There were five people waiting, each a different color. The first was red, and soaked, with what could only be blood. The second was blue, and singing to himself a lovely song. The third was green and she was ordering everyone to do something, although no one listened. The last two were twins, a yellow-orange, looking around, itching to explore. You watched them all, yourself a purple color. The red one pulled out a blade and held it to your neck.
"I am the First Alice of this wonderland, Meiko." She said. "Are you prepared to die?"
"Meiko, leave her be." Said a voice. You looked around to see who was in your defense, it was the blue man. "I am the Second Alice, Kaito." He spoke softly, carefully, then went back to singing, he crossed his arms and you noticed on one arm was a blue rose, it's thorny stem attached to his arm with no visible attachment.
"Such foolish peasants. You should know to let your Queen go first." The green girl said. "I am Miku, the Third Alice." Miku turned to the twins.
"We are Rin and Len." The twins said together. Len held out his hand silently to you, on it was a half a gold heart. You took his hand and on your hand appeared a purple cross. A black figure appeared over the five and each one became trapped.
The first was locked in a cell, the second was held by a skeleton, the Third hid behind a veil and the twins fell asleep.
"Welcome." The thing said. "I am the creator of this world and I have brought you here to help me. See, the first four Alices did not help me much, so I ask you as my Fifth Alice to help me. Your new name is Saya. I welcome you, Fifth Alice, Saya to my world."
Suddenly, you felt a need to help, but it was not your own need, your eyes turned a deep purple and you took Meiko's sword from her hand, you snatched Kaito's music from his pouch and swept the crown right off Miku's head. Yes..this would do. You would make a new world for the Dream.
You wield the sword like a knight, although you had never held one before and first cut down the skeletons an people with rotten flesh coming to see what was happening.
Then you began to sing, you sang the notes so brilliantly, people were made, people of good, the grass turned greener, the trees grew faster, then you put on the crown and everyone bowed to you as the new ruler. As soon as they did though, everything began to die again, a red path appeared behind you and you wanted to kill, a red spade appeared next to the cross, then a blue diamond, then a green spade and finally a golden heart. You were confused. You looked around only to see rotting flesh on the people, using the sword you began to kill them, singing a song of false hopes. Your crown was splattered with blood and you began to explore, looking everywhere for more things to kill, soon you just began to kill everything, plants, animals, everything.
"Oh dear" the Dream said. "I was hoping she would be great Alice." The Dream sighed and appeared next to you. Sensing it there, you raised the sword over your head and slashed it, killing it. The world began to disappear around you as you laughed manically. No one knows what happened to Wonderland after that. But, lets just say, the Alices were all pleased....

- Title: The Fifth Alice
- Artist: Torenhime
- Description: There is no fifth alice but I wanted to make one up.
- Date: 03/22/2009
- Tags: thefifthalice
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