Back before creation there was only Paradise and the Underworld. There was constant war between the two, though the cause of the war, or even when it started, is unknown by even most Angels. What is known is the the Arch-Angels devised a plan to stop the Demons from attacking Paradise, they called it Project Earth Mother. They created, after many hundreds of years of work, another time-space and called it, Earth. This Earth severely limited the power of any being that resided inside. Because the Angels and Demons are so close in nature this effects them both. After the barrier was put in the attacks from the Demons suddenly stopped.
The Arch-Angels later found, greatly to their dismay, that the Demons had flourished in the newly created time-space. The Demons had devised ways to break the rules of the Earth and use their powers there as well, this was to become known as magic. While it was still not as effective as their full powers they would soon be able to break through the time-space and make their way to Paradise. The news of the plans imminent failure spread quickly throughout Paradise and the armies of the heavens became extremely demoralized. The Arch-Angels had to come up with a new plan to permanently expel the demons, and they had to do it quickly to avoid rebellion.
In Paradise there were beings called Restutos. The Restuto were a lower beings used for petty manual labor and to act as servants for the Angels. The Arch-Angels then came up with a plan; to create a new breed of creature to guard and fight in the Earth realm. They were named Terrans, after the Arch-Angel Talious' daughter, Terran. These creatures would not be lowered by the Earth realm's limitations, but would also not be capable of using the newly found magic as they had no spirits to draw power from. The angels now set forth on a new plan, to build a mass of these new creatures and set them down on the world. A few Angels volunteered to become Earthbound-Angels and go to the Earth Realm with the newly formed Terrens to guard their towns and lead them in battle against the mass of Earthbound-Demons.
But the Terrens did more than the Angels expected. While fighting the demons the Terrens began to sing, write poetry and stories, declare feelings of love and hatred, things only believed to be capable of higher beings. The Terrens, led by the Earthbound-Angels, eventually won again the demon armies after a six hundred year war. Originally it was believed when the demons were expelled from the Earth Realm that any Terrens that remained would be destroyed. The problem with this was the Terrens had started to display evidence of higher thought. They were more than weapons, more than animals, even more than the Restutos. Most Angels still wanted to destroy the Terrens, claiming it was best to do away with this batch and simply make a new one when the demons attacked again. Some Angels, such as the Arch-Angel Talios, went as far as to say that this batch of Terrens should be aloud into the heavens to live just under the Angels, but not as servants.
In the end it was decided to destroy the Terrens. The reasoning behind this was that no matter how far they came they were still just a soulless weapon that was no longer needed. At this time Talios had become very involved with the Terrens. He had gone down to the Earth Realm many times to interact with the Terrens and had even lived among them for many years at a time before returning to Paradise. Arch-Angel Talios along with several other Angels who shared his views banded together and resorted to rebelling in violence against the Angel Council. The few who fought for the Terrens lost quickly.
Arch-Angel Talios, with his last bit of power, as he lay dieing in Paradise sacrificed himself. In a last desperate act to save the Terrens he had come to care for so much he broke his spirit and soul apart and spread it throughout the Earth Realm. Every Terran was suddenly filled with a light, they felt true emotions and became truly alive. A few of the Angels who rebelled fled from Paradise and became Permanent Earthbound-Angels. The Angels now, by their own law, could not harm the Terrens without reason as they were truly alive. Though, many of the Angels still hold hatred towards both Talios and the Terrens.
The Terrens were renamed Humans by the Angels who came down to Earth. With the spirit and soul of Talios now in the humans they learned magic, taught to them by the Earthbound-Angels to defend themselves again both Paradise and the Underworld. While they were still not at the level of the Angels or Demons in either magic nor Intelligence some of the Humans became very adept in magic and could even rival some lower demons.
The Earthbound-Angels, while still Angels, were now limited by the Earth Realm. They didn't age, but war after war they slowly died off until only fourteen were left. These fourteen foresaw their eventual deaths and decided to faze themselves out of the humans' governing. This group of Earthbound-Angels, who had always been the head of any Human government, appointed a very trusted young man named Urik Taliius as the Emperor of the Earth Realm. They granted him a pendant named Earth Mother, a pendant capable of calling forth the angels when the emperor was in need to help. The angels then left, to a place within the Earth Realm unknown by the Humans. Because most history was not well kept before this point the official Empire calender counts this event as year 1.
