“You are grounded, no tv, computer, phone and you cant go to that club tonight!” my mom shouted. I glared as she slammed the door shut. I turned and flopped down on my bed; the springs groaned with the sudden weight. I held in the tears while looking at my Skelanimal pink bunny I named Cylide. Even though I was seventeen, I still had him, since I was ten. “What am I going to do?” I nuzzled my face into my bunny. I just have to go to the club tonight, well you’d think it was just like any other Saturday night but this night was important. Mostly because my boyfriend, Mikey told me I had to go or else. Or else what? I remember asking him that Friday morning. He just smirked and said “Trust Me” ughh, I rolled my eyes. If I had a dime every time I heard that one. But the look in his eyes was for real, so I guess it really is important. I glanced at the clock, seven-o-nine, and the club opens at eight. This club was not like most others. I mean, it had flashy lights, loud music, bars, lounging areas...you know the works. But unlike others, it was strictly a rock-alternative-heavy-metal club. No rap. No country. All morbid, almost every outfit was from Hot Topic or the local thrift store. The D.J was named ‘Static Discharge.’ There were real stolen tombstones everywhere, fog machines, neon signs saying stuff like “Vampires own”, “Funeral=Party”...etc yeah that. It’s my favorite place to hang, its called: ‘Belial’s Lachrimae’ Which means Devil’s Tears. Anyway, Mikey wanted me to go tonight and I just got grounded. Great. I flipped over in my bed, still wearing my Emily The Strange pjs. Suddenly, before I turned my iPod on, my mom walked in. “Lillth, your sister and I are going to Grandmommies house for the night, she’s not feeling well; Your dads asleep.” My haunted sprits were instantly enlightened. I nodded trying hard not to smile “Okay bye mom, love you.” My mom smiled warmingly “Love you too, be good.” With that she shut the door. While opening my door to freedom! As soon as I heard the garage door open then close I jumped up, and began shuffling through my closet. You see my daddy just so happened to be a red-neck, (so you can guess when he found I was in love with death he flipped) and he is…well lets just say simple minded. It would be a breeze to sneak out. “Wait.” I thought aloud. “How am I going to get there?” I normally took my mothers sliver Volvo, no way in the Underworld am I taking my dads pick-up. I grabbed my cell and punched in my friend Mika’s number. “Hello?” her always overly-cheery voice sang. “Hey, your going to Belial’s right?”
“Yeah, ‘bout to head out now. Im going to pick up Onyx and Luna first though. You going?” Onyx and Luna were some other friends of mine, but they and Mika were the tightest group ever. Whenever something happened the three gossip ghouls giggled about it in the cemeteries and club spreading it around faster then Paris Hilton gets a new pair of Pradas. Which, to me, is pretty dang fast. “Im planning on it; But im sneaking out and in need of a ride.” I admitted sheepishly. Mika laughed, sounding like wind chimes “No problem my friendly ghost, I’ll be there in a few.” I grinned a thanks then tossed the phone toward Cylide. “Alright, lets see, what to wear…?” After changing and re-changing I decided on black corset minidress, pink fishnet stockings, studded combat boots. I stared in the mirror I looked great, but it needs…. I spun around and saw my stapler on my desk. I grinned grabbing it, and stapling the skirt all over the bottom in a pattern around the edge. Then I noticed some old almost rusty safety pins in the floor. I picked them up and placed them randomly on the corset. I bounced back in front of the mirror and smiled “Perfect!” My cell phone vibrated, I flipped it open “Hello?” it was Mika “Were here!” I snatched up my Corpse Bride clutch then headed out. I quietly made my way to Mika’s lavender blue Mercedes, and then hopped into the back with Onyx; Luna had claimed the head grave stone of shotgun. “Hey Monster babe.” Onyx leaned over and kissed my cheek. She greeted all her friends that way, its cool with me. “Yo my morbid fairy’s.” I smiled. Onyx wore a tight black dress with mesh sleeves, pink fingerless gloves and thigh high heeled converse. I couldn’t tell what Mika was in, but I saw Luna’s attar was a pastel pink minidress, probably purple fishnets and her classic lime green knee high vans. “Onyx, Luna you ghouls are looking hot in those outfits!” I gushed wishing I was as pretty as them. In unison they giggled thanks. At the red-light Mika unbuckled and turned toward me “What about my ensemble?” she was decked out in black and white corset dress, black & white stripped tights, a pair of old school combat boots and a vintage midnight colored veil was draped over her head, thankfully she had it on her head while driving. I nodded encouragingly “Pretty hot too, Miss Murder.”
