“I think as a God, I need to do some serious wrath around here.” Everyone seemed surprised, but Ren and Athe weren’t. I suppose the fact they’ve just opened a portal between our worlds makes them less likely to be surprised by anything I say. I smiled. “Well, a Goddess, anyways.” I noted that Alex Caragiri was still rocking back and forth, sobbing over Mirari. I think I’ll leave him like that for now. Let him cry it out for a bit. Ren smirked.
“Miscenco, what wrath are you planning?” I looked at Ren.
“This.” I held my hand out. A pool of water formed in front of me. Oh sure, this is a fancy entrance for something simple, but I am a Goddess. I think everyone else can see something rising from the depths of the water. Good. The sword blade rose from the water, attracting light trails of wandering spirits... perhaps people who have died here and were unable to escape. Yes... there was power suppressants buried in the wall and lift shaft to prevent power leakage. They also seal wandering spirits... Yes, this is a sorry tale... The sword stopped in the water, showing off its flowery detail. Almost like a water lily, one that decided to send out magical circles in the water ripples... But Ferrum likes to do that – it has a beautiful form and loves to show off. Pink-red petals offset by green decorations. Ferrum rose out of the water and into my hand. And, what’s best? The green ribbons aren’t wet. Wet ribbons do not look pretty...
“A-a-are you Miscenco?” I glanced over to the voice in question. Michelle Megumi. Heh.
“I am...” I phased to just in front of her, sword drawn. “Why would you ask...” I held the sword to her throat, and she gulped. “...if you were one of the two that caused the death of my Mirari-chan?” I refused to wait for an answer, making a sign in the air in front of her forehead with my sword. She slumped onto the ground at my feet. I heard a gasp from my right – from Jessica Jones. Everyone was shocked by this action of mine. I phased to the group, almost ignoring the still rocking Alex. Of course I’m concerned about him, but for now... Raphael bowed down. I raised my eyebrows in shock. “Cut that out!”
“I said, cut that out. I hate that sort of formality!” He stood up, looking me in the eyes. I narrowed my eyes, almost glowering. “Bloody humans!” Everyone was surprised, again. I held the sword up to Jessica’s forehead, making the sign as I spoke. “I understand the whole God thing, but... please! I’d rather not... have giant, costly places built to worship me! Ugh, worship!” Jessica slumped. I sighed, leaning on my sword. “I’m sure the money could be better spent. And don’t even start me on the holier-than-thou buggers... At least get some bloody chocolate! ... It’s not called Food of the Gods for nothing! Arrggh...” I could see that no one dared to speak to me... in case I did that to them. I sighed. “Bloody humans...” It was at this stage that Samuel Palmsmith flushed. He was a little annoyed...
“What do you MEAN bloody humans?” I smiled a little. “You made us for god’s sake!” He inhaled as I looked at him vaguely cutely. “And then... What have you done to them?!?”
“Ano, that’s why I’m complaining about you damn little things.” I giggled. “And, their souls are now mine... you needn’t worry, Samuel.” I waved one finger, and three orbs appeared, circling my head slowly. “See?” I grabbed the blue one, holding it gently to my chest whilst gesturing with my other hand to the other two orbs. One red, one yellow. Raphael smiled at me.
“You are really surprising, Miscenco-ou.” I tried the whole innocent look. He’s trying to pay me a compliment... trying to butter me up.
“Oh?” He murmured an agreement.
“Yes, you took everyone by surprise.”
“That’s good, then.” I smiled. “Now...” I turned to Ren and Athe, who had tried to pry Alex from Mirari. With no success, I add. Raphael grabbed my shoulder – an unusual thing to happen.
“Miscenco-ou, please...”
“Raphael, I have my plans.” Katherine grabbed my arm.
“You plan to bring her back... with another price to be paid.” She gripped my arm. “Don’t you?” I brushed them off.
“My plans are my business, Caragiri. Your pleas are not going to change my mind, Senran.” I smirked. “Katherine, Raphael... You know of what I am, and you know why I will not listen.”
“You can’t let them suffer again.”
“I can... but you don’t like to see them suffer.”
“But... you can’t... you can’t...”
“Oh, but I am a Goddess. I can do as I please.” I turned away from them and phased to the still sobbing Alex. “Or... you think that I can do as I please as long as it pleases you. No. That’s not how it works around here.” At least he had stopped rocking...
“No... Mi-mi-mi-miscenco... please don’t take her away from me... No-no-no...”
“You need to let go of her, Alex.” A gentle but ordering voice. Seriously, though, I mean no harm...
“I won’t let you...” I sighed, taking a deep breath.
“ALEX! For the love of divine beings! LET HER GO!” I had no choice but to separate them myself.
“Why... Miscenco, why?” Ren sighed.
“That was a little harsh, Miscenco.”
“I agree.” Miscenco sighed, holding the blood stained Mirari-chama to her chest. Alex was clinging to her leg, pleading for Miscenco to return her to him. Miscenco had been cleaning off Mirari-chama using the pool of water she conveniently left from the sword summoning. “But, if Alex doesn’t let go, I cannot do what I planned.” She then gently poked Alex. He gripped her leg tighter. If she didn’t have circulation problems before, she certainly did now. Does she even have blood?
