-The Castle Book I-
The Swordsman, The Gunman and The Ties That Bind-
My name is Marius Kava. And as far as I know, I am an exile. I an only hope that one day my divine parent can forgive me for what I have done. It started when I made a soul. I was already one of my parent's guardians, a worldslayer. However, in my search for unyielding truth, I ended up making my own soulmate. My parent, surprisingly, was pleased and intrigued by my progress in my search and what I had done. And then, the problems began.
"Marius, it is good you are back. You are being tapped for yet another job. This time, it is more my territory than yours...If I was the kind of gal to worry about job security, I'd say I was about to be replaced!" The medium sized, beautiful green haired lady with a tail joked with him. She is Night, The Entity's Librarian, and negotiator. When planets get unruly and want to fight on a planet on planet scale, Night is normally called in. Marius, however, was called in when negotiations fail. The Wrath of God if you will, but from his blade and soul it was a spell called 'Forever Zero'. Which meant all things and beings turn to nothingness. A Worldslayer's job was rarely pleasant. Marius snorted. "Heh. Gimme a break, Night! You are the negotiator, I'm the muscle. While you play nice with them, I'm the one that goes in when things need to be ended. So....What is this job?" Marius asked her, his large wings folding back some. He was tall, massive. Every bit of seven foot seven inches. But as he once told a lady interested in him, he needed a large frame to help carry those wings. Amongst other things. "Your brother's soulmate....the soul known as Mina. She's to be escorted to the Earth. You have undoubtedly have heard why. Watch yourself on this one though. Are you ok, by the way? I've noticed....that you've been a bit...well, different." Night asked, looking concerned. Marius returned her look with nothing but ice. "I'm fine. Nothing for you to worry about. And one more soul to be banished to Earth, eh? Sheesh. That place must be ********' awful, what with all those humans running around? I sure wouldn't want to be cast off there. Well, I might as well get moving. I want to get back to The Castle and relax after this." Marius said with barely concealed contempt. He and Destiny had been fighting again, her mouthy attitude grating on his nerves and his habit for procrastination not exactly weighing well on his soulmate's shoulders either. She had run off. And a dark cowled figure had been watching them ever since. Not that Marius noticed much, His senses picked up on it, but he was more angry at Destiny and their arguement to notice. For the first time in years, The Prince of Pain had his opportunity. And he set about seizing it, as he watched Marius's large frame fly off.
Destiny liked being an assassin for no particular reason of her own. She just felt better doing it, using her abilities, not to mention her stunning beauty and lithe, full figured body helped and it got her away from Marius. He'd been getting more and more cocky and arrogant since gaining more power from making her. It was at first gradual, for as she grew, she also grew to love him, heart and soul. Granted, The Entity had made them soulmates, but her's was a pure and unyielding love. But even in their love, they sometimes fought like cats and dogs, their arguements echoing aloud throughout the halls of the Castle. As the dark-robed man made his way towards her, she pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind. Business was business, but it was fun too! Her contact was a wizard named Yorlik, of all things. She couldn't help but smirk when she thought of that name, pushing some of her dark hair away from her eyes. He had contacted her through one of her contacts for a job, three people, and it needed supposedly, a 'woman's touch'. His hand on her arm shook her from her reverie, and her head snapped up to look at him with cold eyes. "No Touchy. I thought you were told." She told him in a flat angry tone. "Forgive me, milady. You just looked lost....Is something amiss?" Yorlik asked her. "Nothing you would need to concern yourself with, wizard. Now, who is it that you need taken care of? I am not cheap, so I certainly hope you came prepared." Destiny continued her business like tone. He had already outgrown his appeal to her. She could sense something was up with him as well, she just could not make out what it was. "Come, I will tell you along the way...and yes, your friend informed me that your talents would not come cheap." Yorlik said as he gestured towards the alley. Destiny made a face. Yorlik began to move. Destiny shook her head and followed him.
Marius had picked Mina up, despite his brother and her's tearful goodbye. Marius kept silent the entire way to Earth, which was helped by her being silent as well, her sobs quiet and unheard. They had arrived, and Mina was getting ready to leave with Rainlynn, to find her first host body when Mina turned and looked at him. "What? Is there somethin' on my face, lady?" Marius asked her. Mina cocked her head to the side. "Haven't you ever questioned why you do whatever it is that you do? Can you really look at what you have just done and feel that it's right? Search your heart, Marius. Don't answer me. Just think about it." Mina asked him, then turned and the two females were gone. Marius thought about it....It was a rather sad scene between his brother and her. He wondered if something like that would ever happen to him and Destiny, wherever she was. His head came up, and his red eyes burned on the black. His love would not be denied. Nor would his question. What was it all for? He flew to the nearest planet, picking one at random. His eyes were black as he flew in.
