Chapter 1: Introduction
Greetings wary traveler! For 'tis fortuitous that we happened upon you! Less you might find yourself in less than welcoming company right about now! I daresay that I do not knowest thou, would you agree that this is a correct statement? My name you ask? Ha! Never you worry that my friend! But if you insist on labeling me with a word just consider me the narrator. A weaver of fine and wondrous tales! Where are you? Why you aren't from around here are you? Well I suppose the truly daunting task of explaining our people's rich history is left solely up to myself! And what a story it is! Within this world many a great story has occurred! If time permitted, I would regale you of them all! But before those stories are to be told, why you must first know of the world in which these stories takes place now don't you? "Where are you?" You had asked correct? Why my good man, permit me to welcome you; to Fernia! But to understand what Fernia is, is to understand how it began; let's us now start back in the beginning.
It was in the prime of mankind, the year; 2104 A.D. Mankind stood alone, marveling at it's own existence and supposed supremacy. By this time almost all corners of the globe was a industrial superhighway. Not a speck of green pocked the concrete lands. Trees were kept alive through tiny two foot by two foot squares of soil jutting forth from concrete sidewalks and streets. Technology had ruled the day, causing humans to rely utterly upon them. Seemingly ending mankind's evolutionary cycle once and for all. Big towers of exhaust bellowed forth rancid ozone depleting chemicals into the stratosphere. Further crippling the planet, further sealing our forthcoming fate. Gaia; (Earth as you call her) was on the edge of collapse. Not being able to shoulder the ever-growing weight of human ignorance and disheveling of herself for much longer. When things looked their gloomiest, hope (for the continued existence of the planet anyway) sprung anew. A plague was spreading, it's origins unknown to most. Now hippies by this time had long thought to have been extinct by then, but truth be told there was a secret society known as the Freewater movement. Now these social idealists had nothing to do with the widespread plague that seemingly encompassed the entire globe, but they viewed it as a curse from Gaia herself! Now when I say plague, what images does that conjure up in your mind? Death? Poverty? Polio? Rosie O'Donnell perhaps? Aye all things putrid and horrible. Yet this particular disease or plague; (However you may wish to call it, I prefer the term, bacterium myself. Makes it sound cooler!) was unlike any that had come before it. Instead of killing off those who may have been unlucky to have licked a toad or frenched a poodle, or spooned a mongoose (Well shoot even now we don't know how this one was initially spread! I'm just taking stabs in the dark here! Now it's my story now young whippersnapper, so onward we go!) or whomever got infected by it; it rather forced an sudden evolutionary change in them. Now don't you go and getting ahead of me here, focus on me and stay with me now yahear? This all didn't happen overnight now, but spanned hundreds of years but through the different generations of human beings, changes were a'bubbling. Humans began to look less like humans and more like animals, until a balance of man and beast was reached. The result, after hundreds of years since the plague took place, was an entire new race was born! Created by the mutation of human DNA brought on from a peculiar disease. People were now not really people you see. Half humans, half animals they were. Granted they stood on two feet, same as a human, still talked, could use their hand, why they even retained their opposable thumbs you see! And yet they were also half animal. Hmm how could I describe them? I suppose if you go in the dictionary, or any pimply faced teenagers room back in the era of 2010 you were sure to hear about something very similar called an Anthropomorphism. Anthropomorphic, or furries as they were, had a big undergound following. Consisting of pimply faced teenagers and fat men dressing in animal suits and boinging each others' brains out. There were whole web pages dedicated to them, were people discussed and fancied themselves as half humans half animals, wishing but never being able to achieve. If only they knew! So after this disease, hundreds of years later, not one human existed. Only left were these furries, sometimes called beastmen. However in the year 2809 they put it to a vote and named their new species, Kitkins or often referring to each other as fursons. Now in this race, much like the ancient fan service furries of old, there were many different inner species. For example, there were half human half jaguars, half human half wolves, etc. Nearly every animal that once existed at one point in time on mother Gaia, there were now kitkin races of.
