• It took me all of two seconds to decide. Yes, of course I’d go. Why wouldn’t I? The whole point of my coming to earth was to interact and experience the human world. What better way to do that than at a party of people who looked my own age? I looked seventeen but in actuality I was about thirteen hundred years old in human years. Strange how the human time moved so rapidly, but it was interesting.

    The party was on a completely different part of the beach, far from the normal human activity and nightlife. I began to walk along the road that led the way along the beach. Night had completely fallen and only the crescent moon and delicate sprinkling of bright stars lit the way. The sky was much prettier on earth than it was in hell. In hell the sky was a swirling black at night with flecks of red that looked like splatters of blood mixed in. Don’t get me wrong—being who I am—I loved it. After so long, however, it got boring.

    I took another breath of the night and tilted my head back to look into the sky. Its flavor was even sweeter in the darkness. I smiled and spread my arms wide and spun in a dancing circle. Oh the magnificence of the earth! I was so preoccupied that I didn’t realize a convertible, with its top down, had slowed its pace and was coasting beside me. A flash of embarrassment seeped through me, but I banished it as soon as it began to surface. The people in the car weren’t human.

    The demons in the vehicle were all of a lower class, and so it was common for them to be found in the human plain. An upper class demon, however, like say a devil, was much less likely to occur. And so I knew I had a bit of a problem on my hands. I also came to the realization that I was going to have to do something to make sure no more demons recognized me after this. They all gave their polite little bows of the head and I sneered at them.

    “Lady Arcane…what brings you here to the human plain?” A female, who gave the impression of being sixteen, murmured softly.

    “It isn’t safe for you here, Princess. Does your father know you’ve come?” A young man, who was the oldest of the group, asked.

    I glared at the man with cold regal eyes. “Nor is it any safer for you to roam this plain, and yet here you are.” I answered back as I continued walking. “I’m going to a party.”

    “We know of the dangers, Lady Arcane. We can choose to risk them…but…” One of the younger men of the group began and then trailed off.

    An icy glaze appeared in my gray eyes, making them an almost, glowing silver in the pale light of the moon. I turned my attention to the man who had spoken most recently and came to a stop at the side of the road. The older man who was driving the car halted the automobile as well. A cruel, and rather twisted smile, played across my lips as I crossed my arms over my chest and in an off center stance. “But…?” I prompted in a sweetly menacing voice.

    “But…” The oldest replied before the others could. “You are much more important than we are, Princess. You are the future of our people. So to throw your life away would be to kill us all, would it not?” He presented me a gentle and outwardly sincere smile when he continued. “It would be best for everyone, especially you, if you went back home, don’t you think?”