Sparks sprayed from his sword, The Honor Sword, as he swung it in a neat arc. Blood sprayed everywhere as he cleaved men in two. They had made the mistake of being in the bar at the same time he decided to come in for a drink. Night had already tried to hail him, as had Christanya, and their calls had went unheeded. The Worldslayer had went mad. The Galaxies's arguably best swordsman was on a tear. All of this was watched, Night with her hand to her mouth as she realized what was to come from this. The Entity was already meeting with Seven, Triple 7 and Seven X as the reports had came in. As they filed out, both Night's and Christanya's cheeks were wet with tears. Beneath The Entity's mask of rage, hid heart-rending sorrow. For she knew what was to come for her favorite son. Destiny was led at this time to a little house on the outskirts of the city. Her eyes darted from here to there rapidly. Yorlik had told her what she was to do, and she had something to say about that. "I'm not killing your wife and child. Not gonna happen. If you were to have me kill a man, someone whom had something you needed silenced, I would do it. However, I am not interested in cold blooded murder just to satisfy your sense of religion. You want it done, do it yourself." Destiny said with a grimace. Her tone had left no room for arguement and she turned to walk away as it seemed that he was mumbling a reply. She got the urgent feeling to run at that moment, and then she felt pain like no other. Then she seen no more, cursing her unattentiveness. A dark figure came out from the shadows. "You have done well, my child. The plan is coming together nicely. Soon none will stand in our way to The Castle." The robed figure said in a seductive voice. "It is as you will my lord."Yorlik replied, kneeling before his teacher.
Seven, Triple 7 and Seven X orbited the planet in which was desperately trying to deal with the enraged Worldslayer. Tanks's rounds just bounced away from his telekinetic shields, exploding around the frightened populace. Casualties were reaching the billions as Shin Seven X walked over just about every armed force that crossed his path and anyone else as well. Satisfied with the carnage around him, he flew off into the atmosphere, not aware of his brothers waiting for him. "Marius Kava! Shin Seven X! Freeze and cease in the name of The Entity!" Seven demanded. Shin's eyes narrowed and he cocked his head at his brother. He then looked at the others. "YOU UNDERESTIMATE MY POWER!!!! STAND ASIDE....or die."Shin said with a roar, quieting only at the end. The raw power eminating from him was just overwhelming, even for his brothers. "Marius, you must stop this! We are to be bastions of the Light, not the very things we fight! You are supposed to bring sinners the pain of the night, not leave the galaxies in darkness!" Triple 7 almost pleaded with the enraged Shin. "It is....." Shin began, and in a flash as if reading his intentions, ran Seven through. Shocked, Seven began to fight back, if not desperately, futilely. Triple 7 and Seven X grimaced, but nodded together. They knew what was to be done. Seven swung once more, his blood leaking into the vaccuum of space and being seperated just as quickly as the oxygen was sucked from it. Shin Seven X with a smile ducked underneath his feeble swing, and grabbed him with both hands. "It is the long night for you, my manufactured brother. Good Night."Shin said with a crazed smile as he then ripped his brother apart. Triple 7 and Seven X wasted no time. They combined their forces and barely succeeded to knock Shin out. Once that was done, the exhausted brothers restrained their brother, and gathered their fallen brother. Their deed was done. The King was stopped. And to what did the galaxies profit? No one knows. Destiny awoke to see another staring at her. Within her mind's eye, this woman was almost seething with evil. Upon seeing her, The woman laughed gleefully. "Hello you.....so nice to see you awoke for me. I...am you. Well, your evil side. You can call me Alexandia Dreamcat. I'm running the show now." Alexandia told her. Her name came to her as....Alara? She was so confused. With the turmoil roiling in her mind, she went back to The Entity's palace, wondering what had went wrong. In the throne room, Shin stood, hands restrained behind his back, his head slumped down. The Entity had demanded that Night and Christanya come up with a suitable punishment for the fallen celestial. Alara was shocked. "Wait wait! there must be some misunderstanding! He's a good man!" Alara said to The Entity...but it seemed that she was not listening, enraged as she was. However, Alara was able to see just what had transpired in the orbit of Kriatos. She turned white at the sight of Shin ripping his on brother apart. "But....Let me take him to Earth! There we can be exiled, where he can learn a lession! Please don't kill him, I beg of you!" Alara dropped to a knee when she said this, her still pretty eyes blurring with tears. The Entity slumped back into her chair from the manic pacing she was just doing. She then looked at Night, and nodded. She then waved her and Alara off. "And take that with you!" Was what was heard as they dragged the inert form of the massive celestial off. In fact, Shin didn't wake up until after the deed was done.... And now, we come to the beginning of our journey.