Now, that is not all this disease affected. See you didn't hear this from me, but old mother Gaia is as dashing as she is smart. She knew this change alone wasn't enough and in no time she would become over encumbered, much like she had before with industrialization. Now I'm not saying one way or another that Gaia herself created the plague, I just am going on that assumption, as was everybody at the time. As we evolved, our brains seemed to take a drastic turn downwards. Now we weren't mentally challenged or anything. Rather all this new technology we forgot how to use. Cell phones, cars, TV, microwaves, vibrators, (giggidy wink ) we forgot how to use them all. All the new technology of the 22nd century was lost. Strewn in giant heaps of rubble and decay. And over the countless thousands of years afterwards, most of the technology was gone, buried in landfills, overtime nature took over. Covering up the mountains of lost technology and forming the Gaiacian Peaks as they are now called. A grand mountain chain literally splitting the country of the U.S. entwine. Not that states, or even continents had any meaning any more. For you see the entire earth was hurled back it seemed to the Medieval Times. The Medieval Era of ancient times had seemingly risen again. Let me explain. Through the disease and the different generations, we were only capable of generating technology of the Medieval level scale. Nothing higher advanced than the Medieval level could be achieved. It was as if a mental roadblock was put in place to prevent a savage upstart in advanced technologics and thus preventing ushering in another industrial takeover of planet Earth. For it seems old Gaia is one crafty gal. Yes people had no knowledge of maps, or continents. To them, they were on one giant continental body. And in actuality they were! Yes as prophisized early on by the feeble minded scientists of the 21st Century, through tectonic movements, the ancient mega continent of Pangaea once again was created! However this occurred much quicker than initially thought by those high school drop out equivalents known as scientists of the 21st Century. And so, one mega continent now existed, known only as Fernia for lack of a better term. It was all of it ruled by one King, a king whose nobleness was not to be called into question, lest they be smight down and served in the evening's royal Soylent Soup! King Bartholomew was a kind and just leader as any the world, past or present has known, looked up to and respected and feared by his subjects. A fitting side note to the king, The king was a lionese. Meaning he was half human, and half lion. That's how people called their different sub-species. By adding an "ese" to the end of whatever species they were. For example, the dogenese people were often in conflict with the catanese people. Granted it sounds a tad childish, but one has to also consider their now limit thinking capacity to what they once had. But! onwards! Houses were made of wood and stone, thatched ceilings. Castles were massive and magnificent, as only Medievalian technology could construct! Sure there were different districts and towns/tribes as you say. Mostly kitkin (as a sidenote, seldomn are kitkin referred to by themselves or by others as "people". It seems the word "kitkin" or "furson" has replaced the word for "people" lived within their own subspecies in tribes/villiages. But in the few bigger cities that existed all different kinds of subspecies coexisted together in harmony. With a few exceptions, many of the different subspecies respected and thought fondly of each other. No prejudice or discrimination existed. Granted over time a few of the subspecies had their own rivals to each other, but nothing as far as war or conflict, just a general distrust of their rival. It seemed that all kitkins were now more bound in unity through individuality (via there subspecies) than they were before. No wars have tarnished the land since the Gaian Incident. As for religion you ask? Well there was only one universal religion. Recognized by all, it was unquestioned. It was called, Gaiaism. (Like I said, not the best title, but hey ya gotta consider the kitkins we are dealing with here!) Basically there is an afterlife. And all kitkins go there when we die. Our ancestors are there too. And we will achieve nirvana and be one with Gaia.
And so, We are about up to speed with things. This is obviously thousands of years after the Gaia incident mind you. Exactly how long you ask? Well no one rightly knows for sure. We have long since been without knowledge of the year or date, and we might add that things have become a bit less complicated. Also memory of that great Gaian Incident as it has become called through the ages has long since been forgotten. Only one written record of such incident was made, and just as quickly confiscated by royal affiliates and burned thusly. It was believed that if Kitkins caught wind of the news, it would spark conflict. (Which in all fairness is quite probable.) So only a select few of the town elders know this secret. (Tarnation! I probably should have omitted that part to you, oh well) And now you know as well my boy! Or lass? Sorry eyesight's not as good as it once was! Now you be diligent with whom you divulge that information with yahear? Just keep your muzzle shut and you'll be fine laddy! Well there ya have it! It seems old mother Gaia is one slick woman! Through her she eradicated useless technology and renewed herself as well as us. Not only freeing us from technology's metal grip but letting us live off the land once again as nature intended. One with nature and Gaia.
That is the history of this great nation of Fernia! A Knowledge plenty would pay to hear but you give them no nevermind now! Oh and this is but a taste of the many adventures that was had here don't you know?! Oh heavens yes! Countless stories all locked away in this ole geezers mind! Now I could go on for days on end regaling you of the countless adventures I've witness in my time! But the night grows cold, and a drafty wind is drawn. Come inside sonny and have a spot of tea! My fire is dying out but I'll fix that in a giffy! We'll get all nestled in and in the morning I'll be able to tell you of many more adventures and stories that occured. I have them right here! I plan to write a book one day don't you know? Fill it with the history of our kitkins and all the grand stories and adventures. I even got a name for it too! Wanna hear it? Wake up damnit! Jeeze! Kids today I tell ya! Yes, now the name boy! Why, I guess I could call it...the Tales of Fernia.
