• Breaking Eden

    Written By;

    Chapter Four;

    A Hint of Destruction

    There was a deep fog when I awoke in the morning. I looked around the small room, and finally realized that it wasn’t my room. I sat up quickly but was pulled back down by something attached to my wrists. “What the hell!” I screamed as I flailed helplessly on the bed.
    I heard the door open and close, but when I looked up I couldn’t see who it was from the blurriness. “Who the hell are you,” I hissed.
    “Rayne,” A familiar voice sounded. “You’re alright,”
    There was a clicking sound and my wrists were free. I rubbed them and looked up. “What the hell?”
    Pierce grabbed a washcloth and pressed it on my eyes. “Lay down,” He commanded.
    I laid down and closed my eyes under the chilled cloth.
    “You were attacked last night, we thought that they were Lycan or at least supernatural. You went after them before I could even stop you, you were something else entirely. You ripped through them like a young vampire.” He looked away and pointed to my blood stained clothes. “Nathaniel was worried about you so he told me to bring you to the villa that sits up on the hill.”
    Pierce lifted the cloth off my eyes and smiled. “Is that a little better?” he asked.
    I looked up at him through clearing vision. “Yeah thanks,” I whispered.
    “Anyway,” He went on. “You were thrashing after we gave you the relaxer, we didn’t know what to do so we shackled you.” He sounded so ashamed.
    I sat back up and looked around the room. The room was white and had nothing but the bed and the end table in it.
    “The attackers were nothing but human.” He whispered.
    I looked back at him, but he was no longer looking at me.
    “I believe that Nathaniel knows what is going on but he will not share.” Pierce whispered.
    I nodded and moved my legs over the side of the bed, but once my feet touched the ground I started to fall forwards. “Kyah!” I screamed.
    Pierce caught me before I could fall to the ground. “The meds haven’t worn off yet, you must lay down more.” He whispered into my ear.
    “I don’t like this room,” I snapped. “I want out,”
    Pierce took my into his arms bridal style and started to walk out of the room. “We have another room prepared for you; Nathaniel thought you would freak out.” He smiled.
    I wrapped my limp arms around his neck as best as I could. “Why do you always do what Nathaniel says? Isn’t the second supposed to make orders to?” I whispered trying to get the subject off of me.
    He ignored my question completely and opened a door. “This will be your room from now on.” He whispered placing me on the big red silk bed.
    “Wait, what are you talking about?” I hissed. “I have to go home; I have a cat to take care of.”
    Pierce snapped his fingers and turned towards the door.
    I tall lengthy man came through with Sipher on a tasseled pillow. Sipher was rolling around and being a cat till he saw me. After that he say straight up and started to purr.
    “I don’t think that you have to worry about Sipher, he’s been a good boy since we destroyed your apartment.”
    I looked up at Pierce. “You destroyed it?” I hissed. “It was an apartment; I had money on that place.”
    Pierce smiled. “Of coarse but we didn’t want you to escape to an unsafe place.” He whispered.
    I looked at him and growled, but I really couldn’t keep a straight face while I looked at him. “What happened to tall the stuff that I had in there? Pictures, Videos, Furniture?”
    Pierce smiled and pointed at the door across from me.
    The tall man in black walked over and opened to tow French doors to reveal another room that was big enough to hold everything so that is wasn’t crowding each other.
    “Except the bed,” I whispered.
    Pierce patted the bed I was sitting on. “Nathaniel thought that you would be suited to a bed fit for a queen.”
    There was that damned word again. “I want my old bed back.” I hissed.
    Pierce started to laugh. “You are never happy are you?”
    I looked at him and nodded.
    He looked back up at me and stood up. “Your guns, clothes, necessities and other things are all in that room over there. Through that door, you have 24 hour access to the pool.”
    “Vampires have a pool?” I whispered.
    He smiled as if I missed a joke or something. “The baths through there, its Japanese style since Nathaniel thought you would like it.”
    I started to get excited. “Really,” I whispered like I wasn’t pleased.
    Pierce saw right through me. “I shall leave you on your own then.”
    I smiled then looked at my legs, the smile quickly disappeared. “I can’t walk.” I whispered.
    Pierce shook his head. “It should wear off soon, just relax till then. I will send it Lilly to help you; if I did I am sure that Nathaniel would have my head.” He smiled once again and bowed. “I hope to see you at dinner.” He whispered exiting the room.
    I felt like a prisoner as I looked at the walls of the giant place that I was in. I touched the floor with my legs and took a deep breath as I stood up. To my surprise I stood by myself.
    I smiled in triumph and walked to the bathroom, I had to see this bath. Before I could reach the door a light flashing took my attention. They brought my phone? I grabbed the piece of plastic in my hands and opened it. “Who the hell?” I whispered.
    “Rayne, oh my God Rayne are you alright?” Strieber’s voice echoed through the phone.
    “Uh, yeah.” I whispered.
    “I heard that you were attacked last night, we were worried when you weren’t answering your phone.” Raved chimed too, must have been on speaker phone.
    “How did you know that?” I asked.
    There was a deep breath on the phone. “Have you not been watching the news, your apartment was attacked by vampires last night, we think that it was the gang.” Strieber answered. “How did you get out alive?”
    I didn’t answer right away I took the remote that I was guessing went to the TV and clicked it on. I jumped a bit when I saw what was on there. The apartment that I spent little time in was burnt to the ground, the whole building. Thank god I was the only one actually living in there.
    “The news from 20 year old Rayne Osaki is still unknown, the police haven’t found any remains but they think that she was kidnapped.” The reported announced.
    “You seem aright though thank god. So how exactly did you escape?” Strieber pushed.
    I answered. “I don’t really know,” I said in complete honesty. “I sort of blacked out.”
    Strieber chuckled. “Well I expect you in work tomorrow at 12 o’clock sharp, no one needs three weeks to heal.” He laughed.
    “It’s been three weeks?” I whispered.
    “Pretty damn close.” He answered. “Alright I will leave you to it,”
    “Wait,” I almost screamed.
    “What?” he asked a little surprised.
    “Have there been any other attacks?”
    He paused for a moment the chuckled. “No, not that comes immediately to attention, so you don’t need to worry.” He hung up the phone before I could ask any more questions.