She grinned proudly turning back to the wheel. “Tonight’s monster mash better have some cute beasts.” Luna said while lining her lips with a purple gloss. Onyx snorted “Monster mash is so junior high now, I say tonight’s medieval massacre better have some killers to die for!” we all had a good laugh at that one. By the time we pulled into the Belial’s parking lot, we had already shared our deathly colored make up and traded some jewelry. Mika and I traded necklaces; my broken heart locket for her chain with a zebra print pistol hanging from it. The lot was basically packed, we got one of the last few spaces in the very back lot, the furthest away from the entrance but hey, we liked parking back here; so we could strut our stuff. “Good goth!” I yelled after we descended the car. “What?” Luna asked. “Somebody’s getting suicidal tonight!” I pointed to the good luck charm flying overhead, a dark brown bat. Different bats mean different things. Brown bats mean suicide, black bats means a prep is going to die, a golden crowned bat means someone’s going to commit a homicide, a fruit bat means someone’s going to get into a fight...etc. We cheered loudly for the suicidal victim somewhere near-by. About half way through the lot I spied a black hearse with a bat hood ordainment. I gasped “Mikey?” Mika lifted her veil enough to follow my gaze. “Oo, bat boy’s here.” She teased. Mikey, my boyfriend was addicted to Vampires, but not as much as me that’s for sure. My heart did a little skipped pitter-pattered thing, just to see my Knight of the night. At the entrance, as usual, a long line was in front of the coffin shaped doors. Maybe 450 people standing in line right now. “Dear Dracula in hell, tonight’s graveyard gala must be off the obituaries!” Onyx exclaimed, we all pouted while making our way to the back of the everlasting line. Mid walk there, a loud gruff voice hollered out “You ladies! You four come here!” we turned around incase it was for us, it was. The big bouncer was beaconing us to come up to him. We all glanced at one another then slowly and unsurely made our way to him. Luna tapped my arm and muttered “Did you send any one a death kiss?” I shook my head and whispered back “Nope, my caskets clean.” When we reached him, he asked in a thick Romanian accent “Do you ladies know a Michael Van’Cairo?” I stepped forward my pride getting the best of me. “Yes, he’s my boyfriend.”
“And were his friends.” Luna added.
The bouncer nodded with a smirk, “Lucky babes you are, to chill with such a corpse. You may come on in.” he said then in a nice gentlemen shorta way he slipped an amulet over each of our heads. That’s how people know you are allowed in; I collect my amulets so I have about a hundred or so back home. They were filled with different chemicals, normally mercury but if you were really lucky or cool you got one filled with wolf or bats blood. As we stepped in the door, we checked out the vials to see if any of us scored. Luna, Onyx and Mika mumbled “Mercury.” While I looked at mine in wonder, I quickly went back outside and asked the bouncer what was in mine. I returned to the girls laughing excitedly “I’ve got melted amethyst!”
They all cheered for me and showered me with high fives. “Alright.” Mika said as we neared the real coffin doors, to the true entrance leading into the football field sized dance floor. “Remember, confidence, control and faith in the Shinigamis.” Shinigamis were gods and goddess of death in Japan. We were huge fans. We held our breaths and opened the doors to our Night-world.
We strutted down the glass stair case toward the dance floor, ‘Time to Dance’ by Panic! At the disco was blaring shaking the speakers near the stage. The spider web curtains were pulled back reviling the latest ‘activities’ for the night. It was Wicca night, im assuming because the teens on the stage were surrounded by candles, old big books, and had drawn inverted pentagrams and hexagrams. “Bitterness!” Onyx hissed, in a flirty shorta way. “I spy a lonely ghost.” The rest of us followed her smirk to the stage where a dude in a pallbearers outfit, but with a modern style to it, kneeled before a baphomet holding a small razor. My heart skipped a beat, sure he was cute but…what on earth was he doing? I quickly grabbed Onyx’s wrist. “Hey, uh do you really want to go over there? I mean look at the symbol he drew and...and he’s holding a frggin razor!” panic rose in my throat, praying to God he wouldn’t do anything crazy. Onyx just scoffed “Oh turn over in your grave.” I faced her to me.
