• Hyrule- A vast, mysterious land that I have only been in for a number of weeks. And yet it feels like home to me. What has happened so far seems only a few days long, but seems as though it would take a lifetime to explain.
    Who am I? I was raised back in the Midwestern United States. However, the Head of Council at school knew I was special. On the day of my orientation, I found out that I held a power passed down from my family, generation after generation. The council knew of this power, and, being possessed by four evil masters of darkness, sought to kill me. Mother shoved me in a closet, which I knew later to be a portal to the Kingdom of Hyrule. And there my journey began. Who am I? I am Lena Ciela Kororan.
    My next goal was to find my ancestor. I know his name; I know what he looks like. I even know what provokes him. But where do I find him?

    My horse stopped along a streambed. "Good girl." I dropped my sword and sheild and ran to its edge.

    I washed my face. I stopped counting how many times I’d washed long ago, and I had no time to remember, because I spotted him alongside the ravine’s edge. “Giddiup, Horuse!” I said, and we chased him and his horse into the woods to the north. He apparently thought no one was around, and I found him washing his tunic in the stream.

    “Hello, sir.”
    “Huh? Who’s there?” he asked.
    “I have to-“
    I could tell by the look in his eyes that he thought I was a foe. They were blood red. A curse? I asked myself.
    “If you’re here to kill me, then the only direction you’re going is to hell!”
    His eyes were filled with hatred. I was scared. I unsheathed my sword, The Elemental Phantom Blade, and clashed metal with metal.

    Hours later, however, I found myself leaning over him, making sure his wounds healed quickly. Oh, God, if I ever pull a stunt like that again, I’ll be screwed for sure.

    Across his back was a scar where I had cast a curse releasing spell. Before, the curse mark was red like roses. I had seen the Hylian runes that read ZUKAHERO and knew it was Gohma's work. I had made haste to get what I needed.

    Half past Twilight Hour I was stoking the fire and he woke. “Are you okay? You passed out after-“
    “I’m fine!”
    “Breakfast is ready, then.”
    “You can cook?”
    “Yeah. It’s one of 57 things I’ve mastered. Besides archery. And swordplay. And-“
    “Why didn’t you kill me?”
    “I already felt the same pain as you.” I remembered the feeling I felt, the gnarling pain in my chest. The vomiting sensation as I'd kicked him in the gut. And the gash I found across my arm.
    “ You look nervous. Are you worried about my death?What would’ve happened if you’d killed me?”
    As he anxiously awaited my answer, I thought quietly to myself. I finally thought of a question to ask.
    “Do you solemnly swear, under the sun and moon and stars and in front of everything around you that you, Link, will not tell anyone suspicious about my life, origin, or purpose, and that you won’t go insane?”
    “I- I do. What would happen?”
    I finally sighed. “My name is Lena. I am your descendant, and am the holder of the Triforce of Courage.”

    And, as I had predicted, he was out cold.

    I dragged him into to the creek and soaked his face in water. He immediately started rousing. "Why must you tease me like this, Lena?"
    "I'm not-"
    "Yes, you are."
    "Why would I tease about this when I have had to walk through about half the crap you go through, and then have to do it again and again, except it's two fold as hard?"
    "What do you mean?"
    "I've had to gather stones, look in creavaces to find clues, and then have to go through an insanely terrible temple where my life force keeps draining away with every second. You don't think it's hard?"
    "Of course it's hard. I could never do that myself."
    "Which is why I need your help. Will you help me slay the beast trying to destroy us both? Will you help me defeat the Masked King of Phantom Winds- Gavaalera?"
    "You have my word," he said quietly.
    We walked and talked ourselves through the woods to our campsite, and I told him that he should sleep in the tent. He told me I was kind, but he didn't want to sleep there. I reasoned with him about how if he is killed we are both screwed, and he still refused. I gave him a threat, and, due to my abilities handling my temper, my hair began to turn red. "If you don't get in that tent RIGHT NOW, you'll end up with train tracks like me." I showed him my teeth, with thin, metal bars going across them. He ran into the tent.

    Maybe I should have listened, because I didn't guard the campsite very well that night, and I screamed when I woke up. I quickly covered my head with a blanket. "Link!"
    "What is it, Lena?" Link asked with a yawn.
    "Theives came last night. They took our ammo and rode off on my horse. And, on top of that, they died my hair brunette!" I took off the blanket and watched him stare in horror.