• Okay! Hi there! I'm Candy! Alrighty everyone! This is alcoholics anonymous! Alrighty, yes sirree! Now stand up and tell us who you are! Okay, you first mr... Brown! Yes, well... no I'm pretty sure that's across the hall... no I don't want to see it. Yes, I'm sure it is common and it happens to everyone... Lovely. Thank you for sharing... Okay, next we have Ms... Powm? Okay, um... I can't understand your accent. No I'm not racist! Err... okay... please come back? Um... Mr... Fardal? Oh, you're Oirish! No, I'm not insulting you... my mother? Leave at once! Honestly! Now, I.P. Freely? Okay who wrote this list? What a ridiculous prank! Oh... you're I.P. Freely? Sorry? What, undercover policeman? No! Don't take me away! I am certainly not drunk! No! A.A. MEETING DISMISSED!