“Onyx, im for real. Please just…” I sighed, and mentally scolded myself for judging the guy before meeting him. “Well, just be careful. Have fun.” I forced a small smile still unnerved about the ghosty. She nodded, “Don’t worry Lillth, I promise if anything gets out of hand I’ll leave and find you.” I gave her a quick hug then turned to where the other two gothic chicks were. Not here. I sighed, then someone took me down into a dip from behind and bit my neck. I gasped, then giggled. “Mikey!” I smiled as he stood me back up, “Hey Lillth baby, nice outfit.” He checked me out up then down. I felt my self blush a bit, and then I checked out my Knight. He was in oversized black pants riddled with safety pins and a nice fitting black shirt with a shiny sliver Veve sign on it. “How does the bouncer know you?” I asked as he led me down to the bar. “Oh a little batty told him the down low.” He flashed me his wallet. I laughed; of course Mikey paid the guy. Suddenly the song ‘Love Addict.’ by Family Force 5 came on. “Oh my goth! We’ve got to dance to this.” I grinned grabbing his hand. I took him to the floor where pink, red, white and blue lights flashed. The disco ball glowed a sharp neon green, and the fog machines were cranked full throttle. We thrashed and swayed, keeping beat to my favorite song. “Doctor oh doctor, I’ve got an emergency, it seems im head over heels, I cant stop. L-O-V-E!”
I screamed out the lyrics happily while head banging between two ghostys, one in black the other in purple. Mikey took my hands and together we jumped up and down wildly as if at a real concert. When we stopped jumping he kissed me passionately, while I still swung my hips from side to side. I glanced to the left a little and spotted Luna, pumping her fist in the air. I let go of Mikey and danced my way to her, by the time I go to her. The song changed to ‘Animals’ by Nickelback. She saw me and together in unison we began doing a dance we made up a few weeks ago. We rocked at it. We stood next to each other facing the speakers, and put a hand on a hip, and slowly did like this hula without the hoop move while slowly moving our fist in the air like we were holding a lasso. I bit my lip trying hard not to laugh, knowing how dumb we must have looked. But for some un-known reason, a bunch of guys began surrounding us and mimicked our moves, getting real close; so Luna and I were almost trapped in this circle of hot dudes. Mikey must have noticed all the guys around me, and he reached in and pulled me out the group. I laughed as he pulled me off the floor. “Aw, your no fun.” I joked. His hazel eyes widened as he shook his head, “If I left you in there any longer, your virginity would have been gone to five different guys.” I slapped him on the back of the head. “Mikey! Don’t say stuff like that, you know Belial’s doesn’t have acts as such.” I scowled glaring at him. He chuckled, obviously enjoying what he said. Typical guy. At the bar, we plopped down on a couple of spider web seats and turned to the tender. It was a pretty older looking woman, maybe mid forties; she was the first African-American I’ve ever seen here. She smiled kindly at us “What can I get for you too, sweeties?” I smiled loving how heart warming she seemed. Mikey cleared his throat, “Could I get one non-alcoholic Insane Asylum and my girl will have..” he looked over at me, I smiled at the woman “One non-alcoholic Bubbly Execution please.” She took Mikey’s twenty, then began making our drinks. I watched a minute, Mikey’s Insane Asylum was a real fruity shorta drink with different spices and fruit flavors in it. In the end the color turned out a dark bloody sunset color, in a glass looked like it was made of pure bones. My Bubbly Execution was real slushy like, with a deep rich purple color. In it was this strong mint with different grape and blueberry flavors from all over the south Americas. “Here ya go sugars.” She handed us our drinks, smiling. “Thank you.” We both said, and then headed for our favorite lounge; it was kinda private with several colorful leather couches, two opened coffins adorned with lace, and a mini graveyard off to the side. There was a giant neon sign above it flashing, saying “The Torture Chamber.” It also had an old school real iron maiden, in between two of the sofas. Some dude tried to lock me in there once but luckily Mikey saved me. And if you’re lucky you can find all shorts of weapons in random places. One time Mika and I found an old rusty Scavenger’s Daughter behind the iron maiden. Mikey sat next to one of the coffins, while I put my drink down and hopped up and into the casket. I giggled laying down Dracula style with my hands crossed over my chest.
Then I remember Mikey wanted to talk to me or something important. I sat up, “Mikey, why did you want me to come tonight?” I looked over at him, he was taking a sip then he said “I’ve got a surprise for you.” He said non-chantilly. I put a hand over my heart “Michael, you didn’t have to get me anything.”
He came over and cupped my face “Yeah, I did.” I scrunched my eye brows. “It’s not our anniversary or my birthday.”
