• One morning at McDonalds Super potato was on his usually look out. As he was flying he heard a faint cry in the descents. He flew to the rescue. As soon as he was close enough he realizes that the cry came from Suzie his one true love.
    As soon as he got the grease pan he Suzie tied to a rope and Wayne bread laughing. Super potato flew as fast as he can and grabbed Suzie off ‘of her feet. As they flew together Super potato asked “are you ok” “I’m fine” said Suzie. There was a moment of silence then super potato kissed Suzie. Suzie laughed for a minute “what” exclaimed super potato “your mustache tickles” Suzie laughed.
    Later that year Suzie and Super potato got married at
    Burger king in Vegas and are expending a little spud.
