• The Birthday
    By: Ali McClure

    Alexandra flopped down on her queen sized mattress. She heard the springs groan from the sudden weight. Tears fell from her baby blue eyes, her black My Chemical Romance shirt slightly wet with sadness. “Why?” She asked the poster covered walls. The one with a smiling Johnny Depp seemed to mock her. She growled and threw a pillow at it. Johnny’s smile wouldn’t leave, so she quickly got up and tore it down with anger. She collapsed onto the floor. “Why?! My birthday! She was only three years old!” She shouted sobbing, Alexandra hated this day out of all days in the year. It used to be a very joyous day but on April 4, 2006, the day became melancholy and painful. Alexandra’s own mother & father even hated this day now. Her mother was locked in her room crying as well, her father was outside probably cursing to the Lord above. Alexandra heard soft talking, she looked up, nothing there. She kept hearing the soft talking; she cursed the Lord and muttered “Lord you mock me, the voice sounds just like her.” Alexandra glanced toward the far wall where a floor window stood. She saw her face. The little round pink face, wild red curls atop her head. She wore the pink dress. Alexandra slowly stood up and crept to the window, she smiled and said “hey Alwe, u my sister.” Her grammar still incorrect from being three. Alexandra smiled thinking ‘im going insane but I miss her so much.’ Alexandra held out her hand and took her sister’s small pale one. She laughed that cute little baby laugh, and then disappeared. Alexandra frantically opened her window, starting to cry again and yelled out “Sister come back!! I love you, please don’t leave me!!” Alex felt something placed into her palm. She looked down and saw a golden heart shaped locket. Inscripted on the front said ‘my sister.’ Alex felt crazy, but she opened it and saw a picture of herself and her sister. A little whisper came into her ear “I love you sissy, I’ll be with you.”
    Alexandra clutched the locket and said “I love you Elizabeth.”