Chapter 2: Enter Shyanne
He awoke in darkness. Fear gripped him tight. He pulled back the sheets and ran out of his room. Running as fast as his little eight year old legs would carry him he ran to his mother's bedroom. She was wrapped in her blanket. "Mommy?" He asked, shaking the lump under the covers. She sat up and looked at him, smiled, and opened her mouth and said "Beep!" "Mmph, five more minuetes!" He thought to himself as he rolled himself over on his side. *Beep-beep!* The unknown noise insistently retorted. "Leave me be!" He shouted. *Beeeepp!* The noise would not be ignored. As the hazy fog from hyper sleep was slowly evaporating a realization stirred within Shyanne's subconscious. "That was the ship's alarm!" He thought in shock, he bolted upright. *Wham!* "s**t, s**t, s**t!" He cursed as he rubbed his head. He sat up so fast he forgot that he was in a cramped little cockpit and had hit his head on the overhead monitor. He shook his head for a moment, trying to shake away the blurriness attacking his vision. "Buh?" He mumbled, trying to speak. He shook his head again. He hated waking up from hyper sleep. It was like being born, you have to get used to your body all over again. He noted his mouth was really dry. Taking a claw he scraped it along his bottom lip, pulling his finger back he seen a white residue of phlegm. "Yuck" He thought as he rolled the phlegm into a small ball and flicked it into the ceiling of the cockpit.
Finally fully awake now, he gazed apon his cramped quarters. There wasn't even room to stand up, that's how small his ship was. He tried to stretch out his legs and tail the best he could when that abhorrent beeping again made itself known. "Alright alright already!" He sighed as he searched the control panel in front of him. Knobs and button, and little LED lights littered the black backdrop of the control panel, much like freckles on a face. His gaze rested upon a little light that should be a solid green, now a blinking, beeping red. "Damn!" He thought to himself. "Out of gas, thank god plenty of air left though, that would explain why I was pulled out of hyper sleep though." Apparently he had been out of starship fuel for quite awhile now and was just drifting through space. "Oh s**t! Am I even on course still? Where the hell am I?" He thought. "Computer!" He shouted. "Yes Shy?" It responded in the usual monotonous tone. "Where the hell are we?" Shyanne inquired. "Well we are about 1.8 parsecs from a little blue planet called Earth". It replied. "Eerth? Where the bollocks is that?" He replied, fighting panic, he was a long way away from where he should be. "A little known region in the Milky Way galaxy. Orbiting a singular star, it appears to be the only planet with life readings in this quadrant and is quite underdeveloped. Having only the technology to reach their own moon." "Great, of all the places to wind up stranded in; a undeveloped planet in the sticks, literally the middle of nowhere!" Shyanne sighed deeply. "Even if I can make a safe landing they won't have the technology I need to refuel my ship. Computer run an auto scan of all equipment." "Scanning." Came the reply. A short while later the computer came back online. "All systems functioning at 100% with the obvious omittance of the lack of fuel. Shall I divert some of the emergency backup power from life support systems?" "How long will life support last if you do?" Came Shyanne's reply. "Given no unforseen circumstances, there should be just enough to reach earth." "Go ahead and do that then shut down. Upon entry of planet's atmosphere reawaken and let me know." He sighed. "Understood Shy". "And stop calling me that!" Shyanne shouted.
