• It was the perfect night, and it was the perfect place, the stars were
    high in the dark sky and shown brighter than anytime Jake could remember ever
    doing so in his life. The only sounds to be heard were that of the crickets
    musical chirp and the lulling waves against the beach at the hands of the moons
    endless tides. He stood with a blind folded girl in the middle of a field lined
    with vibrant, deep red roses and perfectly white moon lilies. Not a single lily
    had bloomed to the moon yet but were mere moments away from doing so. Jake took
    a quick glance at his watch and gazed into the beautiful women’s face who stood
    just inches in front of him. He gently removed her blind fold, running his hand
    through her hair as he did and tossed it to the side, never taking his eyes
    from his dearest love. Next to them, in the center of this heavenly field that
    was placed on and inhabited, wooded island in the middle of a southern
    tributary was a single lily. It came just to Jake’s waist and was the perfect size
    for what he intended to do. “What are we doing here Jacob?” Rose asked with a
    gaping smile, excitement and love vibrant in her eyes. Jake just stood there
    smiling, not saying a word. Suddenly, as the sun became entirely invisible
    behind the horizon every lily in the majestic clearing opened to the wondrous
    sky above them, showing off the beautiful yellow as it meshed perfectly with
    their white coats. As the lily next to them opened, Jake reached down and took
    a small black, velvet box from the middle of the flower. He knealed before the
    unsuspecting beauty before him and said with a soft but confident voice, “Rose,
    my love, will you merry me?”. Rose’s face was alight with amazement and joy as
    the words escaped his lips. As Jake stood up she jumped straight into his arms
    giving him the grandest hug she could deliver “Of course I will!” She exclaimed
    as she gave him the most passionate kiss there has ever been in all of history
    and it’s story book romances.