• Alice looked at me. The kidnapper turned around to glare at her. "What are you looking at, girl?" She gulped. "Nothing" The kidnapper snuck one last glare at me,"Watch it" he warned, then bound straight out of the room. Alice pulled at the ropes that tied her down. Her face turned a reddish purple. "What the heck are you doing, do you want to get us killed?" She slid the ropes down the chair. "The opposite, actually" she said, quite peppy. I stared at the dim light, wishing it was just a dream. Wishing that everything would just go away, to wake up in my own bed, all a dream. But no, it couldn't be that way. And a strange thing inside was telling me it shouldn't be that way... "Ow!" I whispered as Alice slid the ropes down my arms, burning my skin. She slid them down my legs over my ankles. I slid out. The door started to open. "Uh- oh" Alice said, "Ladies and Gentlemen, there have been some slight complications" I looked at her, "Ha ha ha" I laughed sarcastically. It seemed like an eternity before the door fully opened. By the time it was, me and Alice were in the chairs with the rope slid back over our arms. The kidnapper walked over to me and placed a long black necklace over my head. It had large black beads on the heavy rope-like string and a large blackish purple pendant on the end. "Why are you giving me this?" I asked. "First, you should know not to question me, even though I'd have to tell you anyways. Second, the reason is to raise the dead. Why, you don't need to know"