For a short time the Earth Realm was united under the Emperor, but that time didn't last long. The island to the east of the main landmass, having disagreements with the Emperor in trade agreements, declared their independence. Urik Taliius immediately sent over his entire army to the large island of Vlatt. When the army was at sea there was a sudden invasion of demons in the capital. The army turned around in mid-sea after getting the news and made their way to the capital. They won back the capital but at great cost. The Earth Mother pendant was gone and their Emperor was dead. His son, Urik Taliius II, had escaped during the carnage and was quickly put onto the throne but being only a boy the Arch-Mage and trusted friend of the original emperor took over running the country and raising the new emperor.
The people of Vlatt got their independence but were also officially accused of being demon worshipers. Many other parts of Earth lost faith in their empire and followed Vlatt in declaring their independence. The northeast island country of Youshoto was the first to declare their independence followed closely by Tiberium, Los, Dinste, and Polis 'e Dai. The new Emperor, Urik the Second as he was known, was now faced with a severally demoralized and fractured country.
The Empire still took up most of the main continent. Urik the Second, now of year sixteen, realized that attacking his own people was not the answer. This was decided after many attempts to force the five fractures to rejoin the Empire. After careful thought, and many visits to the Council of Mages, Urik the Second decided to officially accept the independence of these five countries and try to open up trade relations with them in Winter of the 22nd Year.
Although hesitant at first eventually all five countries agreed to open up trade relations in exchange for peace and recognition from the Empire. The rest of Urik the Second's reign was uneventful. The demons continued to slowly flow in, but this was kept to a minimum by the Council of Mages who used magic to prevent any demons from flowing into the Earth Realm. Along with the Knights of Taliius, an order formed by Urik the Second to travel through the land and expel demons, bandits, and anything impure from the land, groups of mercenaries formed to expel the demons who came through to the Earth Realm and to fight troubling bandits.
In Summer of the 44th Year Urik the Second died of natural causes at the age of seventy-eight. He died after having bared seventeen sons and twelve daughters. His eldest son, already in mid-life at the time, took over as the Emperor at his father's death. The new Emperor was Urik Taliius III who took power the day after his father's death. He had been the Governor of a large town to the south of a capital called Dunn. Known for his harsh punishment of criminals and his anger towards his father for allowing the empire to become fractured his plans were obvious to most, he was to try to reunite the empire in the name of Arch-Angel Talios.
The new Emperor earned the name Urik the Terrible. Soon after he came into power he outlawed the mercenaries and guilds and began to expand the military. He secretly had the Council of Mages assassinated and planted evidence that it was done by Vlatt officials there on business with the help of demon magic. The officials were taken into custody and tortured until they confessed that they had assassinated the Council of Mages by the order of their government who was working with the demons to undermine the Empire. The Vlatt officials were promptly executed publicly for their crimes.
Urik the Terrible, two seasons after the assassinations, made an official declaration of war on Vlatt. The armies once again moved to Vlatt, though this time the capital was well protected and the people Urik the Terrible placed in the new Council of Mages were still preventing most demons from getting through. The forced landed on the beaches of Vlatt and stormed the small coastal towns, killing all of the inhabitants as demon worshipers. The Empire army quickly set up base here to take over Vlatt.
Shortly after this Urik the Terrible's men created more evidence proving that the other four countries were also involved with demon worship and had been not only working with demons but mating with them as well. This evidence was never reviled, and if anyone questioned Urik the Terrible's actions they were either put to death in a public execution as a demon worshiper or went missing under mysterious circumstances, depending on the public's awareness of this person.
This time in history is most notable not only for the war between the five fractures and the Empire but because of the birth of a new neutral organization. Many people feared Urik the Terrible, and many people secretly questioned his actions, but there were few who questioned it for another reason. These people believed that a fully united land, under any ruler, was unacceptable. Although the specifics are unknown, a group of people known as the Council of Chaos was formed. The group consisted of merchants, arms dealers, and mercenaries as well as a few people who had escaped the slaughter of the Council of Mages due to being away at the time. They all had their own reasons for wanting to keep this war from succeeding, be is money or morals.

- Title: Creation
- Artist: Mega Vox
- Description: Just 'cuz.
- Date: 02/25/2009
- Tags: creation
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