He gently kissed my cheek then sat back down. “I know, but I just love you so much, and when I saw this I knew I had to get it for my Goddess of death.” I blushed looking down, playing with a staple on my skirt. Suddenly, Mika came in linked arms with Luna, both panting and out of breath. “Yo?” Mikey looked at them. “Whats going on?” I added. Mika laughed her wind chime laugh then said “You will never believe this; Lillth, Mikey come on.” I sighed sarcastically “Great now I have to-“ My boyfriend cut me off by swiftly and smoothly lifted me out of the coffin, like Dracula holding his mortal bride. I kissed his neck before he sat me down then we followed the giggling girls. They stopped right in front of the dance floor and pointed. My Chemical Romance’s ‘head first for halos’ was playing and in the center of the floor was Onyx and the pallbearer dude slow dancing, gazing at each other like Romeo and Juliet. This was a major nail in our group’s coffin lid. Onyx was normally a huge flirt, never slow danced, never truly gazed at someone and always had a different dance partner every song. And here she was, slow dancing with this killer. My jaw dropped, “How long have they been dancing?” Mika glanced at me, “For three songs straight, all thrash songs.” Luna laughed, while Mikey cooed “Aww, our little gothic bat is finally spreading her wings.” I couldn’t comprehend this, was she playing this guy or really into him? “His name is Thorn; Onyx stopped him from calling forth an evil demon, because he felt no need for living. The two started talking then hit it off real quick, they shared a no-alcohol Guillotine. And haven’t been apart yet!” Luna gossiped. I chuckled still in dismay “That’s great, she might just have a keeper, longer then the twilight hour.” Mika nudged my shoulder “So what were you and bat boy doing back there?” she winked, even though Mikey was standing right next to us. “Talking, sorry ladies but I need my ghoul.” He led me off back toward The Torture Chamber. He sat down with me and held both of my hands. “Okay.” He began nervously. I gently petted his black hair back, and smiled reassuringly to let him know he could tell me anything. He gulped, “Hold on.” He took a sip of his Insane Asylum, then continued “I know were only seventeen and not graduating until next year. But im just so…in love with you. Im totally afraid of commitment but if its with you, im like skitsafranic about it.” He grinned, turning a fair scarlet. I smiled “I feel the same way; marriage and bearing children is so frightening but if it’s with you I could so take on the psycho persecution of life!” We stayed silent for a minute listening to Puddle of Mudd’s ‘Psycho.’ When I finally broke the ice, “Mikey, I love you so much, no matter what you say or do my heart shall always belong to my one true soul mate….you.” after I said that, I laughed. “Sorry, that was so lame. But hey the truth hurts.”
“It was so romantic I had the urge to knock someone out.” Mikey laughed. I grinned. “Anyway, Lillth Victoria will you” he kneeled down on one knee in the floor and pulled out a black velvet box. He opened it, “Marry me?” in side was a beautiful medieval ring with a barbered wire band and a medium sized sparkling raven colored diamond. I gasped, using my hand to cover my mouth. I felt the tears forming; I didn’t have to think twice about it. “Yes!” I shouted pulling him up into a hug. We shared the most amorous kiss ever. He held me in his arms until a chorus of hoorays and whoowhoos erupted around us. We glanced around seeing Luna, Mika, Onyx and her new stud killer: Thorn. “We have to help you pick out the dress!” Luna, Mika and Onyx yelled together. Thorn came over and greeted himself “Hell for all! How I hope your future is bleak with blood edged wishes!” Mikey and I loved his praise “Thanks so much, Im Lillth and this is Mikey.” He gave us nod then before returning to Onyx’s side “Im Thorn.”
We all crashed together on the sofas, us girls giggling and gushing about the ring and the wedding; while Thorn and Mikey chatted about music, who they want to behead, yeah you know guy stuff. When suddenly, right when I was in the middle of taking a sip of my Bubbly Execution, Onyx gasped.
We all looked and standing at the bar was a girl with bleach blond hair, a pink Abercrombie shirt, a fuzzy Hollister jacket and a pair of jeans. Her feet stood in some high heeled stilettos. I almost choked. “That’s not a fashion statement; it’s a freaking death wish!” Thorn and Mikey said in stereo revolt.
