• Talon awoke on a sunny morning full of ever singing birds. Though they sang a wonderful song, it was of no comfort to the lonely talon. With his older brother gone, he had nobody to talk to. His father was dead and his mother was almost never home. he had no friends and every single day was like an eternal torture for him. He wished for someone to come. He wanted his brother more than anything and could hardly stand to be alive. He had nothing.
    On this morning he felt especially lonely. He didn't know why but he didn't really care. All that was going to happen was he was going to go to school and be picked on yet again. His grades were dropping rapidly because he couldn't pay attention. His life was all going down the drain. He felt a burden in his mind that echoed to him, "It's all your fault that your family and friends left,"
    Talon walked wearily down to the door to walk more wearily still to school. A miserable time he would have at his boring school in his boring classes. He was living in a repetition of depression that he was unable to escape. As he walked to school, he noticed that there were very few people in the usually crowded streets. In fact, there was no one at all. He was alone once again. The only difference was it was a strange kind of "alone". Talon began to feel uneasy and slowed his quick pace to almost nothing. He looked around the familiar streets as if he had never seen them in his whole life.
    Talon shook his head. He tried to shake the horrible feeling that something bad was about to happen to him. He found that it was impossible to shake. He was right to feel uneasy and nervous. A minute later Talon heard a bomb explode close by.
    By this time, Talon had figured out that Everyone was safe in their homes. they had escaped from the booming explosives and He was still out in the open. Talon was completely vulnerable. he found himself saying weird things in his mind. he told himself to move, but he couldn't. Talon was literally frozen in fear.
    Then, he saw it. It came like fireworks that were put in reverse. Tears fell from Talon's eyes without him knowing and he knew that he was going to die. At least, he thought, he would be with his father again. Too early, yes, but still...
    Talon still could not move, but it didn't matter. He wouldn't have time even if he could. The bomb was coming at him faster than he could realize. Talon heard himself scream. He tried everything to save himself.
    Then, Talon felt himself flung into the dirt a few feet away from the bomb site, just barely escaping the explosion. He looked up to see a young man with brown hair and green eyes, staring at him like he was a hideous monster. Talon grimaced. He wouldn't dare to face the look again. He covered his face with his hands and started to cry.
    "Please, don't do that! I'm sorry," The man said to Talon. Talon looked up at him again. This time the young man's face was kind.
    "What happened?" Talon murmured. He sopped crying, but was stuck in a state of panic.
    "Well," The man began with a second thought, "You almost died. What were you thinking?! Didn't your mother tell you to stay inside?" The man sighed.
    Talon shook his head, "No! My mom is never home. She didn't tell me to stay inside," The man shook his head in disapproval.
    "Agh! I never thought her to be the type to leave her son to die!" The man cried out to nothing.
    "What do you mean?" Talon muttered. The man smiled at him with a crooked smile.
    "My name's Kyle. I'm your older brother, remember?" The man told Talon as if he should know.
    Talon broke out in tears, "Oh my god! Kyle! I've missed you so much and-" Talon paused a second and his mood changed, "You left me! How could you! I've had absolutely no one for years while you were off on the time of your life! You're a selfish jerk, Kyle! I don't want you back!" Talon shouted. Kyle stopped smiling. He looked down at his feet, nearly crying.
    "I'm sorry, Talon. I wish that I hadn't been so stupid as to save you. You should have died," Kyle glared at Talon intensely. Talon's mouth hung open. Shock flowed through his entire body.
    "How could you say that!? Nobody deserves to die!" Talon shrieked. Kyle shook his head.
    "No! I wanted you to live! You see, you weren't supposed to live! I've done a great sin!" Kyle mumbled. Talon stopped his harsh look. He patted his brother on the back.
    "So, you broke eternal law to save me? You love me that much?" Talon asked, half believing his brother.
    "Yes. Now, I'll be punished. I'm sorry..." Kyle said. Talon got up on his feet, (he had been on his knees) and stood, staring at the blue sky, realizing the beauty he had been missing for so many years. His bitterness toward everything had driven everyone away from him. His friends had left, and now, it would be very hard to get them back. He would have to work harder than he had ever worked before, but first, he had to protect his older brother. He couldn't let anyone in the world hurt him. He would die for him. Hopefully, though, Talon wouldn't have to die for his brother. Hopefully.