“Please... Miscenco.... take me instead...” I couldn’t stand to watch this anymore. Alex looked like he was going to plead himself to death. I turned to Samuel.
“I don’t think I can stand this...” He chuckled as he turned to face me.
“I wouldn’t worry.” He glanced at Miscenco, who was still arguing with Alex. “Miscenco may act tough, but she’s doing this because she cares.”
“Are you sure?”
“She may be a goddess, but she still has emotions and a mind.”
“I KNOW THAT!” Miscenco’s opinion on our conversation. “And those military men have been sent to wherever they should be!” She almost growled. “Bloody Humans! Why can’t you sort your own damn problems out?!?” Raphael chuckled.
“Aww, you’re just upset that Dexie’s right.” I looked at her. She was flushing as Ren and Athe giggled. Dexie’s right. She really does care. But what is she planning?
“Yes, but surely someone could’ve taken them home... clean their memories...?” Oh boy. She’s a little irritated that we’ve just been standing here, watching her. “Don’t just stand there...” She looked a little pained, muttering under her breath. “Help?” Ah, I see. She’s afraid of hurting him or any of us. We all rushed over to help her cleave Alex from her leg. By making sure he wasn’t touching her for a split second, she phased away. She reappeared, still clutching Mirari-chama. Miscenco smiled devilishly, vanishing completely. “Thank you...” Her voice echoed around us... Alex cried out again.
“Miiiiiiiii-chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!” He broke down in our arms, sobbing more. He clung onto me, and just sobbed.
“Hey, she may bring Mirari-chama back...” He muttered obscenities. I rolled my eyes. “...I know, she may not remember... but, she’ll be alive, won’t she?” He gripped me harder, bruising my skin and muscle. Athe came over to us, and, rather happily took him from me. He still sobbed, asking why over and over again. She smiled.
“Alex, would you like to see their world?” Ren sighed.
“I’ll bring everyone else...”
There was a flash of light. It was blinding, and I had to shut my eyes. I opened my eyes seconds later to see a blue sky above me. I and the others were all lying in grass. I sat up. Yes, everyone was here... Miscenco was still holding onto Mi-chan. Mi-chan...
“Alex, she’ll be fine, trust me.” I crawled over, unable to stand for some reason. I still had tears in my eyes. “Alex...” I notice that everyone else, including Ren and Athe were asleep.
“Miscenco, is this your world?” She shook her head.
“No... humans could never enter my world. This is somewhere Mirari’s mind has created.” She smiled. “Do you recognise it?” I shook my head.
“But... does that mean... worlds are...?”
“This world survives because Mirari’s soul is still alive. Not all people’s souls can do this... do you understand?” I nodded. She continued. “The direct miasma manipulation has a subconscious outlet and as long as the source of the manipulation is still manipulating, it survives. Capiche?” Not really...
“So that means...?”
“Chaos Wingers do as they please. Can’t really stop them.”
“Miasma manipulation, Alex.”
“It’s the proper name for spiritual matter. Chaos Wingers flap about with Spiritual Matter.”
“What?” I rolled my eyes. Bloody human...
“Like the butterfly that flaps its wings to create storms in distant lands, the Chaos Wingers flap their wings to change the future.” I sighed as he began to comprehend it... “More wings, more potential for change.”
“So... how comes-”
“You only have two wings, Alex, remember? You can’t do as much as this little one can.” I giggled. “She has all eight wings... the most a human body can take.”
“Why is there a limit?”
“Your bodies are so fragile! Like fuses... too much power and poof! Like butterflies to a flame...”
“Is that what-“
“Alex, six years ago, Mi-chan had to change the future from a very short range. The power she needed totalled her body.”
“Yes, your wish cushioned the blow. Undid part of her wish, causing the current c**k-up.” I sighed. “She would have been very thorough with what she did...” He furrowed his brows.
“I don’t understand...”
“You wouldn’t. You don’t see everything. Not even the other two Goddesses have the ability you two have, Alex. Look, they sleep like the others...”
“I don’t... then why do they appear?”
“Ren and Athe brought them here because they didn’t know. Ren and Athe are not Winged ones, either, Alex. It was part of their prices. It is their sheer power that lets us see them, even sleeping.” She glanced at me.
“You are drowsy or weak, yes?” I nodded. She nodded. “That’s nothing to worry about. Just your lack of power...” She removed a blue orb from her bra (does she have a magical bra? Removing the orb made no difference to her impressive cleavage size...) and placed it in Mi-chan’s pretty large cleavage. “Don’t mind me...” She murmured, as she threw two orbs behind her casually. One landed by Libra, the other with Light.
“What are they, Miscenco?” She smiled.
“These are souls, Alex.” She smiled. “Those with powers can contain their souls in orbs like these, yeah?” She pointed at my heart, looking vacantly at my eyes. “Yours would be green. A little lighter than your eyes, but twice as heavy.” Then she blinked and turned back to Mi-chan.
“Your soul would hold a nice orb, Alex.” She grinned. “Now... about the price...” I blinked, purposefully looking at her seriously. She had a fairly neutral face.
“Take me to bring her back.” She rolled her eyes before narrowing them as she looked at me. The world went white again.
“As you wish, Alex...”
- by Holy Bacon of Holy |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 03/10/2009 |
- Skip

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