• PART 7

    “I gotta go, love!” George called from the bottom of the stairs. Martha’s voice replied.
    “Where to?”
    “Don’t you remember? I was gonna…uh…go and catch some ‘fottie’...with the…lads?” Martha appeared at the top of the stairs with wet hair and wrapped in a dressing gown. “Oh right. Come back soon!” George smirked.
    “Of coarse, how could I not?” he turned to leave but Martha’s voice came again “By the way,” she said, as she walked to the bottom of the stairs, “could you check in on Nate for me? I need to know what time he’s coming home.” George turned to meet her gaze and could of laughed. How did she guess?
    “Of coarse,” He repeated, “I was going to do that anyway.” He rested his hands on her shoulders and kissed her on the lips. “See you when I get back,” He said, once he had drawn back, “‘my, ‘almost wife’.” he grinned, then turned and left.

    Nate woke up. He was drenched in sweat; it felt like he’d just been dunked in water. As he began to wake up more, he realized something: it was boiling in here! Bleary eyed, he slowly looked around him, squinting from the glare of the artificial light that filled the room. The first thing that was instantly recognizable – he was in a tiny cadge, about the same size as himself so he was squashed in, it was like being in a metal coffin, but with bars instead of wood. Second thing, he was in some sort of lab. There were a couple of people in white lab coats over the other side of the room working on computers and every so often there was a soft bleep, that will get annoying after a while, Nate thought. It then became apparent that the bleeping was coming from a heart rate monitor that he was wired up to him. Nate’s breath caught then suddenly accelerated as he realized that he had many of tubes sticking out of him in all places. The bleeping became more rapid. The people in lab coats suddenly turned around when they noticed Nate’s now accelerating heart beet. One of them, a lady, grabbed something from a table and walked over to him. Nate suddenly felt a short stab in his forearm then he started to get dizzy. Too dizzy. His heart rate had slowed considerably and he was feeling all dazed. The lady pulled back the syringed and said something to him, but it only came out as muffled fuzziness. All Nate could feel as he lay there was just the thumping of his heart and the blood rushing in his ears, nothing more. Nate sighed, He seemed to have been laying there for hours - although it could of only been a couple of seconds, he couldn’t tell anymore – when the door to the room he was in hissed open and someone stepped in. “were is he?” it said, it seemed strangely familiar. Nate slowly turned his head to the side and came face to face with someone who was staring at him through the bars. His vision was slightly blurry but he could just make out George, his hulking body casting a shadow over the cadge. “Hey.” George said cheerfully “how are you? Oh, this cadge, is it to inconvenient for you?” Nate tried to move, tried to make his lips say something. Yes it is! He shouted in his head, willing it to come out of his mouth, but no sound came from his lips. “Hm…” George said. “Too bad you cant talk, ah well, I’ll take that as a no then, I’m glad you like it.” He smiled curtly. “Oh, by the way, I proposed to your mother officially this morning. I’d let you guess what the answer was but you cant talk so…she said yes!” NOOOO! Nate screamed in his head, NO, NO, NO! George waited for a second, waited for Nate to reply, but when he didn’t, he grinned. “Oh, I’m glad you don’t disapprove. Were a good match, yes?”
    Well, if you weren’t torturing me, Nate thought, I might make an exception, but because you are, NO! No reply. “Yes, we are a good match aren’t we? Anyway, I better get back, we’ve agreed to get married in two weeks. I know its kind’a sudden, but she agreed when I put the proposition to her so…it’s a date, or rather, a wedding!” he smiled “See yah!” Nate could start to feel his senses coming back. He wiggled his fingers and they obeyed him. He looked to the side just as George was walking away and suddenly, he started thrashing about, making the cadge shake.
    “NO!” he roared, smashing his body against the bars. George walked up to one of the people in lab coats.
    “Make sure to give him an extra dose of that stuff, make it an overdose if you have to.” He said, making sure that Nate could hear him. He then turned and waved at Nate as the same lady walked back over with the syringe, then he turned and left, smirking, satisfied.