    After I was done with my bath, I dressed and walked around the huge house. I didn’t really know where I was going, but I had a maid trailing my every move. So if I got lost I could just ask her.
    “So um, what’s your name?” I asked as I walked down one of the multiple long corridors.
    “Lilly,” she answered.
    “Oh,” I said looking back at her. “Are you alright?”
    “Yes Ma’am,” She answered with a small weak smile.
    “Are you human?” I asked.
    “Yes,” She whispered. “I am a human servant to Nathaniel, also known as a blood donor.”
    I leaned up against one of the walls and looked at her. “How long have you done that?” I asked completely out of curiosity.
    “About six years.” She whispered.
    “How old are you?”
    “18,” She said looking at the ground. “My father had to pay bets.”
    “Do you enjoy it?” I asked. “Sorry if I am asking to many questions, I am just curious.”
    She looked at me and nodded. “At fist I didn’t know if I enjoyed it or it was just pain, but after a while I started to crave it, like really good sex you know.” She giggled. “But every Vampire does it differently.”
    “So Nathaniel uses sex to get blood how does Pierce do it?” I asked.
    She smiled and pulled her purple braid over her right shoulder. “I haven’t exactly done anything with Pierce since I am Nathaniel’s servant but I heart he’s a complete romantic that wont touch the body when he does it, its like you are with a gentlemen that is just kissing your neck.”
    I looked away and shivered.
    “Is it true?” She asked. “have you truly fallen for Pierce?”
    I looked at her and shook my head. “I don’t fall for anything supernatural; it’s against everything that I believe in.” I answered. Suddenly I was done asking questions.
    “Lilly, you can leave now.”
    I looked up to see Nathaniel walking swiftly down the hall.
    “Yes sir,” she whispered as she quickly disappeared into the darkness.
    “I see that you can stand on your own two feet once again.” He said with a chuckle.
    I looked at him and started to walk. “Make fun, but trust me when you do something terrible enough I will not hesitate to shoot you.” I hissed.
    “Oh what’s with the attitude Ma Chéri?” He asked acting innocent.
    “Tying me up and placing me in a pillowed room, I am not a dangerous creature. Then ordering your followers to destroy my house, you know that you are going to piss off the gang more then you need too.” I took a breath. “Then they are really going to come after me.” I paused and turned around. A light bulb flicked on in my brain. “Your going to use me as bait so that you can catch them aren’t you.”
    Nathaniel got a shocked look on his face. “Ma Chéri how can you think that?”
    I studied his face carefully and shook my head. “Oh, I so don’t’ even think so!” I hissed. “I’m out of here.”
    “But you have no place to go.” He whispered.
    “I can find a place.” I hissed.
    “Ma Chéri,” He whispered in a pained voice. “We wouldn’t think of doing something like that.”
    I shook my head. “Of coarse you would, you already drugged me. What would you do next? Keep be here to do experiments on, or use me as bait. Well guess what I am not going to do any of those things.”
    I stormed off and eventually found the front door, I knew where ever we were I was going to be a long way away from town. I stepped out on to the front porch and looked out onto the vast area of trees.
    “We weren’t going to use you for bait you know.” A solom voice whispered from beside me. “We wanted to keep you safe.”
    I looked at Pierce. “Why do you guys care so much anyway,” I hissed. “I’ve been out on the job for ever now, and you haven’t contacted me once, now you guys wont let me go!” I shook my head and clenched my fists. “My brother is supposed to get out of the hospital soon.” I whispered. “I am supposed to be alive then so I can see him smile at me while he runs to me once again.” Tears were dripping down my cheeks, the way that my life was going I knew that I wouldn’t live to see that again.
    Pierce touched my cheek bring my face up so that he could look at it. “I would love to say everything that you want to hear right now, I would love to tell you that you are safe when you leave this area by yourself.”
    I went to say something but he touched my lips with one finger.
    “You may have your guns and everything, but this problem is getting bigger and bigger by the moment, no matter how hard you try to tell your self that this is going to be okay and once its done you can live normally with your kid brother after wards. It’s not going to come true.”
    I looked at him, my tear ducts overflowing. “Pierce, make it stop.” I said trying to look away. “Make all the killings stop.” I cried.
    Pierce looked at me with a pained look as he leaned down touching his fore head to mine. “I would if I could, I would do anything.” He whispered. “You have to believe me.”
    I hadn’t cried for four years since my parents passed, I haven’t even thought about crying. But now facing all the facts I knew that I couldn’t’ win this thing on my own I would have to combine forces with those that I truly despised.
    I grabbed pierces face and looked at him. “I know.”
    Pierce paused for a moment then grabbed my wrists, holding them above my head as he pushed me into the wall he kissed me passionately.
    I paused for a split second to think about rejecting the kiss but then all strings in my body refused my request and before I knew it I was kissing him back.
    All things that I had once believed in were fading away. The war between the Supernatural was starting once again. But this time I knew that I had to fight. I had no choice.