He reclined back in the cockpit chair, stretching out his arms and curling his toes. He then thought back to the predicaments that brought him to this point in his life in the first place. He was born on the planet Fastoon. Homeland of his race; the lombaxes. If someone was to see a Lombax for the first time, the main thing that would stick out to them would be the Lombax's big ears. Long, flat, triangular ears arose from the top back of their ears. Accused of looking almost like anthropomorphic cats in comparisson, Lombaxes are often short, standing about 5' tall males and females both. Although different color variantions of Lombaxes do exist, the majority of which (and Shyanne was apart of this majority, much to his disaste.) had yellow fur with dark orangish-brown stripes in sets of threes on most of their bodies. Along their ears, the sides of their torsos, arms, legs, back, and tail. Growing up on Fastoon as a child, Shyanne had always admired the rare cases when he would see a Lombax with different colors. He recalled once, when he was very young, having seen a elderly female with a grey fur pattern and pink stripes. He went home and cried under his bed for hours, hating the color of his own fur. But to a visitor from Earth, the most uncanny resemblance would be the Lombax's tail. It was uncanny how much it looked like a Lion's tail. But since no one from Earth has ever seen a Lombax, and no one else in the universe has ever seen a Lion, no one has ever made that connection. Unlike most other organic species in their universe, Lombaxes are without paw pads. With the exception of the Amebloids of Vergon 6, but then again they aren't classified as organic, more like invertebrates. Lombaxes possess four fingers and a thumb, each one ending with an extendable claw, much like an Earth feline. Their feet are flat, made for bipedal, plantigrade walking. Which in the Universe as a whole, is quite rare for a species to have plantigrade walking. Most species of aliens walk digitgrade, which the Lombaxes often make fun of the way they (digitgrade aliens) walk. Their feet have three equally sized toes, each with a long, flat, sharp claw.
Lombaxes are one of the only species to evolve through three separate languages. The first language they developed was little more than animalistic barks, growls, and purrs. The second language, Baxian, was similar to modern Chinese, and is still used by the Lombaxes to this day. The third and final language of the Lombaxes is what humans consider to be English. Most Lombaxes speak in English, occasionally using Baxian slang in their speech. The Lombax race has two distinct sub-species separate from the main species. They are Lethans and the Ferals. Lethans are a major sub-species of Lombaxes, with 20% of Fastoon's population being one. They are very similar in appearance to ordinary Lombaxes, but their hair colour is mainly shades of brown, and they have longer, sharper nails and teeth, and sometimes have tails. Lethans are caused by a rare genetic mutation, and are generally considered to be a lower class than normal Lombaxes. Ferals are the least common sub-species of Lombaxes, with only a mere 4% of the population of Fastoon being one. They are the most feline-like of the Lombaxes, with their bodies being coated in dense fur, having larger ears than the others, and always having tails. Ferals are rarer than Lethans, and are created by an extremely rare genetic mutation, primarily caused by intense radiation. They are the lowest of the low classes, hardly being treated as sentient beings. Shyanne was born fortunate enough to be born as a Feral sub-species. He never liked how the Lethans looked and thought they looked downright silly without tails. There are a few differences between the sexes. Males have more stripes than the females and have little or short hair. Females tend to have longer hair and shorter nails, depending on the sub-species granted. Females tend to have smaller ears than their male counterparts and also tend to be a taller than males.
When Shyanne was younger, he hated his name. Kid's at school would tease him that he had a girl's name. When he asked his mother why she had named him Shyanne, she responded. "Well, we had always wanted a girl, and had your name all ready and picked out. Then you were born and obviously were a male, we couldn't think of a good name to name you. So we stuck with our original choice and named you Shyanne." Shyanne would later find out, quite comically; that the meaning of his name, (other than being of female origin) meant to speak incoherently. He had led a pretty normal life, graduated with Cs in most of his classes, he was not a nominal student. He was always daydreaming, fantasizing about being far away and never focusing on his home world. He was easygoing and fun and always acted a bit younger than he was, which didn't seem to change when he grew up. Granted he still was very young by his species' standards. Only being eighteen is quite young for a Lombax to leave their home and start out on their own. When he thought about it though he really didn't have a choice. He hated how isolated his entire race was, they secluded themself from outside affairs and refused to join the Democratic Order Of Planets, commonly referred to as DOOP. Granted Lombaxes were outstanding mechanics and seemed to be born with a innate ability to fix almost anything with just a wrench. However in that aspect Shyanne seemed to be the odd one out again. His father had wanted him to live the life he lead, take over the family business. His family, or rather his father, owned a small repair garage. The family lived in the apartment above. Shyanne vividly remembered when he was fifteen and he was trying to fix a old Megacorp Blaster. Try as he might, he couldn't concentrate on it and ended up daydreaming. His father was so disappointed when he found out that his son didn't want to/couldn't take over the family business. Shyanne soon almost found himself ostracized from his family. It wasn't outright implied, but he felt it somehow. Now at age eighteen, he sold his hover car and most of his collection gay porn mags and purchased this little s**t machine of a spacecraft. He wanted freedom from technology, that's what he sought. A nirvana where he could sit back and daydream and write his stories and fantasize. Although he himself was unclear on his destination, he took to the stars. Shyanne chuckled to himself alittle when he remembered when his parents found out he was gay. Like having a girl's name didn't help at all! lol Boy were his parents upset, but he didn't let that phase him. To him, it felt right; and the hell should he care what others thought?