Luna and Onyx shared a repulsive look, while Mika and I just shook our heads ashamed. “How in the world did that,… that prep get in?” Thorn asked, sounding like a mother wondering how a cockroach got in the kitchen. “Only Jason knows.” I replied. “Hey.” Mikey lit up, “How about for a pre-wedding funeral; we go teach that prep a lesson.” He winked. I grinned, feeling a burst of love, I couldn’t help but say “Oh your perfect.” Mikey jokingly popped the string of his amulet “I know.” Thorn laughed randomly, “Did I mention I took the art of ninja skills a few years ago?” and with that he took out his razor and skillfully flung it at the girls heels. Instantly snapping one of them off, she shrieked falling like a model on a runway. We all laughed then rushed over there, where the bar woman was, she smiled “Thanks babies, that nasty shrew was getting to me.” Mikey and Thorn picked up the stunned girl, Mikey asked “Where too?” we ignored the girls cries and shrills of her Barbie like voice. Mika smiled “How about the Catacombs?” Luna and I cheered “To the Catacombs!” We marched to them proudly, receiving valiant grins and nods of approval from other clubbers on the way. The girl kicked Mikey and shouted “You emo freak, let go!” Mikey giggled “Feisty little cherub aren’t you?” he cooed like she was a baby. I laughed “She doesn’t even know what feisty means.” To make the point even more plausible, she scoffed “I do to! Its that party for Mexicans.” Mika and Luna got a kick out of that one. At the Catacombs we and some curios on-lookers chanted “Shut the door, shut the door.” Meaning shut the coffin lid, for Mikey and Thorn had placed her down in an empty mahongy sarcophagus. Mikey fake yawned was the girl tried to climb out but while ‘stretching’, he slammed the lid down sealing the girl in. The crowd cheered, then went back to doing whatever. I walked over to him and kissed him lovingly “My Knight of the night, I love you so much.” Mikey held me close “I love you even more Lillth.”
Later on that night at around three, Mika had driven us ghouls’ home, I laid in bed replaying the events in my mind. Thorn and Onyx were official, we all rocked hard and Im engaged to the love of my afterlife. The Underworld was starting to look up. I hugged Cylide close, a soft smile lingering on my lips, and the sweet taste of Mikey’s lips as well. Right before I fell asleep, I remembered the chick we shut in the coffin. “Crapit!” I shot up. No body let her out, I almost considered taking my dad’s truck to go save her; but that would ruin the fun. And she did deserve it, after showing up at our hang out. I simply shrugged then went to sleep wearing a smile.
“Lillth, sweetheart! Wake up.” My mom called. I groaned, “Noooo.”
“She walked in and said somewhat franticly “Something about Belial’s Lachrimae is on the news.” That got me up; with Cylide in my arms I hurried down the hall to the den where my dad and sister were. My sister was buried in her Game Boy and my dad was sharpening his knife while sucking on some chewing tobacco. I glanced at the TV screen and almost burst out laughing. They showed a frightened teenage girl in jeans, a pink Abercrombie shirt and a fuzzy Hollister jacket; standing next to a wailing ‘Corporate Cathy’ looking mom.
The news reporter was holding a microphone up to some cop. “We have absolutely no leds, Miss Tegen cant remember a thing.” Then the picture changed to the reporter talking to the kind hearted African-American bar maid. Oh no, please don’t rat us out. “I cant believe, the guards let her in. That young girl caused nothing but trouble for the sweet innocent kids here last night; who ever did this must have had a lot courage and a true heart.” I bit my tongue and held my breath; Miss bar maid is on our side. “What trash!” I shouted suddenly, acting appalled. “How dare someone like her come to the club and cause such a ruckus!” my dad just huffed “’Bunch of Devil worshipers anyway.” I glared at him then looked at my mom for support “Its okay darling, hes just a bit on edge today.” Then she leaned in and whispered “His favorite tobacco, just went up on price.” I gave her nod “Ah, yeah such a shame.” She patted my back
“Don’t worry, just be careful when you go there next Saturday. If you see any Hollister wearing people, make sure that young man of yours is with you.” She said sternly referring to Mikey. I sat down next to my sister with a smirk. “Who did it?” she muttered. I grinned “Mikey and Onyx’s new killer: Thorn.” My sister nodded contently. “So, the clubbing was good?” I gazed down at my ring finger, the diamond seemed to glow. “Just peachy.”
By: Ali McClure
- by XxHimeofMCRxX |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 03/22/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Belial’s Lachrimae
- Artist: XxHimeofMCRxX
I typed this up a few weeks ago in two days
this is part one
if anyone likes it, please comment and i'll post the rest - Date: 03/22/2009
- Tags: belials lachrimae
- Report Post
Comments (3 Comments)
- raeflower - 01/03/2010
- Very nice, although the paragraphs could be organized better, and there are some typos. Everything else is great. 4/5.
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- Terra-Astraea - 03/31/2009
- Pretty interesting so far. I wat to know what heppens next!
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- Thorn Of The Sky - 03/27/2009
- Very nice!!!
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