink, and start dabbing at the cut. I hiss as it starts to sting.
"I'm sorry, I just hate being touched," Tina tells me. looking frightened.
"It's fine," I say. I don't want to talk, but the sound of my voice covers up the sound as I covertly switch on the hotplate by the sink.
I walk over to Ms. Trases' body again, trying to keep my anger in check for just a little bit longer. I crouch down near her body again.
"Holy s**t, come look at this."
Tina reluctantly walks over, definitely not comfortable. She bends over, trying to see the imaginary point of interest I spoke of.
In a flash, I grab the the lacrosse stick and swing. It smashes into her kneecap. I painful crack escapes from her leg as the bone cracks like a cheap vase.
She falls back, screams in pain. I don't pause, my wrist still stings from the cut she gave me and my anger won't give her a moment's respite. I smash the stick into her stomach, she cringes.
I toss the stick away, reach and grab her hair. I yank her up onto her feet, hurl her against the counter, and smash her face onto the hotplate.
You know that sound that bacon makes when it's really greasy and drops onto a hot frying pan? A sound sort of like that came from her face. I press harder, she screams.
Not a ******** soul can hear her.
I pick her head up, and throw her to the ground. I bend down, pick up a piece of glass, and lunge at her. She slams onto her back, I raise my hand, glass shard in hand. I grip it tight, stab down.
The glass sinks, quick and easy into her eye. She doesn't even have time to close it. I pull the glass shard, thinking it'll slide out of her eye, but the eye comes with it, optical nerve trailing behind it. It makes a wet, *pop* like a plunger unclogging a drain. Tina shrieks, despair and dismay resonating in her voice. I shake the shard until the eye comes loose. Stab down into her other eye, this times she gets a chance to close it, so it doesn't pop out like the last one.
I rip the glass our of her eye, push her chin up, and slash. Her neck splits open like a raw steak. Good thing it was easy, her screaming was really getting annoying.
Home. I left the two bodies in the room. A little while later, somebody found them, the police were called. School was pretty much canceled for the year. The principal sounded completely terrified when he told us to go home over the intercom.
I step into the bathroom, pick up one of my dad's razors. Wincing, I make a 1-inch cut across my arm near the one Tina gave me. I have to cover up any signs of an altercation, otherwise it'll raise suspicion. Cutting's all the rage amongst angsty teens, so it's not much of a stretch to say that's how a I got it, especially if it's hidden among a few others. I can just say i was depressed about having to take out the trash or other hard labor. Poor me.
- by The Size of Your Fist |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 04/09/2009 |
- Skip

Comments (3 Comments)
- Ectoplasmic Gizmo - 06/21/2009
- So where's number eight??? I read all the others xD
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- iiLady_Avian - 04/19/2009
- Wow. That was extremly...scary. But it was good writing and I think it's good so keep at it.
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- - Sweetheart Is A Freak - - 04/16/2009
- lots of profanity but it was awesome dude write some more!!!
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