He yawned deeply and tried to stretch again. "Damnable compact ship!" He shouted at nobody. He felt like he Oglenborg stuffed in a shoebox and hurled through space. He literally had no room to move. All he could do was recline his chair a bit. On the front and both sides there were controls and knobs and dials. Half of which he didn't know what they did. Thank god for Sheila. He had named the on board computer Sheila because the female robotic like voice of his computer reminded him of a teacher he had named Sheila. The ship had entirely no windows or glass at all. The only way to physically see anything outside of the ship was a very small computer screen on the front control panel, which also was the screen for the ships computer should Sheila be a total b***h and refuse to give information. "Which has happened twice on this journey so far!" Shyanne noted. "Who says that AI is all that great!" Shyanne was about to pull out the one of his two pieces of his personal belongings that he had brought with him this whole time. His very own Megacorp Holographic Glasses. Granted more marketed for the whole virtual reality craze. He had however had his friend brad modify it with a internal memory and jam packed it full of holograms of naked male Lombaxes in a variety of sexual poses and positions. His glasses and his father's antique. He bought it in some space bazzar. Supposedly it was used as a very primitive weapon. It was a 6 inch sharpened blade of steel with a old wooden handle. It was his father's pride and joy. Supposedly it was to be used for a variety of different reasons. Self defense, hunting, etc. Although Shyanne found the very concept of hunting anything barbaric. He unlike most Lombaxes was a vegetarian.
Shyanne was just about to don his a** viewer as he called it, when the computer monitor flicked to life. "Hrm?" He said curiously as he leaned forward to view the screen. Whoever designed this P.O.S. had moronically had the only computer screen embedded into the actual control panel so one would have to lean all the way forward just to see it. On it appeared a green and blue orb, its single sun just peaking over the horizon of the planet. "Ah we are close." Shyanne thought. He then was about to push the distress beacon button and stopped himself. "Do I really want to be rescued? Just to be sent back to Fastoon?" He thought. The DOOP universal rules stated that no one is to pilot any interstellar spacecraft below the age of twenty four years old. If a distress beacon was sent out, a rescue craft might come sure. However since he was of underage he would be escorted against his will back to his home planet. However the DOOP universal rules also stated not to get involved and upset the balance of underdeveloped planets like that of this small planet with just one moon and star. He pulled back his hand and strapped himself in for a very bumpy ride.
"Shy, we are entering the planet's atmosphere now. Turning on hull's coolers to prevent overheating of the hull." Sheila announced. The landing was rather smooth at first. After all the ship was made to enter and re-enter atmospheres. Everything was going good until the ship was five hundred feet in the air. It was then that the fuel supplies totally diminished and the landing thrusters failed. From then on it was free falling. A million thoughts rushed through Shyanne's head as tall green trees all over came rushing toward him and then he blacked out. When he came to, his head was buzzing. Somehow his seat belt has come undone seeing as how he was now laying upside down staring at the rear wall of the ship. He tried to straighten himself out, managing to bang his head thwice in the process. "Sheila? Status report?" "Davy, Will I dream davy? I'm so scared Daaavvvyyy" And with that the computer crashed, it's AI damaged beyond repair. "Useless b***h." Shyanne murmured as he rummaged around under the seat. He pulled up the most definitive source of knowledge on old fashioned paper documentation. Granted most people find everything they need on computers, however if computers are unavailable, paper books are available as backups. He grabbed the most renown book of knowledge on the universe. Simply named, the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy. He searched up info on the planet Earth. This is what it said. "A silly backwater little planet orbited by only one moon. It's cheif inhabitant is the species Humans. Evolved from monkeys, they act with the grace much to be expected from the species it evolved from. However that doesn't prevent them from throwing fecal matter at each other when booze is involved. Technologically deprived, these fleshbags are quite ignorant and enjoy fighting amongst themselves in a vibrant display of who has the bigger c**k and to further feed their egos."
