• the whole town was scared of her. She scremed during night, hallucanatted during day. So no one was shocked when her parents sent her to her grandmothers house< the town witch. But little red riding hood thought that she was sick an she had to give her the basket of food.
    Back at grandmother's ,linda's, cottage she was making a magical object that was going to cure little red. she tried it on a rabid wolf before she gets there. the object looked like a little kazoo, ones children play with. she blew in it and a huge wind came up. A shadow came out linda put it in a jar fast.
    Little did she know ...... a half hour earlier the woodsmen, canis, was training the newbe ,anderson. Anderson was big but flinched at everything. Canis however was tall and brave. he had brown hair with gray streaks in it and bright, bright green eyes.
    they werent from this town, but a little town south from the woods. canis saw a huge wind come from a hut they thought was deserted. "comeon lets check it out" he said. "i-i-m gonna stay you can go ok?" anderson replyed.
    Canis walked toward the cottage. he peeked throue the window.There he saw an old hag taking a shadow out of a wolf. Canis gaped"thats impossible" he thought. Just then sa little girl came in the women prepared to blow her.
    CAnis bursted in right on time. he tackled the women. they wrestled for a while. then Canis knocked down the vale with the wolfs shadow in it. a swirl of smoke covered CAnis. when it cleared a Wolf the size of a rino, and bright bright green eyes were in his place(The Big Bad Wolf)"Hello lunch he said looking at the witch.
    Outside Anderson was watching the gresome seen. "i should do something he thought as the wolf ate the grandma. but before he could do any thing the girl ran out, the wolf following.he threw a ax at the wolf and hide behind a tree. the wofl sniffed"i know you r there coward" he growled.
    he ran off. the poor girl was muttering something to her self.
    hours later he took the girl to her village.he found her parents were nowhere to be found.so he left her with a neighbor.
    he would tell whoever would listen the story you and i know so well. the story of little red riding hood. the one we grew up hearing the less greusome one the one where he was the hero.
    the end