• chapter 1 A NEW START

    BOOM! Scorpion went flying back. Torpedo was on a rampage. Scorpion went flying after him. He jumped at him and Torpedo dodged the attack. He turned around and shot a torpedo with lightning in it at Scorpion. Scorpion got hit and was down. His team wasnt there to back him up. He was alone. Torpedo ran towards him and stood over Scorpion to kill him. Torpedo shot him with a plasma gun and killed him. The Mystics were on a good and new start at winning the war.
    chapter 2 THE ZINACTS

    The Zinacts were mad. They had just lost one of their best men. They had to train if they were going to win. Coon just called a meeting."I would like to tell everyone that the Mystics are getting stronger by the minute. Torpedo is now their leader since he showed them he was worthy. I fear that they have a chance at winning this war if we dont step up a little. We need to plan an attack if we want to have a chance at beeting them." I suggest that we sneek over there with our gryfins and get in their base. We would then sabotage everything with information on it and kill one of their men. It is a risky plan but I think it might work" said Hammer. "Lets do it. Get a move on men!"

    TO BE CONTINUED.........................IF U WANT ME TO CONTINUE