The Castle has many, many rooms and floors, all of which hold some special meaning. It is said that when the Worldslayer made it, It held the keys to many different dimensions and could virtually exponate or shoot one's own natural power through the roof. It is for this reason that many have lusted for Shin Seven X's demise. For them to inherit the massive structure, and to hold it as their own would make them very powerful indeed. Marius Kava opened his eyes. He found himself in front of a mirror, which held not his form, but a shorter, bald man with an old gun, a Colt Frontier Six Shooter. Marius reached out his hand to the mirror, shocked at the difference in appearance. "What the--?"Marius mumbled, as he seemed to go through the mirror! There sat the bald man, in a locked room. The room's ceiling began to come down slowly. The bald man looked at him. "What are you doing here? Are you a member of the family?" The bald man asked him. "No, I've never laid eyes on you in my life. You do realize the ceiling is coming down, right?" Marius said with a face. The bald man slowly smiled. "Oh, that? just the results of a fire, friend. I've came here to die. I have been lost since my sister's death, and no one seems to care, so...I decided to let it go. Since it's my time to go, I'll even let you in on my name, after all, you're stuck here with me. I'm David Chastaine. I'm a gunman...This here's my favorite model. An old school Colt Frontier Six Shooter. It's heavily modified, but it still works fine." David finished as Marius stared at him like he had grew another head. "What are ya, a coward? You gotta keep moving brother. So your sister is in a better place. Move on. It won't bring her back, offing yourself. So hurry up and come on." Marius said to him sharply, as he turned to find a way out. David looked at him curiously and shrugged. "Over here. I can get us free." David said to him quietly. When Marius looked over, he started at the sight. David had opened up a black spot in the air, and was halfway through it, as the ceiling loomed ever closer, and Marius had to crab walk to get to it. They appeared on the outskirts of a city. "Where the hell are we...what the hell was that?" Marius fired the questions at a rapid pace, confused. They both got a chill as a pretty young lady walked up to them, and smiled. Her hair was almost as dark as night, and her eyes were brown. She was voluptous, and beautiful in an exotic way. She looked at David and a blush crept up her cheeks as David smiled back at her, unassumingly. "Hi there! Are you two new in town?" The girl, who looked about 16, asked Marius and David. It was David's turn to blush, as Marius looked on. "I guess you could say that, ma'am." Marius said to her unemotionally. She smiled prettily at David. "Well, my name is Alara Whitman. Nice to meet a new face around here...we don't really get new people." Alara said mainly to David, and she looked flirtingly at him. David was helpless to respond as he was new to females showing his favorable attention. The situation was broken by a larger man walking up with a scowl on his face. "What do you two want?" The larger man asked impatiently. Marius and David both looked at him with a glare that would have frozen a flame. "What we want is none of your concern, sir." David told him tersely, finding his voice at last. Alara looked at David with renewed interest due to his stern comment. "Oh, O'Leary, leave them alone. You don't own me, or any other girl around here, so just shut up." Alara said to him. "I have a right to protect you from stalkers though, Alara. And these guys look shady anyways. Don't ya, buddy." O'Leary said halfway to Alara, finishing with a shove to David, not even looking at Marius, probably b/c he'd have to look up to do it. David said nothing, but caught O'Leary's hand before it made contact and slammed down on the arm, trapping it under his weight and forcing O'Leary to either follow his body or dislocate his shoulder. "What the hell!?" O'Leary grunted as they fell. David still said nothing, shooting around to O'Leary's backside and slapping the back of his head. David stood from a crouch then and watched O'Leary make his way up. Alara stood with Marius, her eyes wide and surprised that anyone could take O'Leary down so fast and easily. "Don't make me hurt you, sir. Just stop and calm down." David advised him from his stance. O'Leary snarled as he made his way to his feet and swung wildly at David. David again trapped the arm, this time differently as he spun, moving in towards O'Leary's body, and snapping the arm down over his shoulder, making it break with an audible crack. "AAGGH God! You broke my ******** arm, you a*****e!" O'Leary cried out. But the point was made. O'Leary staggered away with no more trace of a fight, and David stood there with contempt for the larger man on his face. Alara came up to David then and threw her arms around him in a big hug. "Oh my gods! I have never seen anyone even stand up to him like that before! You were great!" Alara said, praising David while he blushed about her being so close to him. "It....was nothing. He attacked me, so I defended myself." David said finally. Alara smiled and leaned into him, and whispered in his ear. "It was something....Something special. What's your name, cutie?" David started at that comment, and finally got out "My..name...mY name is David Chastaine." Alara smiled lasviciously at him. "Well, David. Maybe sometime we can hang out. I'd love to get to know you better." Alara said as she turned to go. She blew him a kiss before he could make anything else out and walked away. Marius waved his hand in front of David's eyes. "Hey, she's long gone now...You can stop watching her leave, you know." Marius said with a wry smile. David looked as if he'd been given a new lease on life. "Yes, but it's so nice to see her walking away....almost as good as seeing her walk towards you." David commented, the flush out of his cheeks and his head clear once more.
