• One day a dog named scooby was tired, but before he could go to sleep he had to eat. Once he ate he got nice and cozy in his bed and fell right asleep. When he woke up he heard a cry. He leaped out of bed a jumped out the window. After a little while he realized that he was flying! When he heard the sound again he followed the sound. Some time passed bye and he was in the woods and head the sound right under him. When he got to the ground he saw it was a baby bear. He looked for any clues. The next thing he knew he found footprints. Scooby and the baby followed the tracks and found the mama bear looking for the baby. So scooby gave the baby bear back to the mama bear. When he was walking home he woke up. He realized that it wasn't a dream after all. So Scooby went on saving people and animals.