• "Hi, " He mumbled, and I frowned. "I'm Joe."
    "Oh," I said, a bit surprised. I was actually expecting his name to be Matt, or John or whatever..."I'm Kenna."
    "I know that!" He laughed in my face and turned to Mr Ball, smirking.
    Ugh! So much for love at first sight.
    I hugged my bag to my chest, feeling quite embarrassed. I hid my face under my eyes, glaring at what I thought was my perfect match.
    The rest of Maths was more like a Time lesson then an Algebra. I counted the minutes when I could get out of the seat next to a rude, despicable but charming boy...
    The bell! Yes! It finally rang and I shooted out of my seat, scuttling out before anybody could even get out of there own seats.
    "Don't forget to breath slow..." I mumered under my breath. "From one to ten with your eyes closed..."
    I heard laughing behind me, and with my eyes closed, I imagined my self in a stronger form, that could stick up for herself, who could turn around and get into a fight with... Joe...
    His image never left my mind, even when I opened them and tried to think of Mom. How she was doing, what she was doing, how was Daniel and his two sons, Martin and Jake...
    I felt somebody poke me on my back. I took a deep breath and turned around, and found him again.
    "Yo, Kenny-Wenny," He laughed, more charming than ever. Half of my brain was screaming "Why the heck do you like him? Hes a despicable, spoilt brat!!"
    And then the other half was screaming "You love him, Kens! Hes so perfect for you!"
    I went with the 'you love him' side.
    "Hi," I said as calmly as I could. "Nice to see you again."
    "Loser! What, do you think I'm dumb?" That was obviously a rhetorical question, but I answered it anyway.
    "No. In fact, you're probably cleverer than me."
    He gawped at me and laughed again. "Sorry, but that is just so..." He coughed. "Lame!"
    "Mmm.." I muttered, and walked of, singing the first song that came into my mind under my breath.
    "Everytime that we meet... I skip a heartbeat..."
    I didn't relise where I was going and bumped into somebody who was carrying a Nike backpack and was chewing a piece of bubble gum.
    "Oh, um, sorry." I was pleased I actually managed to say something.
    "Thats OK. Whats you name?" She sounded like she came from England, but certainly didn't look like it.
    "Kenna. And, er, you?"
    "Keeley. You goin' Biology next?"
    "Um." I wasn't sure. I couldn't have been bothered to check. "Looks like it."
    "Oh, right, cool!" She smiled at me shyly and walked with me. "Where you from?"
    "I'm from Arizona. I'm the new kid." I pursed my lips together.
    "Oh, wow! I've always wanted to go there. I was born in England in London, but then moved here, in the Olympic Peninsula."
    "Rainiest place in America..." I said to myself.
    She laughed lightly. "You'll get used to it. Hey look, Room 290."
    I looked up and frowned. It wasn't such a long walk. I expected it to be miles away. We both walked in, and I was only afraid of one thing.