He walked around a while, and then David stopped for food. He had been there about a month at this point, waiting for Marius to return. Alara, on the other hand, seen him walking around and watched David intently. It was when Marius walked away from David and left that she decided that she would talk to him again, almost a month before. She had talked to David off and on during that month, and David had been very helpful....and very straight forward. She smiled with the memory and walked into the resturaunt and slid into the seat next to him. "Hey there, handsome. Care for some company?" Alara said to him with a warm smile. David looked up from his food, his thoughts had fell away. It was of what Marius had said to him. "I need to do some things. I'll not be long...but this advice I leave to you. No matter how alluring she is, No matter how much you love her...DO NOT have sex or do anything else like that with Alara. To do so now would upset the flow of time!" Marius's words echoed in David's mind. It was after it was determined that Alara was actually his soulmate and wife in the future, and that somehow, they had went back to her past. So them being there at all, despite being there via David's 'Continuum' power, wasn't technically supposed to be. It was good advice Marius had leveled at David...problem is, how do you convince someone who is attracted to you that? David looked at Alara again, as she was studying his eyes. "What's up? You look down or something. Is it your friend?" Alara asked, concerned. "No, just something he told me before taking off a while back. Nothing to worry about." David assured her with a smile. Alara returned his smile with her pretty one, and then looked him over. "Say...would you like to come with me to my house? I would like to show you some stuff if you don't mind." Alara asked with a twinkle in her dark eyes. David flushed..."Sure...I'll come with you, I don't mind at all." David finally made out. Sure, he got used to talking with her, but that was when she didn't seem like she was flirting with him. David wasn't used to that, really. So they walked down the street, talking animatedly together. No one really bothered David after seeing O'Leary get what he got, although everyone agreed that he deserved it. So engaged in the conversation, David didn't notice that they had begun to go upstairs to her room, or that they had even made it to her house! It wasn't until Alara turned to him soberly and looked him in his eyes. David wanted to flinch away, but did not, held by her brown eyes pleading now in them. "David...let me ask you something?" Alara asked. David nodded sliently. "Do you find me attractive? I'm sure a guy like you has been with plenty of ladies...I was just wondering if you thought I was attractive." Alara asked him and she was beginning to strip her clothes off. David flushed heavily when he seen her doing that. "Well, of course I do Alara...You're the most beautiful woman I have ever met...." David trailed off as she had finished, and stood before him in just a white lacy bra and matching panties. Alara smiled at him, the same longing look in her eyes. "Well then David....Make love to me...be my first, please. I have never felt this way about any man before, and I want you to be the man who takes my virginity....because I love you." Alara blushed heavily, but she pressed her breasts together alluringly at David, and when he stared with a lump in his throat, she continued. "Please take me...make me yours...Don't you want me?" Alara continued, saying this to him took all of her courage. His indecision was worrying her, despite his compliments. "Alara...."David went to say something, but was interrupted by Alara's mother calling for her from downstairs. "COMING, MOM!" Alara hollered down to her, and hurriedly dressed. She looked back at David. "Don't you go anywhere, we're not done." Alara said to him and left the room. David heaved a sigh of relief. His emotions were stirred up so much by her, He remembered Marius's advice, but when she was standing there, it was so hard to resist the beautiful younger version of his soulmate. His head clearing, David ran and jumped out of Alara's open window. Luckily, there was no one looking and so he used Continuum to keep him from splattering on the ground below. Alara re-entered the room, and cast about with tears beginning to form in her eyes. Defeated, she set down on her bed and cried. Marius returned from his meditations shortly thereafter, which was a journey through where he was to where he is now. He gained clarity as to what his next move should be. David turned him around and kicked him square in the bottom. "Ow! What the hell was that for?" Marius asked. David glared at him and told him the story of while he was gone. Marius laughed....which gained him another punt to the butt. "Come on. We should get moving before you cause another incident." Marius suggested and motioned like he was making a door. David got what he meant and scowled. However, he still formed up the continuum door for them and they walked through it. They walked out into a huge battleground....the dead and the dying laid everywhere. Marius and David were undeterred however. They walked to the woods surrounding the huge fields of death. As they looked around for a clearing, a arrow whistled through the trees at Marius.
- by Fatal Namine |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 02/14/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: The Castle Book I
- Artist: Fatal Namine
- Description: This is the first book of my multi book series The Castle. It is titled The Swordsman, The Gunman, and The Ties That Bind-(RESPECT)
- Date: 02/14/2009
- Tags: castle book
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Comments (1 Comments)
- empty_set625 - 03/31/2009
- WoW sooooo goood biggrin when is the next book comming out ^^
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