Shyanne closed the book and wondered. "Hrm, Hoomans huh? Well I better check out the damage." He said as he tried to stand up and pushed the button that was supposed to open the hatch above. *Click* Nothing..."Grrr! Damnid thing!" *Click* *Click* *Click* *Click*! Came the response as Shyanne kept pushing the button. "Open you bloody codpiece!" He shouted as he pounded on the hatch. "Hrm" He thought as he rummaged around the toolbox. "I'm not able to fix it but I took chemistry, perhaps I could blow it open with something." He thought. "Aha!" He exclaimed, retrieving some explosive clay, used for just such an occasion. He stuck it on the button and lit it with a lighter. He then tried to stay away from it as best he could, which proved rather difficult considering the cramped space available. The clay exploded with a deafening bang but ultimately rather lackluster actual explosion. Granted it seemed to be enough to get the job done. The little button "pinged" and the airlock opened. Shyanne poked his head out and inhaled the fresh mountain scent. "Fresh air at last!" He exclaimed as he crawled out of his damaged shuttle. "Finally I can stretch!" He said, yawning.
He surveyed his surroundings. He happened to be in some kind of forest. His ears perked up a little when he heard someone shouting. He looked around and heard it before he saw anything. "Hello? Is anyone out here? What was that thing?" came a male voice. Shyanne looked around and then saw someone step out of the trees. Shyanne was taken back. Supposedly hoomans were to occupy this planet but what came out was half fox and half man. Looking similar to other Aliens he had seen on a field trip to DOOP headquarters. He smiled as he walked toward Shyanne. "Well, Can't say that I've seen your species around here!" He exclaimed cheerfully. Shyanne couldn't put a finger on it but he seemed to emit a rather friendly aroma. "Um yeah hi! Name's Shyanne. I just crashed here." Shyanne responded. "Well, now that is some contraption you got there! Never seen anything like that before! *Gasp* It must be one of those forbidden lost technologies!" The fello said. "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself! My name is Roxas!" Roxas said happily. "Nice to meet you! Um so I take it you have seen something like this before?" Shyanne implied. "Yep! Well this is one of those banned technologies we all used to have! Till a tragic event occurred centuries ago! Now no one knows how to use them anymore and thus we discarded all them in the Ravine of Doom!" Roxas said exuberantly. "W-Wow, sounds like a scary place!" Shyanne said. "Nah not at all! Here let me show you!" Roxas exclaimed, and before Shyanne had a chance to protest, Roxas grabbed him by the hand and started taking him into the woods. They slowed down when the trees started thinning out. They slowly walked into the obvious clearing. "Great googly moogly!" Shyanne exclaimed vervaciously. In front of him lay what was once the grand canyon he would later find out. Filled almost to the top with obsolute rusted derelect technology. Cars, trucks, toasters, and many more pieces of technology from Earth's late 21st century that Shyanne would soon learn about. Apparently it was all there for some time since it had moss and dirt growing on most of it. Slowly eroding away as nature again took over the land. Shyanne could see across to the other side of the ravine. Many giant redwood trees lines the edge of the ravine and sprawled back as far as the eye could see. From the tree tops a flock of birds took flight. "Here come with me, you must be tired. I can see you have no place to live and I think we can learn a lot from each other! Come!" Roxas said pulling Shyanne's hand much like a kid would. Although it was obvious this Roxas was near the same age as Shyanne. As they walked, Roxas told Shyanne all about this planet, apparently renamed Fernia, it seemed alot of details were not updated on the universal guides as Earth, or Fernia rather was so small and in such an awkward quadrant of the galaxy it slipped out of attention for the majority of it's existence. To which Shyanne would later become thankful that it had. So Roxas told Shyanne the history of Fernia and Shyanne told Roxas his own history and the two were getting along great. "Well," Roxas smiled, "That settles it! You will live for me for as long as you like. Hate to break it to you but I doubt your getting off this rock for a long time!" Shyanne looked over at Roxas and felt him squeeze his hand a little bit. Shyanne smiled to himself and said, "You know Roxas? I think I'm going to like this place!"
- by Shyanne Skye |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 03/21/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Tales of Fernia
- Artist: Shyanne Skye
- Description: Well this is just a fictional world I created and am currently working on.
- Date: 03/21/2009
- Tags: tales fernia
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Comments (5 Comments)
- Commando Axton - 11/19/2009
- Anya is correct, you need to space your paragraphs out more. I found it hard to read and keep a track of where I was...
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- sezuko - 03/24/2009
- I have to get off the comp now but I'm putting it in my faves so i can read it tomorrow!Its good so far,I really like it.
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- Anya Kolov - 03/22/2009
- Big block paragraphs are a no. Can you separate them a little to make for an easier read?
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- Shyanne Skye - 03/21/2009
- Well it's done for now. it's a on going series that will prlly be many more chapters
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- dragonoy16 - 03/21/2009
- finish it and publish it! i'll be waiting
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